path: root/content/posts/revive-euer-blog.rst
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Diffstat (limited to 'content/posts/revive-euer-blog.rst')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/content/posts/revive-euer-blog.rst b/content/posts/revive-euer-blog.rst
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+++ b/content/posts/revive-euer-blog.rst
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+Revive this Blog
+:date: 2013-02-17 14:26
+:tags: openssh, dropbear
+2 years ago i lost this blog in an unexpected VPS shutdown and of course i had
+no backups (duh!) and had not used any kind of version management.
+Thanks to at least the content of the blog left intact. I guess
+that's why it is sometimes called **'The WaybackUp Machine'**.
+My old blog can be found at
+ and
+even the rss feed is intact.
+The old blog was created using **octopress**, a static site generator written in
+ruby. Because the markdown files were essentially lost i thought it is time to
+try out something new.
+I chose **pelican**, a static site generator written in python because in a
+worst-case scenario i could fix the python code. I will also test out
+reStructured Text instead of Markdown.
+Installation of pelican
+.. code-block:: bash
+ #?/bin/sh
+ virtualenv my-blog
+ cd my-blog
+ . bin/activate
+ pip install pelican
+ pelican-quickstart
+ ...
+Importing RSS
+Pelican supports importing old rss feeds.
+I tried importing the rss feed but besides the date and title of
+the post and the date the markup was pretty much broken, the code with line
+numbering resulted in a broken <pre>-table. This happens for rst and markdown
+In addition the importer uses pandoc, a haskell markup transformer which is
+with all dependencies like 100mb in size.
+For the records here is what was needed:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ #? /bin/sh
+ . bin/activate
+ yaourt -Sy aur/pandoc-static
+ pelican-import --feed -o content/posts
+ # cleanup all the posts in content/posts
+Configure pelican
+Pelican needs to be configured in ````:
+.. code-block:: python
+ AUTHOR = 'makefu'
+ SITENAME = 'only code is pure'
+ # rss feed to be built
+ FEED_ALL_ATOM = 'feeds/all.atom.xml'
+ # for RSS in the headline
+ MENUITEMS = (( 'RSS', '/feeds/all.atom.xml'),)
+ # add robots.txt
+ STATIC_PATHS = [ 'extra/robots.txt', ]
+ EXTRA_PATH_METADATA = { 'extra/robots.txt': {'path': 'robots.txt'}, }
+ # twitter link
+ SOCIAL = (('@makefoo', '') ,)
+ # add disqus comments
+ # all the other lines of config
+Configure themes
+Themes need to be retrieved separately.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ #? /bin/sh
+ # omit --recursive for a subset, gum is in the core
+ git clone --recursive themes
+ # add the theme line to pelicanconf
+ echo 'THEME="themes/gum"' >>