diff options
authormakefu <>2021-09-05 21:34:44 +0200
committermakefu <>2021-09-05 21:34:44 +0200
commit7cf2e992f7eb1b90549a80f1a6526f0518d0298b (patch)
parent357a021c94dd67be170139b6d9da805adb238ebc (diff)
parent06e751c4bbbe4812d6b8c4cf0a964098a68e7b50 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'lass/master'
5 files changed, 93 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/krebs/1systems/puyak/config.nix b/krebs/1systems/puyak/config.nix
index 2f122f6ff..ce355998f 100644
--- a/krebs/1systems/puyak/config.nix
+++ b/krebs/1systems/puyak/config.nix
@@ -115,6 +115,9 @@
## Collect local statistics via collectd and send to collectd
+ ## shackie irc bot
+ <stockholm/krebs/2configs/shack/reaktor.nix>
]; = config.krebs.hosts.puyak;
@@ -124,7 +127,6 @@
loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;
initrd.luks.devices.luksroot.device = "/dev/sda3";
- initrd.luks.cryptoModules = [ "aes" "sha512" "sha1" "xts" ];
initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "xhci_hcd" "ehci_pci" "ahci" "usb_storage" ];
kernelModules = [ "kvm-intel" ];
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/reaktor.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/reaktor.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40c121299
--- /dev/null
+++ b/krebs/2configs/shack/reaktor.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+ krebs.reaktor2.shackie = {
+ hostname = "";
+ port = "6697";
+ nick = "shackie";
+ API.listen = "inet://";
+ plugins = [
+ {
+ plugin = "register";
+ config = {
+ channels = [
+ "#shackspace"
+ ];
+ };
+ }
+ ];
+ };
diff --git a/krebs/5pkgs/haskell/brockman/default.nix b/krebs/5pkgs/haskell/brockman/default.nix
index ef9f36217..d3dbcd89c 100644
--- a/krebs/5pkgs/haskell/brockman/default.nix
+++ b/krebs/5pkgs/haskell/brockman/default.nix
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
mkDerivation rec {
pname = "brockman";
- version = "3.4.5";
+ version = "4.0.1";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "kmein";
repo = "brockman";
rev = version;
- sha256 = "1q56ibgijcz6fgd60h0d1f2020l4n2i2nh98yaq95zhzwg0qsciy";
+ sha256 = "0hppgban8hfyhn4c8qgm8j7ml6jaa35pjgrv3k3q27ln71wnr8rz";
isLibrary = false;
isExecutable = true;
diff --git a/lass/1systems/prism/config.nix b/lass/1systems/prism/config.nix
index 421afab2a..6ce4332da 100644
--- a/lass/1systems/prism/config.nix
+++ b/lass/1systems/prism/config.nix
@@ -7,11 +7,12 @@ with import <stockholm/lib>;
+ <stockholm/lass/2configs/websites/lassulus.nix>
+ <stockholm/lass/2configs/telegraf.nix>
services.nginx.enable = true;
imports = [
- <stockholm/lass/2configs/websites/lassulus.nix>
# needed by domsen.nix ^^
lass.usershadow = {
diff --git a/lass/2configs/telegraf.nix b/lass/2configs/telegraf.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f46cd721
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lass/2configs/telegraf.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+ isVM = lib.any (mod: mod == "xen-blkfront" || mod == "virtio_console") config.boot.initrd.kernelModules;
+in {
+ krebs.iptables.tables.filter.INPUT.rules = [
+ { predicate = "-i retiolum -p tcp --dport 9273"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
+ ];
+ = [ pkgs.nvme-cli ];
+ services.telegraf = {
+ enable = true;
+ extraConfig = {
+ agent.interval = "60s";
+ inputs = {
+ prometheus.metric_version = 2;
+ kernel_vmstat = { };
+ # smart = lib.mkIf (!isVM) {
+ # path = pkgs.writeShellScript "smartctl" ''
+ # exec /run/wrappers/bin/sudo ${pkgs.smartmontools}/bin/smartctl "$@"
+ # '';
+ # };
+ system = { };
+ mem = { };
+ file = [{
+ data_format = "influx";
+ file_tag = "name";
+ files = [ "/var/log/telegraf/*" ];
+ }] ++ lib.optional (lib.any (fs: fs == "ext4") config.boot.supportedFilesystems) {
+ name_override = "ext4_errors";
+ files = [ "/sys/fs/ext4/*/errors_count" ];
+ data_format = "value";
+ };
+ exec = lib.optionalAttrs (lib.any (fs: fs == "zfs") config.boot.supportedFilesystems) {
+ ## Commands array
+ commands = [
+ (pkgs.writeScript "zpool-health" ''
+ #!${pkgs.gawk}/bin/awk -f
+ while ("${pkgs.zfs}/bin/zpool status" | getline) {
+ if ($1 ~ /pool:/) { printf "zpool_status,name=%s ", $2 }
+ if ($1 ~ /state:/) { printf " state=\"%s\",", $2 }
+ if ($1 ~ /errors:/) {
+ if (index($2, "No")) printf "errors=0i\n"; else printf "errors=%di\n", $2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ '')
+ ];
+ data_format = "influx";
+ };
+ systemd_units = { };
+ swap = { };
+ disk.tagdrop = {
+ fstype = [ "tmpfs" "ramfs" "devtmpfs" "devfs" "iso9660" "overlay" "aufs" "squashfs" ];
+ device = [ "rpc_pipefs" "lxcfs" "nsfs" "borgfs" ];
+ };
+ diskio = { };
+ };
+ outputs.prometheus_client = {
+ listen = ":9273";
+ metric_version = 2;
+ };
+ };
+ };