2018-11-20 01:32:04 +01:00

226 lines
8 KiB

with import <stockholm/lib>;
{ pkgs, ... }:
msmtprc = pkgs.writeText "msmtprc" ''
logfile ~/.msmtp.log
account prism
host prism.r
account c-base
port 465
tls on
tls_starttls off
tls_fingerprint 8C:10:A6:AB:1F:82:C4:8F:B1:B4:22:D5:8B:8B:49:9B:59:0B:22:A4
auth on
user lassulus
passwordeval pass show c-base/pass
account default: prism
msmtp = pkgs.writeBashBin "msmtp" ''
${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/tee >(${pkgs.notmuch}/bin/notmuch insert +sent) | \
${pkgs.msmtp}/bin/msmtp -C ${msmtprc} "$@"
mailcap = pkgs.writeText "mailcap" ''
text/html; ${pkgs.elinks}/bin/elinks -dump ; copiousoutput;
mailboxes = {
afra = [ "" ];
c-base = [ "" ];
coins = [
dezentrale = [ "" ];
dhl = [ "" ];
eloop = [ "" ];
github = [ "" ];
gmail = [ "" "" "" ];
india = [ "" ];
kaosstuff = [ "" "" "" ];
lugs = [ "" ];
meetup = [ "" ];
nix = [ "" "" ];
patreon = [ "" ];
paypal = [ "" ];
ptl = [ "" ];
retiolum = [ "to:lass@mors.r" ];
security = [ "" "to:bugtraq" "" ];
shack = [ "" ];
steam = [ "" ];
tinc = [ "" "" ];
wireguard = [ "to:wireguard@lists.zx2c4" ];
zzz = [ "" "" ];
tag-new-mails = pkgs.writeDashBin "nm-tag-init" ''
${pkgs.notmuch}/bin/notmuch new
${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (i: ''${pkgs.notmuch}/bin/notmuch tag -inbox +${} -- tag:inbox ${concatMapStringsSep " or " (f: "${f}") i.value}'') (mapAttrsToList nameValuePair mailboxes)}
tag-old-mails = pkgs.writeDashBin "nm-tag-old" ''
${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (i: ''${pkgs.notmuch}/bin/notmuch tag -inbox -archive +${} -- ${concatMapStringsSep " or " (f: "${f}") i.value}'') (mapAttrsToList nameValuePair mailboxes)}
muttrc = pkgs.writeText "muttrc" ''
# gpg
source ${pkgs.neomutt}/share/doc/neomutt/samples/gpg.rc
set pgp_use_gpg_agent = yes
set pgp_sign_as = 0xDC2A43EF4F11E854B44D599A89E82952976A7E4D
set crypt_autosign = yes
set crypt_replyencrypt = yes
set crypt_verify_sig = yes
set pgp_verify_command = "gpg --no-verbose --batch --output - --verify %s %f"
macro index \Cv \
"<enter-command> set my_crypt_verify_sig=\$crypt_verify_sig<enter> \
<enter-command> set crypt_verify_sig=yes<enter> \
<display-message><enter-command> set crypt_verify_sig=\$my_crypt_verify_sig<enter>" \
'Verify PGP signature and open the message'
macro pager \Cv \
"<exit><enter-command> set my_crypt_verify_sig=\$crypt_verify_sig<enter> \
<enter-command> set crypt_verify_sig=yes<enter> \
<display-message><enter-command> set crypt_verify_sig=\$my_crypt_verify_sig<enter>" \
'Verify PGP signature'
# read html mails
auto_view text/html
set mailcap_path = ${mailcap}
# notmuch
set nm_default_uri="notmuch://$HOME/Maildir" # path to the maildir
set nm_record = yes
set nm_record_tags = "-inbox me archive"
set virtual_spoolfile=yes # enable virtual folders
set sendmail="${msmtp}/bin/msmtp" # enables parsing of outgoing mail
set from=""
alternates ^.*@lassul\.us$ ^.*@.*\.r$
set use_from=yes
set envelope_from=yes
set reverse_name
set sort=threads
set index_format="${pkgs.writeDash "mutt-index" ''
recipent="$(echo $1 | sed 's/[^,]*<\([^>]*\)[^,]*/ \1/g')"
# output to mutt
# V
echo "%4C %Z %?GI?%GI& ? %[%y-%m-%d] %-20.20a %?M?(%3M)& ? %s %> $recipent %?g?%g?%"
# args to mutt-index dash script
# V
''} %r |"
virtual-mailboxes "INBOX" "notmuch://?query=tag:inbox"
virtual-mailboxes "Unread" "notmuch://?query=tag:unread"
${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (i: ''${" "}virtual-mailboxes "${}" "notmuch://?query=tag:${}"'') (mapAttrsToList nameValuePair mailboxes)}
virtual-mailboxes "TODO" "notmuch://?query=tag:TODO"
virtual-mailboxes "Starred" "notmuch://?query=tag:*"
virtual-mailboxes "Archive" "notmuch://?query=tag:archive"
virtual-mailboxes "Sent" "notmuch://?query=tag:sent"
virtual-mailboxes "Junk" "notmuch://?query=tag:junk"
virtual-mailboxes "All" "notmuch://?query=*"
tag-transforms "junk" "k" \
"unread" "u" \
"replied" "" \
"TODO" "T" \
# notmuch bindings
macro index \\\\ "<vfolder-from-query>" # looks up a hand made query
macro index + "<modify-labels>+*\n<sync-mailbox>" # tag as starred
macro index - "<modify-labels>-*\n<sync-mailbox>" # tag as unstarred
bind index d noop
bind pager d noop
bind index S noop
bind index s noop
bind pager S noop
bind pager s noop
macro index S "<modify-labels-then-hide>-inbox -unread +junk\n" # tag as Junk mail
macro index s "<modify-labels>-junk\n" # tag as Junk mail
macro pager S "<modify-labels-then-hide>-inbox -unread +junk\n" # tag as Junk mail
macro pager s "<modify-labels>-junk\n" # tag as Junk mail
bind index A noop
bind index a noop
bind pager A noop
bind pager a noop
macro index A "<modify-labels>+archive -unread -inbox\n" # tag as Archived
macro index a "<modify-labels>-archive\n" # tag as Archived
macro pager A "<modify-labels>+archive -unread -inbox\n" # tag as Archived
macro pager a "<modify-labels>-archive\n" # tag as Archived
bind index t noop
bind pager t noop
macro index t "<modify-labels>" # tag as Archived
# top index bar in email view
set pager_index_lines=7
# top_index_bar toggle
macro pager ,@1 "<enter-command> set pager_index_lines=0; macro pager ] ,@2 'Toggle indexbar<Enter>"
macro pager ,@2 "<enter-command> set pager_index_lines=3; macro pager ] ,@3 'Toggle indexbar<Enter>"
macro pager ,@3 "<enter-command> set pager_index_lines=7; macro pager ] ,@1 'Toggle indexbar<Enter>"
macro pager ] ,@1 'Toggle indexbar
# sidebar
set sidebar_width = 20
set sidebar_visible = yes # set to "no" to disable sidebar view at startup
color sidebar_new yellow default
# sidebar bindings
bind index <left> sidebar-prev # got to previous folder in sidebar
bind index <right> sidebar-next # got to next folder in sidebar
bind index <space> sidebar-open # open selected folder from sidebar
# sidebar toggle
macro index,pager ,@) "<enter-command> set sidebar_visible=no; macro index,pager [ ,@( 'Toggle sidebar'<Enter>"
macro index,pager ,@( "<enter-command> set sidebar_visible=yes; macro index,pager [ ,@) 'Toggle sidebar'<Enter>"
macro index,pager [ ,@( 'Toggle sidebar' # toggle the sidebar
mutt = pkgs.symlinkJoin {
name = "mutt";
paths = [
(pkgs.writeDashBin "mutt" ''
exec ${pkgs.neomutt}/bin/neomutt -F ${muttrc} $@
in {
environment.systemPackages = [
nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = opkgs: {
notmuch = (opkgs.notmuch.overrideAttrs (o: { doCheck = false; }));