{ lib, ... }: let inherit (lib) all any attrNames concatMapStringsSep concatStringsSep const filter flip genid_uint31 hasSuffix head importJSON isInt isString length mergeOneOption mkOption mkOptionType optional optionalAttrs optionals range splitString stringLength substring test testString typeOf; inherit (lib.types) addCheck attrsOf bool either enum int lines listOf nullOr path str submodule; in rec { host = submodule ({ config, ... }: { options = { name = mkOption { type = label; default = config._module.args.name; }; nets = mkOption { type = attrsOf net; default = {}; }; binary-cache.pubkey = mkOption { type = nullOr binary-cache-pubkey; default = null; }; ci = mkOption { description = '' If true, then the host wants to be tested by some CI system. See ‹stockholm/krebs/2configs/buildbot-all.nix› ''; type = bool; default = false; }; external = mkOption { description = '' Whether the host is defined externally (in contrast to being defined in ‹stockholm›). This is useful e.g. when legacy and/or adopted hosts should be part of retiolum or some other component. ''; type = bool; default = false; }; monitoring = mkOption { description = '' Whether the host should be monitored by monitoring tools like Prometheus. ''; type = bool; default = false; }; consul = mkOption { description = '' Whether the host is a member of the global consul network ''; type = bool; default = false; }; owner = mkOption { type = user; }; extraZones = mkOption { default = {}; # TODO: string is either MX, NS, A or AAAA type = attrsOf str; }; secure = mkOption { type = bool; default = false; description = '' If true, then the host is capable of keeping secret information. TODO define minimum requirements for secure hosts ''; }; ssh.pubkey = mkOption { type = nullOr ssh-pubkey; default = null; }; ssh.privkey = mkOption { type = nullOr ssh-privkey; default = null; }; syncthing.id = mkOption { # TODO syncthing id type type = nullOr str; default = null; }; }; }); net = submodule ({ config, ... }: { options = { name = mkOption { type = label; default = config._module.args.name; }; via = mkOption { type = # XXX break infinite recursion when generating manuals if config._module.args.name == "‹name›" then mkOptionType { name = "‹net›"; } else nullOr net; default = null; }; addrs = mkOption { type = listOf (either addr str); default = optional (config.ip4 != null) config.ip4.addr ++ optional (config.ip6 != null) config.ip6.addr; }; aliases = mkOption { # TODO nonEmptyListOf hostname type = listOf hostname; default = []; }; mac = mkOption { type = nullOr str; default = null; }; ip4 = mkOption { type = nullOr (submodule (ip4: { options = { addr = mkOption { type = addr4; }; prefix = mkOption ({ type = cidr4; } // { retiolum.default = ""; wiregrill.default = ""; }.${config._module.args.name} or { default = "${ip4.config.addr}/32"; }); prefixLength = mkOption ({ type = uint; } // { retiolum.default = 16; wiregrill.default = 16; }.${config._module.args.name} or { default = 32; }); }; })); default = null; }; ip6 = mkOption { type = nullOr (submodule (ip6: { options = { addr = mkOption { type = addr6; apply = lib.normalize-ip6-addr; }; prefix = mkOption ({ type = cidr6; } // { retiolum.default = "42:0::/32"; wiregrill.default = "42:1::/32"; }.${config._module.args.name} or { default = "${ip6.config.addr}/128"; }); prefixLength = mkOption ({ type = uint; } // { retiolum.default = 32; wiregrill.default = 32; }.${config._module.args.name} or { default = 128; }); }; })); default = null; }; ssh = mkOption { type = submodule { options = { port = mkOption { type = int; default = 22; }; }; }; default = {}; }; tinc = mkOption { type = let net = config; in nullOr (submodule ({ config, ... }: { options = { config = mkOption { type = str; default = concatStringsSep "\n" ( (optionals (net.via != null) (map (a: "Address = ${a} ${toString config.port}") net.via.addrs)) ++ (map (a: "Subnet = ${a}") net.addrs) ++ (map (a: "Subnet = ${a}") config.subnets) ++ [config.extraConfig] ++ [config.pubkey] ++ optional (config.pubkey_ed25519 != null) '' Ed25519PublicKey = ${config.pubkey_ed25519} '' ++ optional (config.weight != null) "Weight = ${toString config.weight}" ); defaultText = '' Address = ‹addr› ‹port› # for each ‹net.via.addrs› Subnet = ‹addr› # for each ‹net.addrs› ‹extraConfig› ‹pubkey› ''; }; pubkey = mkOption { type = tinc-pubkey; }; pubkey_ed25519 = mkOption { type = nullOr tinc-pubkey; default = null; }; extraConfig = mkOption { description = "Extra Configuration to be appended to the hosts file"; default = ""; type = lines; }; port = mkOption { type = int; description = "tinc port to use to connect to host"; default = 655; }; subnets = mkOption { type = listOf cidr; description = "tinc subnets"; default = []; }; weight = mkOption { type = nullOr int; description = '' global tinc weight (latency in ms) of this particular node. can be set to some high value to make it unprobable to be used as router. if set to null, tinc will autogenerate the value based on latency. ''; default = if net.via != null then null else 300; }; }; })); default = null; }; wireguard = mkOption { type = nullOr (submodule ({ config, ... }: { options = { port = mkOption { type = int; description = "tinc port to use to connect to host"; default = 51820; }; pubkey = mkOption { type = wireguard-pubkey; }; subnets = mkOption { type = listOf cidr; description = '' wireguard subnets, this defines how routing behaves for hosts that can't reach each other. ''; default = []; }; }; })); default = null; }; }; }); boundedInt = min: max: mkOptionType { name = "bounded integer"; check = x: isInt x && min <= x && x <= max; merge = mergeOneOption; }; lowerBoundedInt = min: mkOptionType { name = "lower bounded integer"; check = x: isInt x && min <= x; merge = mergeOneOption; }; positive = mkOptionType { inherit (lowerBoundedInt 1) check; name = "positive integer"; merge = mergeOneOption; }; uint = mkOptionType { inherit (lowerBoundedInt 0) check; name = "unsigned integer"; merge = mergeOneOption; }; secret-file = submodule ({ config, ... }: { options = { name = mkOption { type = pathname; default = config._module.args.name; }; path = mkOption { type = absolute-pathname; default = "/run/keys/${config.name}"; defaultText = "/run/keys/‹name›"; }; mode = mkOption { type = file-mode; default = "0400"; }; owner = mkOption { type = user; }; group-name = mkOption { type = str; default = "root"; }; service = mkOption { type = systemd.unit-name; default = "secret-${lib.systemd.encodeName config.name}.service"; defaultText = "secret-‹name›.service"; }; source-path = mkOption { type = str; default = toString <secrets> + "/${config.name}"; defaultText = "‹secrets/‹name››"; }; }; }); source = submodule ({ config, ... }: { options = { type = let known-types = attrNames source-types; type-candidates = filter (k: config.${k} != null) known-types; in mkOption { default = if length type-candidates == 1 then head type-candidates else throw "cannot determine type"; type = enum known-types; }; file = mkOption { apply = x: if absolute-pathname.check x then { path = x; } else x; default = null; type = nullOr (either absolute-pathname source-types.file); }; git = mkOption { default = null; type = nullOr source-types.git; }; pass = mkOption { default = null; type = nullOr source-types.pass; }; pipe = mkOption { apply = x: if absolute-pathname.check x then { command = x; } else x; default = null; type = nullOr (either absolute-pathname source-types.pipe); }; symlink = mkOption { type = nullOr (either pathname source-types.symlink); default = null; apply = x: if pathname.check x then { target = x; } else x; }; }; }); source-types = { file = submodule { options = { path = mkOption { type = absolute-pathname; }; }; }; git = submodule { options = { ref = mkOption { type = str; # TODO types.git.ref }; url = mkOption { type = str; # TODO types.git.url }; }; }; pass = submodule { options = { dir = mkOption { type = absolute-pathname; }; name = mkOption { type = pathname; # TODO relative-pathname }; }; }; pipe = submodule { options = { command = mkOption { type = absolute-pathname; }; }; }; symlink = submodule { options = { target = mkOption { type = pathname; # TODO relative-pathname }; }; }; }; suffixed-str = suffs: mkOptionType { name = "string suffixed by ${concatStringsSep ", " suffs}"; check = x: isString x && any (flip hasSuffix x) suffs; merge = mergeOneOption; }; user = submodule ({ config, ... }: { options = { home = mkOption { type = absolute-pathname; default = "/home/${config.name}"; defaultText = "/home/‹name›"; }; mail = mkOption { type = nullOr str; default = null; }; name = mkOption { type = username; default = config._module.args.name; }; pgp.pubkeys = mkOption { type = attrsOf pgp-pubkey; default = {}; description = '' Set of user's PGP public keys. Modules supporting PGP may use well-known key names to define default values for options, in which case the well-known name should be documented in the respective option's description. ''; }; pubkey = mkOption { type = nullOr ssh-pubkey; default = null; }; uid = mkOption { type = int; default = genid_uint31 config.name; defaultText = "genid_uint31 ‹name›"; }; }; }); group = submodule ({ config, ... }: { options = { name = mkOption { type = username; default = config._module.args.name; defaultText = "genid_uint31 ‹name›"; }; gid = mkOption { type = int; default = genid_uint31 config.name; defaultText = "genid_uint31 ‹name›"; }; }; }); addr = either addr4 addr6; addr4 = mkOptionType { name = "IPv4 address"; check = let IPv4address = let d = "([1-9]?[0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])"; in concatMapStringsSep "." (const d) (range 1 4); in test IPv4address; merge = mergeOneOption; }; addr6 = mkOptionType { name = "IPv6 address"; check = let # TODO check IPv6 address harder IPv6address = "[0-9a-f.:]+"; in test IPv6address; merge = mergeOneOption; }; cidr = either cidr4 cidr6; cidr4 = mkOptionType { name = "CIDRv4 address"; check = let CIDRv4address = let d = "([1-9]?[0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])"; in concatMapStringsSep "." (const d) (range 1 4) + "(/([1-2]?[0-9]|3[0-2]))?"; in test CIDRv4address; merge = mergeOneOption; }; cidr6 = mkOptionType { name = "CIDRv6 address"; check = let # TODO check IPv6 address harder CIDRv6address = "[0-9a-f.:]+(/([0-9][0-9]?|1[0-2][0-8]))?"; in test CIDRv6address; merge = mergeOneOption; }; binary-cache-pubkey = str; pgp-pubkey = str; sitemap.entry = submodule ({ config, ... }: { options = { desc = mkOption { default = null; type = nullOr str; }; href = mkOption { ${if testString "https?://.*" config._module.args.name then "default" else null} = config._module.args.name; type = nullOr str; # TODO nullOr uri? }; }; }); ssh-pubkey = str; ssh-privkey = submodule { options = { bits = mkOption { type = nullOr (enum ["4096"]); default = null; }; path = mkOption { type = either path str; apply = x: { path = toString x; string = x; }.${typeOf x}; }; type = mkOption { type = enum ["rsa" "ed25519"]; default = "ed25519"; }; }; }; tinc-pubkey = str; krebs.file-location = submodule { options = { # TODO user host = mkOption { type = host; }; # TODO merge with ssl.privkey.path path = mkOption { type = either path str; apply = x: { path = toString x; string = x; }.${typeOf x}; }; }; }; flameshot.color = either (addCheck str (test "#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}")) svg.color-keyword; file-mode = mkOptionType { name = "file mode"; check = test "[0-7]{4}"; merge = mergeOneOption; }; haskell.conid = mkOptionType { name = "Haskell constructor identifier"; check = test "[[:upper:]][[:lower:]_[:upper:]0-9']*"; merge = mergeOneOption; }; haskell.modid = mkOptionType { name = "Haskell module identifier"; check = x: isString x && all haskell.conid.check (splitString "." x); merge = mergeOneOption; }; # SVG 1.1, 4.4 Recognized color keyword names # # svg-colors.json has been generated with: # curl -sS https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/types.html#ColorKeywords | # fq -d html '[ # grep_by(.["@class"]=="color-keywords") | # grep_by(.["@class"]=="prop-value"and.["#text"]!="").["#text"] # ] | sort' # svg.color-keyword = enum (importJSON ./svg-colors.json) // { name = "SVG 1.1 recognized color keyword"; }; systemd.unit-name = mkOptionType { name = "systemd unit name"; check = x: test "^[0-9A-Za-z:_.\\-]+@?\\.(service|socket|device|mount|automount|swap|target|path|timer|slice|scope)$" x && stringLength x <= 256; merge = mergeOneOption; }; # RFC952, B. Lexical grammar, <hname> hostname = mkOptionType { name = "hostname"; check = x: isString x && all label.check (splitString "." x); merge = mergeOneOption; }; # RFC952, B. Lexical grammar, <name> # RFC1123, 2.1 Host Names and Numbers label = mkOptionType { name = "label"; # TODO case-insensitive labels check = test "[0-9A-Za-z]([0-9A-Za-z-]*[0-9A-Za-z])?"; merge = mergeOneOption; }; # POSIX.1‐2017, 3.190 Group Name groupname = mkOptionType { name = "POSIX group name"; check = filename.check; merge = mergeOneOption; }; # POSIX.1‐2017, 3.281 Portable Filename filename = mkOptionType { name = "POSIX portable filename"; check = test "[0-9A-Za-z._][0-9A-Za-z._-]*"; merge = mergeOneOption; }; # POSIX.1‐2017, 3.2 Absolute Pathname absolute-pathname = mkOptionType { name = "POSIX absolute pathname"; check = x: isString x && substring 0 1 x == "/" && pathname.check x; merge = mergeOneOption; }; # POSIX.1-2017, 3.271 Pathname pathname = mkOptionType { name = "POSIX pathname"; check = x: let # The filter is used to normalize paths, i.e. to remove duplicated and # trailing slashes. It also removes leading slashes, thus we have to # check for "/" explicitly below. xs = filter (s: stringLength s > 0) (splitString "/" x); in isString x && (x == "/" || (length xs > 0 && all filename.check xs)); merge = mergeOneOption; }; # POSIX.1-2017, 3.216 Login Name username = mkOptionType { name = "POSIX login name"; check = filename.check; merge = mergeOneOption; }; wireguard-pubkey = str; }