let nixpkgs-lib = import <nixpkgs/lib>; lib = with lib; nixpkgs-lib // builtins // { evalModulesConfig = modules: let eval = evalModules { inherit modules; }; in filterAttrsRecursive (name: _: !hasPrefix "_" name) eval.config; evalSource = import ./eval-source.nix; evalSubmodule = submodule: modules: let prefix = ["evalSubmodule"]; in evalModulesConfig [ { options = removeAttrs (submodule.getSubOptions prefix) ["_module"]; imports = modules; } ]; git = import ./git.nix { inherit lib; }; haskell = import ./haskell.nix { inherit lib; }; krebs = import ./krebs lib; krops = import ../submodules/krops/lib; shell = import ./shell.nix { inherit lib; }; systemd = { encodeName = replaceChars ["/"] ["\\x2f"]; }; types = nixpkgs-lib.types // import ./types.nix { inherit lib; }; uri = import ./uri.nix { inherit lib; }; xml = import ./xml.nix { inherit lib; }; # compose a list of functions to be applied from left to right, i.e. # compose :: [ (xm -> xn) ... (x1 -> x2) (x0 -> x1) ] -> x0 -> xn compose = foldl' (f: g: x: f (g x)) id; eq = x: y: x == y; ne = x: y: x != y; mod = x: y: x - y * (x / y); genid = lib.genid_uint32; # TODO remove genid_uint31 = x: ((lib.genid_uint32 x) + 16777216) / 2; genid_uint32 = import ./genid.nix { inherit lib; }; lpad = n: c: s: if lib.stringLength s < n then lib.lpad n c (c + s) else s; genAttrs' = names: f: listToAttrs (map f names); getAttrs = names: set: listToAttrs (map (name: nameValuePair name set.${name}) (filter (flip hasAttr set) names)); maybeHead = x: if isList x && length x > 0 then head x else null; packageName = pkg: pkg.pname or (parseDrvName pkg.name).name; test = re: x: isString x && testString re x; testString = re: x: match re x != null; toC = x: let type = typeOf x; reject = throw "cannot convert ${type}"; in { int = toJSON x; # close enough list = "{ ${concatStringsSep ", " (map toC x)} }"; null = "NULL"; set = if isDerivation x then toJSON x else reject; string = toJSON x; # close enough }.${type} or reject; indent = replaceChars ["\n"] ["\n "]; stripAttr = converge (filterAttrsRecursive (n: v: v != {} && v != null)); mapNixDir = f: x: { list = foldl' mergeAttrs {} (map (mapNixDir1 f) x); path = mapNixDir1 f x; }.${typeOf x}; mapNixDir1 = f: dirPath: let toPackageName = name: if test "^[0-9].*" name then "_${name}" else name; in listToAttrs (map (relPath: let name = removeSuffix ".nix" relPath; path = dirPath + "/${relPath}"; in nameValuePair (toPackageName name) (f path)) (attrNames (filterAttrs isNixDirEntry (readDir dirPath)))); isNixDirEntry = name: type: (type == "regular" && hasSuffix ".nix" name && name != "default.nix") || (type == "directory" && !hasPrefix "." name); # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5952 normalize-ip6-addr = let max-run-0 = let both = v: { off = v; pos = v; }; gt = a: b: a.pos - a.off > b.pos - b.off; chkmax = ctx: { cur = both (ctx.cur.pos + 1); max = if gt ctx.cur ctx.max then ctx.cur else ctx.max; }; incpos = ctx: recursiveUpdate ctx { cur.pos = ctx.cur.pos + 1; }; f = ctx: blk: (if blk == "0" then incpos else chkmax) ctx; z = { cur = both 0; max = both 0; }; in blks: (chkmax (foldl' f z blks)).max; group-zeros = a: let blks = splitString ":" a; max = max-run-0 blks; lhs = take max.off blks; rhs = drop max.pos blks; in if max.pos == 0 then a else let sep = if 8 - (length lhs + length rhs) == 1 then ":0:" else "::"; in "${concatStringsSep ":" lhs}${sep}${concatStringsSep ":" rhs}"; drop-leading-zeros = let f = block: let res = match "0*(.+)" block; in if res == null then block # empty block else elemAt res 0; in a: concatStringsSep ":" (map f (splitString ":" a)); in a: toLower (if test ".*::.*" a then a else group-zeros (drop-leading-zeros a)); hashToLength = n: s: substring 0 n (hashString "sha256" s); dropLast = n: xs: reverseList (drop n (reverseList xs)); takeLast = n: xs: reverseList (take n (reverseList xs)); # Split string into list of chunks where each chunk is at most n chars long. # The leftmost chunk might shorter. # Example: stringToGroupsOf "123456" -> ["12" "3456"] stringToGroupsOf = n: s: let acc = foldl' (acc: c: if stringLength acc.chunk < n then { chunk = acc.chunk + c; chunks = acc.chunks; } else { chunk = c; chunks = acc.chunks ++ [acc.chunk]; }) { chunk = ""; chunks = []; } (stringToCharacters s); in filter (x: x != []) ([acc.chunk] ++ acc.chunks); warnOldVersion = oldName: newName: if compareVersions oldName newName != -1 then trace "Upstream `${oldName}' gets overridden by `${newName}'." newName else newName; }; in lib // { inherit lib; }