{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with import ../../../lib/pure.nix { inherit lib; }; let pkg = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "muell_caller-2017-06-01"; src = pkgs.fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/shackspace/muell_caller/"; rev = "ee4e499"; sha256 = "0q1v07q633sbqg4wkgf0zya2bnqrikpyjhzp05iwn2vcs8rvsi3k"; }; buildInputs = [ (pkgs.python3.withPackages (pythonPackages: with pythonPackages; [ docopt requests paramiko python ])) ]; installPhase = '' install -m755 -D call.py $out/bin/call-muell ''; }; cfg = "${toString <secrets>}/tell.json"; in { systemd.services.call_muell = { description = "call muell"; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; serviceConfig = { User = "nobody"; # TODO separate user ExecStartPre = pkgs.writeDash "call-muell-pre" '' cp ${cfg} /tmp/tell.json chown nobody /tmp/tell.json ''; ExecStart = "${pkg}/bin/call-muell --cfg /tmp/tell.json --mode mpd loop 60"; PrivateTmp = true; PermissionsStartOnly = true; Restart = "always"; RestartSec = "15"; }; }; }