{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with import <stockholm/lib>; let { body = { nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = super: { cgit = pkgs.symlinkJoin { name = "${super.cgit.name}-tv"; paths = [ (pkgs.runCommand "${super.cgit.name}-tv-overrides" { } /* sh */ '' mkdir -p $out/lib/cgit/filters cd $out/lib/cgit/filters cp \ ${super.cgit}/lib/cgit/filters/syntax-highlighting.py \ ${super.cgit}/lib/cgit/filters/.syntax-highlighting.py-wrapped \ . sed -i "s:${super.cgit}:$out:" syntax-highlighting.py sed -i ' s:^\(formatter =\).*:\1 HtmlFormatter(style="algol_nu"): ' .syntax-highlighting.py-wrapped '') super.cgit ]; }; }; krebs.git = { enable = true; cgit = { settings = { about-filter = pkgs.exec "krebs.cgit.about-filter" rec { filename = "${pkgs.pythonPackages.markdown2}/bin/markdown2"; argv = [ filename "--extras=fenced-code-blocks" ]; envp = {}; }; readme = [ ":README.md" ]; root-desc = "mostly krebs"; root-title = "repositories at ${config.krebs.build.host.name}"; source-filter = "${pkgs.cgit}/lib/cgit/filters/syntax-highlighting.py"; }; }; repos = repos; rules = rules; }; }; cgit-clear-cache = pkgs.cgit-clear-cache.override { inherit (config.krebs.git.cgit.settings) cache-root; }; repos = public-repos // optionalAttrs config.krebs.build.host.secure restricted-repos; rules = concatMap make-rules (attrValues repos); public-repos = mapAttrs make-public-repo ({ } // mapAttrs (_: recursiveUpdate { cgit.section = "1. miscellaneous"; }) { dic = { cgit.desc = "dict.leo.org command line interface"; }; disko = { cgit.desc = "declarative partitioning and formatting tool"; }; flameshot-once = { cgit.desc = "flameshot runner that automatically starts/stops the daemon"; }; fswm = { cgit.desc = "simple full screen window manager"; }; htgen = { cgit.desc = "toy HTTP server"; }; krops = { cgit.desc = "deployment tools"; }; much = {}; netcup = { cgit.desc = "netcup command line interface"; }; nix-writers = { cgit.desc = "collection of package builders"; }; populate = { cgit.desc = "source code installer"; }; q = {}; reaktor2 = {}; regfish = {}; stockholm = { cgit.desc = "NixOS configuration"; }; with-ssh = {}; } // mapAttrs (_: recursiveUpdate { cgit.section = "2. Host configurations"; }) { ni = { }; } // mapAttrs (_: recursiveUpdate { cgit.section = "3. Haskell libraries"; }) { blessings = {}; hc = {}; mime = {}; quipper = {}; scanner = {}; wai-middleware-time = {}; web-routes-wai-custom = {}; xintmap = {}; xmonad-stockholm = {}; } // mapAttrs (_: recursiveUpdate { cgit.section = "4. museum"; }) { cac-api = { cgit.desc = "CloudAtCost API command line interface"; }; cgserver = {}; crude-mail-setup = {}; dot-xmonad = {}; hirc = {}; hstool = { cgit.desc = "Haskell Development Environment ^_^"; }; kirk = { cgit.desc = "IRC tools"; }; make-snapshot = {}; nixos-infest = {}; painload = {}; push = {}; Reaktor = {}; with-tmpdir = {}; get = {}; load-env = {}; loldns = { cgit.desc = "toy DNS server"; }; soundcloud = { cgit.desc = "SoundCloud command line interface"; }; }); restricted-repos = mapAttrs make-restricted-repo ( { brain = { collaborators = with config.krebs.users; [ lass makefu ]; hooks = { post-receive = /* sh */ '' (${irc-announce { cgit_endpoint = null; }}) ${cgit-clear-cache}/bin/cgit-clear-cache ''; }; }; } // # TODO don't put secrets/repos.nix into the store import <secrets/repos.nix> { inherit config lib pkgs; } ); irc-announce = args: pkgs.git-hooks.irc-announce (recursiveUpdate { channel = "#xxx"; # TODO make nick = config.krebs.build.host.name the default nick = config.krebs.build.host.name; server = "irc.r"; verbose = true; } args); make-public-repo = name: { cgit ? {}, ... }: { inherit cgit name; public = true; hooks = { post-receive = /* sh */ '' (${optionalString (config.krebs.build.host.name == "ni") (irc-announce {})}) ${cgit-clear-cache}/bin/cgit-clear-cache ''; }; }; make-restricted-repo = name: { collaborators ? [], hooks ? {}, ... }: { inherit collaborators name; public = false; hooks = hooks // { post-receive = /* sh */ '' (${hooks.post-receive or ":"}) ${cgit-clear-cache}/bin/cgit-clear-cache ''; }; }; make-rules = with git // config.krebs.users; repo: singleton { user = [ tv tv-xu ]; repo = [ repo ]; perm = push "refs/*" [ non-fast-forward create delete merge ]; } ++ optional (repo.collaborators or [] != []) { user = repo.collaborators; repo = [ repo ]; perm = fetch; }; }