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2018-03-20 17:38:26 +01:00
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
pkgsWithOverlay = import <nixpkgs-unstable> {
overlays = [
(import (builtins.fetchTarball {
2020-03-28 18:54:51 +01:00
url =;
# The emacs packages that I use
# I differ between
# - stable (Packages that I use for some time - happy with it)
# - unstable (Packages that I use for some time - but may drop)
# - testing (Packages that I try out - the new stuff)
emacsPkgs = epkgs:
(with epkgs.melpaPackages ;
2019-11-14 15:34:49 +01:00
2020-04-21 19:54:45 +02:00
## windows-purpose (testing)
[ window-purpose ] ++
## helm (stable)
# emacs completion engine
[ helm helm-ag ] ++
## deft (testing)
# text search for a directory
[ deft ] ++
## lsp mode (unstable)
# Language Server Protocol mode
# Used for rust
[ company-lsp dap-mode helm-lsp lsp-mode lsp-treemacs lsp-ui ] ++
## emacs convenience (stable)
# Mixed and general purpose
[ ag company direnv evil google-this spacemacs-theme ] ++
## common lisp (testing)
[ slime ] ++
## magit (stable)
[ magit ] ++
## bunch of programming languages (unstable)
[ go-mode haskell-mode nix-mode ] ++
## rust (unstable)
[ racer rust-mode ] ++
## python (stable)
# Python IDE for emacs
[ elpy ]) ++
## org-mode
# Org-Mode has several extensions
# and can be seen as an application of its own.
(with epkgs.melpaPackages ;
2019-11-14 15:34:49 +01:00
# testing
[ org-super-agenda org-bullets org-ql ] ++
# unstable
[ smex org-mime orgit ]
) ++
# stable
(with epkgs.orgPackages ;
[ org-plus-contrib ]) ++
2020-04-21 19:56:00 +02:00
# stable
(with epkgs.elpaPackages ;
[ bbdb which-key ]);
# ## EXWM related (unstable)
# epkgs.exwm
# epkgs.melpaPackages.desktop-environment
# epkgs.melpaPackages.helm-exwm
# ];
2019-11-14 15:34:49 +01:00
emacsWithOverlay = pkgsWithOverlay.emacsWithPackagesFromUsePackage {
2020-02-11 17:52:46 +01:00
config = builtins.readFile ./elisp/init.el;
2019-11-14 15:34:49 +01:00
# Package is optional, defaults to pkgs.emacs
package = pkgsWithOverlay.emacsGit;
# Optionally provide extra packages not in the configuration file
extraEmacsPackages = emacsPkgs;
2018-03-20 20:16:12 +01:00
myEmacs = pkgs.writeDashBin "my-emacs" ''
2020-04-14 20:42:06 +02:00
exec ${emacsWithOverlay}/bin/emacs -q "$@"
2018-03-20 20:16:12 +01:00
myEmacsWithDaemon = pkgs.writeDashBin "my-emacs-daemon" ''
2020-04-21 19:58:14 +02:00
exec ${emacsWithOverlay}/bin/emacs -q --daemon -l ${./elisp/init.el}
myEmacsClient = pkgs.writeDashBin "meclient" ''
exec ${emacsWithOverlay}/bin/emacsclient --create-frame "$@"
2018-03-20 17:38:26 +01:00
in {
environment.systemPackages = [
2020-02-11 17:52:46 +01:00
myEmacs myEmacsWithDaemon myEmacsClient emacsWithOverlay
2018-03-20 17:38:26 +01:00
2020-02-11 17:52:46 +01:00
2020-03-30 08:18:46 +02:00
## EXWM Config
# services.xserver = {
# enable = true;
# xkbOptions = "caps:super";
# exportConfiguration = true;
# displayManager.slim.enable = true;
# windowManager.default = "exwm";
# # Set up the login session
# windowManager.session = [{
# name = "exwm";
# start = "${emacsWithOverlay}/bin/emacs -q -l " + builtins.toString ./elisp/init.el;
# }];
# };
2018-03-20 17:38:26 +01:00