grep -- '- &' .sops.yaml | cut -d'&' -f2 | grep _host | sed 's/_host//' | xargs -n2 clan secrets machines add for i in secrets/*.yaml; do host=$(basename $i .yaml); clan secrets import-sops $i --machine $host --user makefu --prefix ${host}-;done for i in secrets/*.yaml; do host=$(basename $i .yaml) ;clan secrets groups add-machine common "$host";done
51 lines
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51 lines
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# Usage:
# NIX_PATH=secrets=/home/makefu/secrets/wry:nixpkgs=/var/src/nixpkgs nix-build -A users.makefu.pnp.config.system.build.vm
# result/bin/run-pnp-vm -virtfs local,path=/home/makefu/secrets/pnp,security_model=none,mount_tag=secrets
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
imports =
# these will be overwritten by qemu-vm.nix but will be used if the system
# is directly deployed
# config.system.build.vm
(toString <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/virtualisation/qemu-vm.nix>)
virtualisation.graphics = false;
# also export secrets, see Usage above
fileSystems = pkgs.lib.mkVMOverride {
"${builtins.toString <secrets>}" =
{ device = "secrets";
fsType = "9p";
options = [ "trans=virtio" "version=9p2000.L" "cache=loose" ];
neededForBoot = true;
krebs.Reaktor.debug = {
debug = true;
extraEnviron = {
# TODO: remove hard-coded server
REAKTOR_HOST = "irc.r";
plugins = with pkgs.ReaktorPlugins; [ stockholm-issue nixos-version sed-plugin ];
channels = [ "#xxx" ];
krebs.build.host = config.krebs.hosts.pnp;
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [