let unstable = (import <nixpkgs-unstable> {}).pkgs; in self: super: with super.lib; with builtins; let # This callPackage will try to detect obsolete overrides. callPackage = path: args: let override = super.callPackage path args; upstream = optionalAttrs (override ? "name") (super.${(parseDrvName override.name).name} or {}); in if upstream ? "name" && override ? "name" && compareVersions upstream.name override.name != -1 then trace "Upstream `${upstream.name}' gets overridden by `${override.name}'." override else override; eq = x: y: x == y; subdirsOf = path: mapAttrs (name: _: path + "/${name}") (filterAttrs (_: eq "directory") (readDir path)); in { quodlibet = super.pkgs.lib.overrideDerivation super.quodlibet (old: { doCheck = false; # 1 error because of warnings (possibly upstream) patches = [ ./custom/quodlibet/single-digit-discnumber.patch ./custom/quodlibet/remove-override-warning.patch ]; }); #rclone = super.pkgs.lib.overrideDerivation super.rclone (old: { # postInstall = old.postInstall + '' # $out/bin/rclone genautocomplete zsh _rclone # install -D -m644 _rclone $out/share/zsh/vendor-completions/_rclone # $out/bin/rclone genautocomplete bash _rclone # install -D -m644 _rclone $out/etc/bash_completion.d/rclone # ''; #}); # Hotfix for https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/157543 collectd = super.collectd.override { xen = null; }; alsa-hdspconf = callPackage ./custom/alsa-tools { alsaToolTarget="hdspconf";}; alsa-hdspmixer = callPackage ./custom/alsa-tools { alsaToolTarget="hdspmixer";}; alsa-hdsploader = callPackage ./custom/alsa-tools { alsaToolTarget="hdsploader";}; brother_ql_web = (builtins.getFlake "github:makefu/brother_ql_web?rev=a3f8625f48111da8cd6f8e562c966cdca445b82d").packages.x86_64-linux.default; qcma = super.pkgs.libsForQt5.callPackage ./custom/qcma { }; inherit (callPackage ./devpi {}) devpi-web ; jellyfin = unstable.jellyfin; jellyfin-web = unstable.jellyfin-web; nodemcu-uploader = super.pkgs.callPackage ./nodemcu-uploader {}; liveproxy = super.pkgs.python3Packages.callPackage ./custom/liveproxy {}; mediawiki-matrix-bot = super.pkgs.python3Packages.callPackage ./custom/mediawiki-matrix-bot {}; hydra-check = super.pkgs.python3Packages.callPackage ./custom/hydra-check {}; pwqgen-ger = super.pkgs.passwdqc-utils.override { wordset-file = super.pkgs.fetchurl { urls = [ https://gist.githubusercontent.com/makefu/b56f5554c9ef03fe6e09878962e6fd8d/raw/1f147efec51325bc9f80c823bad8381d5b7252f6/wordset_4k.c https://archive.org/download/nixos-stockholm-tarballs/pviar5j1gxiqcf3l34b4n2pil06xc8zf-wordset_4k.c ]; sha256 = "18ddzyh11bywrhzdkzvrl7nvgp5gdb4k1s0zxbz2bkhd14vi72bb"; }; }; } // (mapAttrs (_: flip callPackage {}) (filterAttrs (_: dir: pathExists (dir + "/default.nix")) (subdirsOf ./.)))