diff --git a/3modules/rtorrent.nix b/3modules/rtorrent.nix
index 2532e1f..98eb5f1 100644
--- a/3modules/rtorrent.nix
+++ b/3modules/rtorrent.nix
@@ -8,8 +8,11 @@ let
   nginx-user = config.services.nginx.user;
   nginx-group = config.services.nginx.group;
+  fpm-socket = "/var/run/php5-fpm-rutorrent.sock";
+  webdir = rucfg.webdir;
   rutorrent-deps = with pkgs; [ curl php coreutils procps ffmpeg mediainfo ] ++
-    (if config.nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree then
+    (if (config.nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree or false) then
       trace "enabling unfree packages for rutorrent" [ unrar unzip ] else
       trace "not enabling unfree packages for rutorrent because allowUnfree is unset" [])
@@ -34,7 +37,6 @@ let
       echo "replacing scgi port and host variable in conf/config.php"
-  fpm-socket = "/var/run/php5-fpm.sock";
   systemd-logfile = cfg.workDir + "/rtorrent-systemd.log";
   configFile = pkgs.writeText "rtorrent-config" ''
@@ -73,9 +75,12 @@ let
   out = {
     options.makefu.rtorrent = api;
-    config = lib.recursiveUpdate (lib.mkIf cfg.enable imp)
-           ( lib.recursiveUpdate (lib.mkIf cfg.web.enable rpcweb-imp)
-                                 (lib.mkIf cfg.rutorrent.enable rutorrent-imp));
+    # This only works because none of the attrsets returns the same key
+    config = with lib; mkIf cfg.enable (lib.mkMerge [
+      (lib.mkIf webcfg.enable rpcweb-imp)
+      (lib.mkIf rucfg.enable rutorrent-imp)
+      imp
+    ]);
   api = {
@@ -91,7 +96,7 @@ let
         description =''
           nginx listen address for rtorrent web
-        default = "localhost:8005";
+        default = "localhost:8006";
       enableAuth = mkEnableOption "rutorrent authentication";
@@ -225,38 +230,62 @@ let
   imp = {
-    systemd.services.rtorrent-daemon = {
-      description = "rtorrent headless";
-      after = [ "network.target" ];
-      wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
-      restartIfChanged = true;
-      serviceConfig = {
-        Type = "forking";
-        ExecStartPre = pkgs.writeDash "prepare-folder" ''
-          mkdir -p ${cfg.workDir} ${cfg.sessionDir}
-          touch ${systemd-logfile}
-          cp -f ${configFile} ${cfg.workDir}/.rtorrent.rc
-        '';
-        ExecStart = "${pkgs.tmux.bin}/bin/tmux new-session -s rt -n rtorrent -d 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:${makeBinPath rutorrent-deps} ${cfg.package}/bin/rtorrent'";
+    systemd.services = {
+      rtorrent-daemon = {
+        description = "rtorrent headless";
+        after = [ "network.target" ];
+        wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+        restartIfChanged = true;
+        serviceConfig = {
+          Type = "forking";
+          ExecStartPre = pkgs.writeDash "prepare-folder" ''
+            mkdir -p ${cfg.workDir} ${cfg.sessionDir}
+            chmod 770 ${cfg.workDir} ${cfg.sessionDir}
+            touch ${systemd-logfile}
+            cp -f ${configFile} ${cfg.workDir}/.rtorrent.rc
+          '';
+          ExecStart = "${pkgs.tmux.bin}/bin/tmux new-session -s rt -n rtorrent -d 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:${makeBinPath rutorrent-deps} ${cfg.package}/bin/rtorrent'";
-        # PrivateTmp = true;
-        ## now you can simply sudo -u rtorrent tmux a
-        ## otherwise the tmux session is stored in some private folder in /tmp
-        WorkingDirectory = cfg.workDir;
-        Restart = "on-failure";
-        User = "${cfg.user}";
+          # PrivateTmp = true;
+          ## now you can simply sudo -u rtorrent tmux a
+          ## otherwise the tmux session is stored in some private folder in /tmp
+          WorkingDirectory = cfg.workDir;
+          Restart = "on-failure";
+          User = "${cfg.user}";
+        };
-    };
-    systemd.services.rtorrent-log = {
-      after = [ "rtorrent-daemon.service" ];
-      bindsTo = [ "rtorrent-daemon.service" ];
-      wantedBy = [ "rtorrent-daemon.service" ];
-      serviceConfig = {
-        ExecStart = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/tail -f ${systemd-logfile}";
-        User = "${cfg.user}";
+      rtorrent-log = {
+        after = [ "rtorrent-daemon.service" ];
+        bindsTo = [ "rtorrent-daemon.service" ];
+        wantedBy = [ "rtorrent-daemon.service" ];
+        serviceConfig = {
+          ExecStart = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/tail -f ${systemd-logfile}";
+          User = "${cfg.user}";
+        };
-    };
+    } // (optionalAttrs webcfg.enable {
+      rutorrent-prepare = {
+        after = [ "rtorrent-daemon.service" ];
+        bindsTo = [ "rtorrent-daemon.service" ];
+        wantedBy = [ "rtorrent-daemon.service" ];
+        serviceConfig = {
+          Type = "oneshot";
+          # we create the folder and set the permissions to allow nginx
+          # TODO: update files if the version of rutorrent changed
+          ExecStart = pkgs.writeDash "create-webconfig-dir" ''
+            if [ ! -e ${webdir} ];then
+              echo "creating webconfiguration directory for rutorrent: ${webdir}"
+              cp -r ${rucfg.package} ${webdir}
+              chown -R ${cfg.user}:${nginx-group} ${webdir}
+              chmod -R 770 ${webdir}
+            else
+              echo "not overwriting ${webdir}"
+            fi
+          '';
+        };
+      };
+    })
+      // (optionalAttrs rucfg.enable { });
     users = lib.mkIf (cfg.user == "rtorrent") {
       users.rtorrent = {
@@ -264,6 +293,7 @@ let
         home = cfg.workDir;
         group = nginx-group;
         shell = "/bin/sh"; #required for tmux
+        isSystemUser = true;
         createHome = true;
       groups.rtorrent.gid = genid "rtorrent";
@@ -280,6 +310,9 @@ let
           auth_basic "rtorrent";
           auth_basic_user_file ${webcfg.authfile};
+        ${optionalString rucfg.enable ''
+          root ${webdir};
+        ''}
       locations = [
         (nameValuePair "/RPC2" ''
@@ -287,39 +320,7 @@ let
           scgi_param    SCRIPT_NAME  /RPC2;
           scgi_pass unix:${cfg.xmlrpc-socket};
-      ];
-    };
-  };
-  rutorrent-imp = let
-    webdir = rucfg.webdir;
-  in {
-    systemd.services.rutorrent-prepare = {
-      after = [ "rtorrent-daemon.service" ];
-      bindsTo = [ "rtorrent-daemon.service" ];
-      wantedBy = [ "rtorrent-daemon.service" ];
-      serviceConfig = {
-        Type = "oneshot";
-        # we create the folder and set the permissions to allow nginx
-        # TODO: update files if the version of rutorrent changed
-        ExecStart = pkgs.writeDash "create-webconfig-dir" ''
-          if [ ! -e ${webdir} ];then
-            echo "creating webconfiguration directory for rutorrent: ${webdir}"
-            cp -r ${rucfg.package} ${webdir}
-            chown -R ${cfg.user}:${nginx-group} ${webdir}
-            chmod -R 770 ${webdir}
-          else
-            echo "not overwriting ${webdir}"
-          fi
-        '';
-      };
-    };
-    krebs.nginx.servers.rtorrent = {
-      extraConfig = ''
-        root ${webdir};
-      '';
-      locations = [
+      ] ++ (optional rucfg.enable
         (nameValuePair "~ \.php$" ''
           client_max_body_size 200M;
           root ${webdir};
@@ -330,22 +331,20 @@ let
           include ${pkgs.nginx}/conf/fastcgi_params;
           include ${pkgs.nginx}/conf/fastcgi.conf;
-      ];
+      );
+  };
+  rutorrent-imp = {
     services.phpfpm = {
       # phpfpm does not have an enable option
-      poolConfigs  = let
-        user = config.services.nginx.user;
-        group = config.services.nginx.group;
-        fpm-socket = "/var/run/php5-fpm.sock";
-      in {
+      poolConfigs  = {
         rutorrent = ''
-          user =  ${user}
-          group =  ${group}
+          user =  ${nginx-user}
+          group =  ${nginx-group}
           listen = ${fpm-socket}
-          listen.owner = ${user}
-          listen.group = ${group}
+          listen.owner = ${nginx-user}
+          listen.group = ${nginx-group}
           pm = dynamic
           pm.max_children = 5
           pm.start_servers = 2
@@ -356,7 +355,6 @@ let
           php_admin_value[error_log] = 'stderr'
           php_admin_flag[log_errors] = on
           catch_workers_output = yes
-          env[PATH] = ${makeBinPath rutorrent-deps}