ma ham/zigbee2mqtt: configuration with discovery in mind
This commit is contained in:
@ -108,8 +108,7 @@ in {
sensors.monitored_conditions = [ "P1" "P2" ];
binary_sensor =
++ flurlicht.binary_sensor;
sensor = [
{ platform = "speedtest";
monitored_conditions = [ "ping" "download" "upload" ];
@ -162,8 +161,7 @@ in {
http = { };
switch =
switch = [];
automation =
++ kurzzeitwecker.automation
@ -40,279 +40,4 @@ in
entity = "firetv";
zigbee = let
prefix = "/ham/zigbee";
inherit prefix;
state = name: {
platform = "mqtt";
name = "zigbee ${name} connectivity";
state_topic = "${prefix}/${name}";
availability_topic = "${prefix}/bridge/state";
payload_on = true;
payload_off = false;
value_template = "{{ value_json.state }}";
device_class = "connectivity";
battery = name: {
platform = "mqtt";
name = "zigbee ${name} battery";
state_topic = "${prefix}/${name}";
availability_topic = "${prefix}/bridge/state";
unit_of_measurement = "%";
device_class = "battery";
value_template = "{{ value_json.battery }}";
linkquality = name: {
platform = "mqtt";
name = "zigbee ${name} linkquality";
state_topic = "${prefix}/${name}";
availability_topic = "${prefix}/bridge/state";
unit_of_measurement = "-";
value_template = "{{ value_json.linkquality }}";
temperature = name: {
platform = "mqtt";
name = "zigbee ${name} temperature";
state_topic = "${prefix}/${name}";
availability_topic = "${prefix}/bridge/state";
unit_of_measurement = "°C";
device_class = "temperature";
value_template = "{{ value_json.temperature }}";
humidity = name: {
platform = "mqtt";
name = "zigbee ${name} humidity";
state_topic = "${prefix}/${name}";
availability_topic = "${prefix}/bridge/state";
unit_of_measurement = "%";
device_class = "humidity";
value_template = "{{ value_json.humidity }}";
pressure = name: {
platform = "mqtt";
state_topic = "${prefix}/${name}";
name = "zigbee ${name} pressure";
availability_topic = "${prefix}/bridge/state";
unit_of_measurement = "hPa";
device_class = "pressure";
value_template = "{{ value_json.pressure }}" ;
click = name:
platform = "mqtt";
name = "zigbee ${name} click";
state_topic = "${prefix}/${name}";
availability_topic = "${prefix}/bridge/state";
icon = "mdi:toggle-switch";
value_template = "{{ }}";
contact = name: {
platform = "mqtt";
name = "zigbee ${name} contact";
state_topic = "${prefix}/${name}";
availability_topic = "${prefix}/bridge/state";
payload_on = false;
payload_off = true;
value_template = "{{ }}";
device_class = "door";
esphome =
temp = {host, topic ? "temperature" }:
platform = "mqtt";
name = "${host} Temperature";
device_class = "temperature";
unit_of_measurement = "°C";
icon = "mdi:thermometer";
state_topic = "${prefix}/${host}/sensor/${topic}/state";
availability_topic = "${prefix}/${host}/status";
payload_available = "online";
payload_not_available = "offline";
hum = {host, topic ? "humidity" }:
platform = "mqtt";
unit_of_measurement = "%";
icon = "mdi:water-percent";
device_class = "humidity";
name = "${host} Humidity";
state_topic = "${prefix}/${host}/sensor/${topic}/state";
availability_topic = "${prefix}/${host}/status";
payload_available = "online";
payload_not_available = "offline";
# copied from "homeassistant/light/fablab_led/led_ring/config"
led = {host, topic ? "led", name ? host}:
{ # name: fablab_led
# topic: led_ring
platform = "mqtt";
inherit name;
schema = "json";
brightness = true;
rgb = true;
effect = true;
effect_list = [ # TODO: may be different
"Color Wipe"
"Addressable Flicker"
state_topic = "${prefix}/${host}/light/${topic}/state";
command_topic = "${prefix}/${host}/light/${topic}/command";
availability_topic = "${prefix}/${host}/status";
payload_available = "online";
payload_not_available = "offline";
qos = 1;
# Feinstaub
dust_25m = { host, name ? "${host} < 2.5µm", topic ? "particulate_matter_25m_concentration" }:
platform = "mqtt";
unit_of_measurement = "µg/m³";
icon = "mdi:chemical-weapon";
inherit name;
state_topic = "${prefix}/${host}/sensor/${topic}/state";
availability_topic = "${prefix}/${host}/status";
dust_100m = {host, name ? "${host} < 10µm", topic ? "particulate_matter_100m_concentration" }:
platform = "mqtt";
unit_of_measurement = "µg/m³";
icon = "mdi:chemical-weapon";
inherit name;
state_topic = "${prefix}/${host}/sensor/${topic}/state";
availability_topic = "${prefix}/${host}/status";
ip = {host, name ? "${host} IP", topic ? "ip_address" }:
platform = "mqtt";
inherit name;
state_topic = "${prefix}/${host}/sensor/${topic}/state";
availability_topic = "${prefix}/${host}/status";
wifi = {host, name ? "${host} Wifi Signal", topic ? "wifi_signal" }:
platform = "mqtt";
unit_of_measurement = "dB";
icon = "mdi:wifi";
inherit name;
state_topic = "${prefix}/${host}/sensor/${topic}/state";
availability_topic = "${prefix}/${host}/status";
switch = {host, name ? "${host} Button", topic ? "btn" }:
# host: ampel
# name: Button 1
# topic: btn1
inherit name;
platform = "mqtt";
state_topic = "${prefix}/${host}/sensor/${topic}/state";
command_topic = "${prefix}/${host}/switch/${topic}/state";
availability_topic = "${prefix}/${host}/status";
tasmota =
plug = {host, name ? host, topic ? host}:
platform = "mqtt";
inherit name;
state_topic = "sonoff/stat/${topic}/POWER1";
command_topic = "sonoff/cmnd/${topic}/POWER1";
availability_topic = "sonoff/tele/${topic}/LWT";
payload_on= "ON";
payload_off= "OFF";
payload_available= "Online";
payload_not_available= "Offline";
retain = false;
qos = 1;
am2301 = { name, host, topic?host }:
[ { platform = "mqtt";
name = "${name} Temperatur";
state_topic = "${prefix}/${topic}/tele/SENSOR";
value_template = "{{ value_json.AM2301.Temperature }}";
unit_of_measurement = "°C";
{ platform = "mqtt";
name = "${name} Luftfeuchtigkeit";
state_topic = "${prefix}/${topic}/tele/SENSOR";
value_template = "{{ value_json.AM2301.Humidity }}";
unit_of_measurement = "%";
bme = { name, host, topic?host }:
[ { platform = "mqtt";
name = "${name} Temperatur";
state_topic = "${prefix}/${topic}/tele/SENSOR";
value_template = "{{ value_json.BME280.Temperature }}";
unit_of_measurement = "°C";
{ platform = "mqtt";
name = "${name} Luftfeuchtigkeit";
state_topic = "${prefix}/${topic}/tele/SENSOR";
value_template = "{{ value_json.BME280.Humidity }}";
unit_of_measurement = "%";
{ platform = "mqtt";
name = "${name} Luftdruck";
state_topic = "${prefix}/${topic}/tele/SENSOR";
value_template = "{{ value_json.BME280.Pressure }}";
unit_of_measurement = "hPa";
rgb = { name, host, topic?host }:
{ platform = "mqtt";
inherit name;
retain = false;
qos = 1;
optimistic = false;
# state
# TODO: currently broken, will not use the custom state topic
#state_topic = "${prefix}/${topic}/stat/POWER";
state_topic = "${prefix}/${topic}/stat/POWER";
command_topic = "${prefix}/${topic}/cmnd/POWER";
availability_topic = "${prefix}/${topic}/tele/LWT";
payload_on= "ON";
payload_off= "OFF";
payload_available= "Online";
payload_not_available= "Offline";
# brightness
brightness_state_topic = "${prefix}/${topic}/stat/Dimmer";
brightness_command_topic = "${prefix}/${topic}/cmnd/Dimmer";
brightness_value_template = "{{ value_json.Dimmer }}";
brightness_scale = 100;
# color
rgb_state_topic = "${prefix}/${topic}/stat/Color";
rgb_command_topic = "${prefix}/${topic}/cmnd/MEM1"; # use enabled rule
rgb_command_mode = "hex";
rgb_command_template = "{{ '%02x%02x%02x' | format(red, green, blue)}}";
# effects
effect_state_topic = "${prefix}/${topic}/stat/Scheme";
effect_command_topic = "${prefix}/${topic}/cmnd/Scheme";
effect_value_template = "{{ value_json.Scheme }}";
effect_list = [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ];
motion = { name, host, topic?host }:
{ platform = "mqtt";
device_class = "motion";
inherit name;
# TODO: currently broken, will not use the custom state topic
state_topic = "${prefix}/${topic}/stat/POWER";
payload_on = "ON";
payload_off = "OFF";
availability_topic = "${prefix}/${topic}/tele/LWT";
payload_available = "Online";
payload_not_available = "Offline";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
{config, pkgs, lib, ...}:
pkg = pkgs.callPackage ./zigbee2mqtt.nix { };
#users.users.z2m = {
# extraGroups = [ "dialout" ];
services.udev.extraRules = ''
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0451", ATTRS{idProduct}=="16a8", SYMLINK+="cc2531", MODE="0660", GROUP="dailout"
|||| = {
# wantedBy = ["" ];
# after = [ "" ];
# description = "Run zigbee2mqtt as daemon";
# environment.ZIGBEE2MQTT_DATA = "/var/lib/zigbee2mqtt";
# serviceConfig = {
# WorkingDirectory = ''${pkg}/lib/node_modules/zigbee2mqtt'';
# ExecStart = ''${pkgs.nodejs-12_x}/bin/node index.js'';
# StandardOutput = "inherit";
# StandardError = "inherit";
# Restart = "always";
# User = "z2m";
# StateDirectory = "zigbee2mqtt";
# #DeviceAllow = "/dev/cc2531 rw";
# };
Reference in a new issue