diff --git a/5pkgs/honeyd/default.nix b/5pkgs/honeyd/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dca35f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/5pkgs/honeyd/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+{ stdenv, lib, pkgs, fetchurl,fetchFromGitHub,
+  libpcap, libdnet, libevent, readline, autoconf, automake, libtool, zlib, pcre,
+  ... }:
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  name = "honeyd-${version}";
+  #version = "1.5c"; #original, does not compile due to libc errors
+  #src = fetchurl {
+  #  url = "http://www.honeyd.org/uploads/honeyd-${version}.tar.gz";
+  #  sha256 = "0vcih16fk5pir5ssfil8x79nvi62faw0xvk8s5klnysv111db1ii";
+  #};
+  #version = "64d087c"; # honeyd-1.6.7
+  #  sha256 = "0zhnn13r24y1q494xcfx64vyp84zqk8qmsl41fq2674230bn0p31";
+  version  = "c135fea08"; #nova-13.09
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "DataSoft";
+    repo = "honeyd";
+    rev = version;
+    sha256 = "1r9qds7a1yp3nkccwh3isrizpr2njhpf1m6qp3lqkj0i9c4w6x44";
+  };
+  buildInputs = with pkgs;[
+    automake
+    gnugrep
+    libpcap
+    libdnet
+    pcre
+    libevent
+    readline
+    autoconf
+    libtool
+    zlib
+    coreutils
+    python
+    pythonPackages.sqlite3
+  ];
+  patches = [ ./fix-autogen.patch ];
+  # removes user install script from Makefile before automake
+  preConfigure = ''
+    sed -i '/init.py$/d' Makefile.am
+    sh ./autogen.sh
+  '';
+  makeFlags = [ "LIBS=-lz" ];
+  configureFlags = [
+    "--with-libpcap=${libpcap}"
+    "--with-libevent=${libevent}"
+    "--with-zlib=${zlib}"
+    "--with-python"
+    "--with-libpcre=${pcre}"
+    "--with-libreadline=${readline}"
+  ];
+  meta = {
+    homepage = http://www.honeyd.org/;
+    description = "virtual Honeypots";
+    license = lib.licenses.gpl2;
+  };
diff --git a/5pkgs/honeyd/fix-autogen.patch b/5pkgs/honeyd/fix-autogen.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fccafa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/5pkgs/honeyd/fix-autogen.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+--- ./configure.in	2016-06-27 18:36:06.640779048 +0200
++++ ./configure.in	2016-06-27 18:34:53.968803854 +0200
+@@ -119,11 +119,11 @@
+      ;;
+   *)
+      AC_MSG_RESULT($withval)
+-     if test -f $withval/pcap.h -a -f $withval/libpcap.a; then
++     if test -f $withval/include/pcap.h -a -f $withval/lib/libpcap.so; then
+         owd=`pwd`
+         if cd $withval; then withval=`pwd`; cd $owd; fi
+-	PCAPINC="-I$withval -I$withval/bpf"
+-	PCAPLIB="-L$withval -lpcap"
++	PCAPINC="-I$withval/include -I$withval/include/bpf"
++	PCAPLIB="-L$withval/lib -lpcap"
+      else
+         AC_ERROR(pcap.h or libpcap.a not found in $withval)
+      fi
+@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
+         if cd $withval; then withval=`pwd`; cd $owd; fi
+         EVENTINC="-I$withval"
+         EVENTLIB="-L$withval -levent"
+-     elif test -f $withval/include/event.h -a -f $withval/lib/libevent.a; then
++     elif test -f $withval/include/event.h -a -f $withval/lib/libevent.so; then
+         owd=`pwd`
+         if cd $withval; then withval=`pwd`; cd $owd; fi
+ 	EVENTINC="-I$withval/include"
+@@ -354,12 +354,12 @@
+      ;;
+   *)
+      AC_MSG_RESULT($withval)
+-     if test -f $withval/readline/readline.h -a -f $withval/libreadline.a; then
++     if test -f $withval/include/readline/readline.h -o -f $withval/lib/libreadline.so; then
+         owd=`pwd`
+         if cd $withval; then withval=`pwd`; cd $owd; fi
+ 	AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBREADLINE, 1, [Define if you have libreadline])
+-        EDITINC="-I$withval"
+-        EDITLIB="-L$withval -lreadline"
++        EDITINC="-I$withval/include"
++        EDITLIB="-L$withval/lib -lreadline"
+      else
+         AC_ERROR(readline/readline.h or libreadline.a not found in $withval)
+      fi