ma bureautomation: add 10h timers for all participants
move into combination folders, fix mittagessen, add working tts with random output
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
{ alias = "start Felix 10h";
trigger = {
platform = "state";
entity_id = [ "device_tracker.felix_phone" "device_tracker.felix_laptop" ];
from = "not_home";
to = "home";
condition = {
condition = "and";
conditions = [
condition = "state";
entity_id = "timer.felix_10h";
state = "idle";
condition = "time";
after = "06:00:00";
before = "12:00:00";
action = [
{ service = "timer.start";
entity_id = [ "timer.felix_10h" "timer.felix_8_30h" "timer.felix_7h" ] ;
{ service = "homeassistant.turn_on";
entity_id = [
{ service = "light.turn_on";
data = {
effect = "2";
entity_id = [ "light.status_felix" ];
{ alias = "Disable Felix timer at button press";
trigger = {
platform = "state";
entity_id = "binary_sensor.redbutton";
to = "on";
condition = {
condition = "and";
conditions = [
condition = "state";
entity_id = "timer.felix_10h";
state = "active";
condition = "time";
after = "12:00:00";
before = "22:00:00";
action =
service = "timer.cancel";
entity_id = [ "timer.felix_10h" "timer.felix_8_30h" "timer.felix_7h" ];
service = "homeassistant.turn_on";
entity_id = [ "script.buzz_red_led_fast" ];
service = "homeassistant.turn_off";
entity_id = [ "light.status_felix" ];
alias = "Genug gearbeitet Felix";
trigger =
platform = "event";
event_type = "timer.finished";
event_data.entity_id = "timer.felix_7h";
action =
{ service = "light.turn_on";
data = {
rgb_color= [0 255 0];
# effect = "0";
entity_id = [ "light.status_felix" ];
alias = "nun aber nach hause";
trigger =
platform = "event";
event_type = "timer.finished";
event_data.entity_id = "timer.felix_8_30h";
action =
{ service = "light.turn_on";
data = {
rgb_color= [255 255 0];
# effect = "0";
entity_id = [ "light.status_felix" ];
alias = "Zu lange Felix!";
trigger =
platform = "event";
event_type = "timer.finished";
event_data.entity_id = "timer.felix_10h";
action =
service = "notify.telegrambot";
data = {
title = "Zu lange Felix!";
message = "Du bist schon 10 Stunden auf Arbeit, geh jetzt gefälligst nach Hause!";
service = "homeassistant.turn_on";
entity_id = [
{ service = "light.turn_on";
data = {
rgb_color= [255 0 0];
effect = "0";
entity_id = [ "light.status_felix" ];
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
service = "tts.google_say";
service = "tts.google_say";
entity_id = "media_player.kodi";
entity_id = "media_player.mpd";
data = {
data = {
message = "Willkommen in deinem Lieblingsbüro";
message = "Willkommen in deinem Lieblingsbüro";
language = "de";
language = "de";
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
service = "notify.telegrambot";
service = "notify.telegrambot";
data = {
data = {
title = "Bureau Startup";
title = "Bureau Startup";
message = "Willkommen {{ trigger.platform }}";
message = "Das Büro wurde eröffnet";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
{lib, ... }:
persons = [ "frank" "daniel" "thorsten" "carsten" "thierry" "ecki"
# "felix" # custom actions
random_zu_lange = name: ''{{ [
"Du musst jetzt endlich nach Hause gehen ${name}!",
"10 Stunden sind rum, bald schenkst du den Franzosen deine Lebenszeit",
"Nur eine Minute über 10 Stunden kann zu einer Stunde Arbeit für Thorsten werden, ${name}.",
"In 10 Minuten kommt dich der Security Mann holen, ${name}",
"Zu lange, ${name}!" ] | random }}'' ;
random_announce = name: ''{{ [
"Guten Tag ${name}!",
"${name} is in da House",
"Ahoi ${name}",
"Moinsen ${name}",
"Moin Moin ${name}",
"Palim, Palim ${name}",
"Vorwärts Genosse ${name}",
"Gemeinsame Grüße, Genosse ${name}",
"Sozialistische Grüße, Genosse ${name}",
"Konzentrierte Grüße, Genosse ${name}",
"Ach, der ${name} ist auch wieder da...",
"Nicht ${name} schon wieder",
"Tri tra tralala, der ${name} ist wieder da.",
"Na sieh mal einer an, ${name} hat es auch her geschafft",
"Wer ist im Büro eingetroffen? ${name} ist es!",
"Willkommen in deinem Lieblingsbüro, ${name}.",
"Klopf, Klopf, wer ist da? ${name} ist da!",
"Messer, Gabel, Schere, Licht sind für kleinen ${name} nicht.",
"Ich kenne ein Geheimnis, ${name} ist abgekommen",
"Wir sind ${name}. Sie werden assimiliert werden",
"Achtung, es erfolgt eine Durchsage. ${name} ist eingetroffen",
"Die Scanner haben eine dem System bekannte Lebensform mit dem Namen ${name} detektiert",
"Das Büro sieht dich, ${name}",
"Im Kalender von ${name} sind heute acht Meetings eingeplant, von denen zwei bereits verpasst wurden",
"Das Postfach von ${name} beinhaltet einhundertachtundzwanzig ungelesene E-Mails.",
"Nachricht von Serge: ${name}, bitte melden Sie sich Umgehend bei mir im Büro!",
"Luftqualität hat sich durch das Eintreffen von ${name} um zweihunder Punkte verschlechtert, bitte alle Fenster öffnen.",
"${name} arbeitet gern für seinen Konzern",
"${name} ist nur froh im Großraumbüro",
"Für ${name} ist die schönste Zeit ... die Arbeit",
"Ein Fleißbienchen für ${name} zum rechtzeitigen Erscheinen im Büro",
"${name} ist heute wohl doch nicht im Office Home",
"${name} ist bereit für einen Tag voller Meetings",
"Trotz schwerer Männergrippe ist ${name} heute im Büro erschienen.",
"${name} kenne keine Parteien mehr, ${name} kenne nur noch Arbeitsplätze",
"${name}, Frage nicht, was dein Arbeitsplatz für dich tun kann. Frage, was du für deinen Arbeitsplatz tun kannst",
"${name} läuft bis in den Jemen - für sein Unternehmen. ${name} schwimmt bis nach Birma - für meine Firma",
"Der Cyberian ${name} ist gekommen um die Bahnwelt vor Cyber-Angriffen zu schützen",
"Alles paletto im Ghetto, ${name}?",
"Hach, ${name}, wenn du hier rein kommst fühlt es sich gleich wieder an wie Montag.",
"Oh nein, nicht schon wieder ${name}",
"Wer wohnt in der Ananas ganz tief im Meer? ${name} Schwammkopf!",
"Arbeit ist Freizeit! Wachstum ist Fortschritt! Sicherheit ist Freiheit!",
"Willkommen ${name}"] | random }}'' ;
patterns = [
[1000 500 250] # TODO: maybe even play a short audio announcement?
[150 150 150]
[255 255]
[500 500 100]
[100 1000 100]
# [125 250 500]
tmr_10h = name: {
"${name}_10h" = {
name = "${name} 10h Timer";
duration = "10:00:00";
multi_flash = { entity, delays ? [ 500 ], alias ? "${entity}_multi_flash_${toString (lib.length delays)}" }:
inherit alias;
sequence = lib.flatten ( (delay: [
{ service = "homeassistant.turn_on";
data.entity_id = entity;
{ delay.milliseconds = delay; }
{ service = "homeassistant.turn_off";
data.entity_id = entity;
{ delay.milliseconds = delay; }
) delays);
buzz_user = name: delays: { "buzz_${name}" = (multi_flash {
entity = "light.redbutton_buzzer";
inherit delays;
alias = "Red Button Buzz ${name}";
zu_lange_user = name:
{ "announce_${name}" = {
alias = "Random Zu Lange ${name}";
sequence = [
{ service = "media_player.play_media";
data = {
entity_id = "media_player.mpd";
media_content_type = "playlist";
media_content_id = "ansage";
{ delay.seconds = 5; }
{ service = "tts.google_say";
entity_id = "media_player.mpd";
data_template = {
message = random_zu_lange name;
language = "de";
announce_user = name:
{ "announce_${name}" = {
alias = "Random Announce ${name}";
sequence = [
{ delay.seconds = 10; }
{ service = "media_player.play_media";
data = {
entity_id = "media_player.mpd";
media_content_type = "playlist";
media_content_id = "ansage";
{ delay.seconds = 5; }
{ service = "tts.google_say";
entity_id = "media_player.mpd";
data_template = {
message = random_announce name;
language = "de";
automation_10h = name: [
{ alias = "start ${name} 10h";
trigger = {
platform = "state";
# TODO: ecki
entity_id = [ "device_tracker.${name}_phone"];
from = "not_home";
to = "home";
condition = {
condition = "and";
conditions = [
condition = "state";
entity_id = "timer.${name}_10h";
state = "idle";
condition = "time";
after = "06:00:00";
before = "12:00:00";
action = [
{ service = "timer.start";
entity_id = [ "timer.${name}_10h" ] ;
{ service = "homeassistant.turn_on";
entity_id = [
# "script.buzz_${name}"
alias = "Zu lange ${name}!";
trigger =
platform = "event";
event_type = "timer.finished";
event_data.entity_id = "timer.${name}_10h";
action =
{ service = "homeassistant.turn_on";
entity_id = [
timer =lib.fold lib.recursiveUpdate {}
(tmr_10h "felix")
{ felix_8_30h = {
name = "Felix 8_30h Timer";
duration = "08:30:00";
felix_7h = {
name = "Felix 7h Timer";
duration = "07:00:00";
] ++ (map tmr_10h persons));
automation = lib.flatten (map automation_10h persons) ++
{ alias = "start Felix 10h";
trigger = {
platform = "state";
entity_id = [ "device_tracker.felix_phone" "device_tracker.felix_laptop" ];
from = "not_home";
to = "home";
condition = {
condition = "and";
conditions = [
condition = "state";
entity_id = "timer.felix_10h";
state = "idle";
condition = "time";
after = "06:00:00";
before = "12:00:00";
action = [
{ service = "timer.start";
entity_id = [ "timer.felix_10h" "timer.felix_8_30h" "timer.felix_7h" ] ;
{ service = "homeassistant.turn_on";
entity_id = [
# "script.buzz_felix"
service = "tts.google_say";
entity_id = "media_player.mpd";
data_template = {
message = "Willkommen, Felix!";
language = "de";
{ service = "light.turn_on";
data = {
effect = "2";
entity_id = [ "light.status_felix" ];
{ alias = "Disable Felix timer at button press";
trigger = {
platform = "state";
entity_id = "binary_sensor.redbutton";
to = "on";
condition = {
condition = "and";
conditions = [
condition = "state";
entity_id = "timer.felix_10h";
state = "active";
condition = "time";
after = "12:00:00";
before = "22:00:00";
action =
service = "timer.cancel";
entity_id = [ "timer.felix_10h" "timer.felix_8_30h" "timer.felix_7h" ];
service = "homeassistant.turn_on";
entity_id = [ "script.buzz_red_led_fast" ];
service = "homeassistant.turn_off";
entity_id = [ "light.status_felix" ];
alias = "Genug gearbeitet Felix";
trigger =
platform = "event";
event_type = "timer.finished";
event_data.entity_id = "timer.felix_7h";
action =
{ service = "light.turn_on";
data = {
rgb_color= [0 255 0];
# effect = "0";
entity_id = [ "light.status_felix" ];
alias = "nun aber nach hause";
trigger =
platform = "event";
event_type = "timer.finished";
event_data.entity_id = "timer.felix_8_30h";
action =
{ service = "light.turn_on";
data = {
rgb_color= [255 255 0];
# effect = "0";
entity_id = [ "light.status_felix" ];
alias = "Zu lange Felix!";
trigger =
platform = "event";
event_type = "timer.finished";
event_data.entity_id = "timer.felix_10h";
action =
service = "notify.telegrambot";
data = {
title = "Zu lange Felix!";
message = "Du bist schon 10 Stunden auf Arbeit, geh jetzt gefälligst nach Hause!";
service = "homeassistant.turn_on";
entity_id = [
# "script.buzz_felix"
{ service = "light.turn_on";
data = {
rgb_color= [255 0 0];
effect = "0";
entity_id = [ "light.status_felix" ];
script = lib.fold lib.recursiveUpdate {} (
(map (ab: buzz_user ab.fst ab.snd) (lib.zipLists persons patterns)) ++
(map (p: announce_user p) persons) ++
(map (p: zu_lange_user p) persons) ++
[ (announce_user "felix" ) (buzz_user "felix" [125 250 500] ) ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Combination Folder
files return a dictionary of different types used in home-assistant instead of
a single thing.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
{ lib, ... }:
# TODO: remove redundant code (from multi_blink) via lib
flash_entity = { entity, delay ? 500, count ? 4, alias ? "${entity}_blink_${toString count}_${toString delay}" }:
inherit alias;
sequence = lib.flatten (builtins.genList (i: [
{ service = "homeassistant.turn_on";
data.entity_id = entity;
{ delay.milliseconds = delay; }
{ service = "homeassistant.turn_off";
data.entity_id = entity;
{ delay.milliseconds = delay; }
) count);
# TODO: use influxdb and check if pommes
random_mittagessen = '' {{ [
"Es ist 12 uhr 30. Der Aramark Gourmettempel hat, wie jeden Tag, wieder die feinsten Köstlichkeiten für euch Vorbereitet",
"Heute bei Aramark: Rezepte aus Ländern, von denen Ihr noch nie gehört habt, Deutsch zubereitet",
"Heute bei Aramark im Angebot: Scheiss mit Reis oder Reste von Freitag",
"MHHHH es ist wieder mal so weit, lecker Bayerisch Kraut mit asiatischen Nudeln",
"Es ist 12 Uhr 30 und Heute gibt es Pommes - vielleicht",
"Heute gibt es Pommes - leider nicht einzeln zu verkaufen, da die Schälchen alle sind",
"Heute gibt es Pommes - verarscht! Natürlich gibt es nur salzlosen Reis, oder salzlose Nudeln.",
"Heute auf dem Speiseplan: Sushi vom Vortag",
"Aramark Kantinenessen: Der Hunger treibt es rein, der Geiz hält es drin.",
"Das Essen in der Snackeria sieht heute wie die bessere Alternative aus",
"Heute ist wohl wieder ein Beilagen-Tag",
"Lunch time! Good luck, you will need it!",
"Heute vielleicht lieber doch nur einen Salat?",
"Im Büro ist es eh gerade viel zu warm, also ab zur Kantine",
"Im Büro ist es eh gerade viel zu kalt, also ab zur Kantine",
"Heute scheint die Auswahl wieder sehr schwierig zu sein. Vielleicht doch lieber ein Brötchen mit Fleischkäse vom Bäcker beim Baumarkt?",
"Wer hat hier schon wieder ein Meeting auf 12 Uhr gelegt? Skandal!",
"Jetzt nur noch kurz die Mail fertig schreiben und schon kann es los gehen.",
"Es ist 13 Uhr und die Mittagspause ist bald vorbei .... Kleiner Scherz, es ist erst 12:30, aber Ihr hättet auch nicht wirklich etwas verpasst.",
"Hallo, es ist nun 12 Uhr 30! Dies entspricht der Essenszeit aller Büroinsassen. Bitte begebt euch zur Aramark Essensausgabe um euren menschlichen Bedürfnissen nachzukommen."] | random }}'';
in {
automation = [
{ alias = "Mittagessen";
trigger = {
platform = "time";
at = "12:30:00";
action = [
{ service = "homeassistant.turn_on";
entity_id = [
script = {
mittagessenlicht = (flash_entity {
entity = "switch.bauarbeiterlampe";
alias = "Bauarbeiterlampe Mittagessenlicht";
delay = 1000;
count = 5;
mittagessen_announce = {
alias = "Random Mittagessen announce";
sequence = [
service = "media_player.play_media";
data = {
entity_id = "media_player.mpd";
media_content_type = "playlist";
media_content_id = "ansage";
{ delay.seconds = 5; }
service = "tts.google_say";
entity_id = "media_player.mpd";
data_template = {
message = random_mittagessen;
language = "de";
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
kodi-host = "";
kodi-host = "";
ten_hours = import ./combination/10h_timers.nix { inherit lib; }; # provides: timer automation script
mittagessen = import ./combination/mittagessen.nix { inherit lib; }; # provides: automation script
in {
in {
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 8123 ];
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 8123 ];
state = [ "/var/lib/hass/known_devices.yaml" ];
state = [ "/var/lib/hass/known_devices.yaml" ];
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ in {
})).override {
})).override {
extraPackages = ps: with ps; [
extraPackages = ps: with ps; [
python-forecastio jsonrpc-async jsonrpc-websocket
python-forecastio jsonrpc-async jsonrpc-websocket mpd2
(callPackage ./gtts-token.nix { })
(callPackage ./gtts-token.nix { })
@ -42,6 +43,14 @@ in {
influxdb = {
database = "hass";
tags = {
instance = "wbob";
source = "hass";
mqtt = {
mqtt = {
broker = "localhost";
broker = "localhost";
port = 1883;
port = 1883;
@ -62,23 +71,10 @@ in {
switch = (import ./switch/tasmota_switch.nix) ++
switch = (import ./switch/tasmota_switch.nix) ++
(import ./switch/rfbridge.nix);
(import ./switch/rfbridge.nix);
light = (import ./light/statuslight.nix) ++
light = (import ./light/statuslight.nix) ++
(import ./light/buzzer.nix);
(import ./light/buzzer.nix);
timer = {
timer = ten_hours.timer;
felix_10h = {
name = "Felix 10h Timer";
duration = "10:00:00";
felix_8_30h = {
name = "Felix 8_30h Timer";
duration = "08:30:00";
felix_7h = {
name = "Felix 7h Timer";
duration = "07:00:00";
notify = [
notify = [
platform = "kodi";
platform = "kodi";
@ -97,8 +93,15 @@ in {
{ platform = "kodi";
{ platform = "kodi";
host = kodi-host;
host = kodi-host;
{ platform = "mpd";
host = "";
script = lib.fold lib.recursiveUpdate {} [
((import ./script/multi_blink.nix) {inherit lib;})
script = (import ./script/multi_blink.nix) {inherit lib;};
binary_sensor =
binary_sensor =
(import ./binary_sensor/buttons.nix) ++
(import ./binary_sensor/buttons.nix) ++
(import ./binary_sensor/motion.nix);
(import ./binary_sensor/motion.nix);
@ -134,7 +137,7 @@ in {
logbook = {};
logbook = {};
tts = [
tts = [
{ platform = "google";
{ platform = "google";
language = "de";
language = "de";
{ platform = "voicerss";
{ platform = "voicerss";
api_key = builtins.readFile <secrets/hass/voicerss.apikey>;
api_key = builtins.readFile <secrets/hass/voicerss.apikey>;
@ -162,8 +165,8 @@ in {
automation = [
automation = [];
switches = [
switches = [
@ -181,6 +184,7 @@ in {
# "person.thorsten"
# "person.thorsten"
# "person.felix"
# "person.felix"
# "person.ecki"
# "person.ecki"
@ -202,6 +206,7 @@ in {
# "binary_sensor.redbutton"
# "binary_sensor.redbutton"
@ -222,9 +227,10 @@ in {
# we don't use imports because the expressions do not merge in
# we don't use imports because the expressions do not merge in
# home-assistant
# home-assistant
automation = (import ./automation/bureau-shutdown.nix) ++
automation = (import ./automation/bureau-shutdown.nix) ++
(import ./automation/nachtlicht.nix) ++
(import ./automation/nachtlicht.nix) ++
(import ./automation/hass-restart.nix) ++
(import ./automation/hass-restart.nix) ++
(import ./automation/10h_timer.nix);
ten_hours.automation ++
device_tracker = (import ./device_tracker/openwrt.nix );
device_tracker = (import ./device_tracker/openwrt.nix );
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
{lib, ... }:
{lib, ... }:
# TODO: flash with different delay
# let an entity blink for X times with a delay of Y milliseconds
# let an entity blink for X times with a delay of Y milliseconds
flash_entity = { entity, delay ? 500, count ? 4, alias ? "${entity}_blink_${toString count}_${toString delay}" }:
flash_entity = { entity, delay ? 500, count ? 4, alias ? "${entity}_blink_${toString count}_${toString delay}" }:
@ -34,4 +36,10 @@ in {
count = 1;
count = 1;
alias = "blitz for 10 seconds";
alias = "blitz for 10 seconds";
schlechteluft = (flash_entity {
entity = "switch.bauarbeiterlampe";
alias = "Schlechte Luft Lampe 5 secs";
delay = 5000;
count = 1;
Reference in a new issue