diff --git a/content/wiki/knowledge_base.html b/content/wiki/knowledge_base.html index 53fa865..dc8c3b5 100644 --- a/content/wiki/knowledge_base.html +++ b/content/wiki/knowledge_base.html @@ -1792,6 +1792,14 @@ TODO
Type the text for 'No.de'
! generate a new certificate
+for example for unrealircd:
+openssl req -new -x509 -keyout temp.key -out server.cert.pem  -days 9001
+openssl rsa -in temp.key > server.key.pem
! Find Oracle Home
 should be, in most cases, right below {{{bin/sqlplus}}}
@@ -3070,6 +3078,17 @@ iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -o $device -j MASQUERADE
 #iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state NEW,INVALID -i $device -j DROP
! Disable one interface
+lsusb -t
+# syntax of the id:
+# <bus>-<port>.<port>.<port>...
+cd /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/1-1.6 ; echo 1 > remove
- to use with [[Duply]]
@@ -3203,19 +3222,20 @@ T0$ ifconfig at0 up && dnsmasq -d
 deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian squeeze main  non-free contrib
! basic install
-# we are using gpt, not mbr
-gdisk /dev/sda   
-# create a 2MB grub (EF02) partition and the rest as linux partition(8200)
+# we are using mbr again, guid somehow does not do the right thing
+fdisk /dev/sda   
+# create linux partition(8300)
 # ... and btrfs because all the cool kids do so
 mkfs.btrfs /dev/sda2
 mkdir /mnt/btrfs-root /mnt/active
 mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/btrfs-root
 btrfs subvolume create __active && cd __active
-for i in home var usr ; do btrfs subvolume create $i; done
-mount /dev/sda2 default,noatime,subvol=__active /mnt/active
+btrfs subvolume create var
+mount /dev/sda2 -o default,noatime,subvol=__active /mnt/active
 # install that shit
 pacstrap /mnt/active base
diff --git a/content/wiki/knowledge_base.xml b/content/wiki/knowledge_base.xml
index 269fdfa..2bdd43a 100755
--- a/content/wiki/knowledge_base.xml
+++ b/content/wiki/knowledge_base.xml
@@ -5,16 +5,84 @@
 Copyright 2014 makefu
-Tue, 14 Jan 2014 01:38:28 GMT
-Tue, 14 Jan 2014 01:38:28 GMT
+Mon, 31 Mar 2014 07:06:35 GMT
+Mon, 31 Mar 2014 07:06:35 GMT
 TiddlyWiki 2.8.1
+<h1> generate a new certificate</h1>for example for unrealircd:<br><pre>openssl req -new -x509 -keyout temp.key -out server.cert.pem  -days 9001
+openssl rsa -in temp.key &gt; server.key.pem
+Mon, 31 Mar 2014 07:06:34 GMT
+<h1> Disable one interface</h1><br><pre>lsusb
+lsusb -t
+# syntax of the id:
+# &lt;bus&gt;-&lt;port&gt;.&lt;port&gt;.&lt;port&gt;...
+cd /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/1-1.6 ; echo 1 &gt; remove
+Fri, 07 Mar 2014 14:36:00 GMT
+<h1> basic install</h1><pre># we are using mbr again, guid somehow does not do the right thing
+fdisk /dev/sda   
+# create linux partition(8300)
+# ... and btrfs because all the cool kids do so
+mkfs.btrfs /dev/sda2
+mkdir /mnt/btrfs-root /mnt/active
+mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/btrfs-root
+btrfs subvolume create __active &amp;&amp; cd __active
+btrfs subvolume create var
+mount /dev/sda2 -o default,noatime,subvol=__active /mnt/active
+# install that shit
+pacstrap /mnt/active base
+genfstab -p /mnt/active &gt; /mnt/active/etc/fstab
+cat &gt;&gt; /mnt/active/etc/fstab&lt;&lt;EOF
+tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0
+## to never write persistent, uncomment:
+#tmpfs /var/log tmpfs defaults 0 0
+arch-chroot /mnt/active
+ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin /etc/localtime
+echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" &gt;&gt; /etc/locale.conf
+echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" &gt;&gt; /etc/locale.gen
+echo "my-host" &gt; /etc/hostname
+mkinitcpio -p linux
+pacman -S openssh grub-bios
+grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
+# useradd -d /home/bob -m bob
+cd /etc/netctl
+cp examples/ethernet-static lan
+# edit lan , try network: enp0s25 or something
+netctl enable lan
+systemctl enable sshd.service
+grub-install /dev/sda
+Wed, 26 Feb 2014 09:55:00 GMT
 <h1> spoof host_name</h1><pre>curl --resolve host:80:ip host
-Tue, 14 Jan 2014 01:38:27 GMT
+Tue, 14 Jan 2014 01:38:00 GMT
@@ -318,7 +386,7 @@ swapon /swapon
-<a tiddlyfields="server.type:&quot;file&quot; server.host:&quot;file:///home/makefu/Downloads/knowledge_base.html&quot;" tiddlylink="GettingStarted" refresh="link" target="_blank" title="External link to null#GettingStarted" href="null#GettingStarted" class="externalLink null">GettingStarted</a><br><a tiddlyfields="server.type:&quot;file&quot; server.host:&quot;file:///home/makefu/Downloads/knowledge_base.html&quot;" tiddlylink="Security" refresh="link" target="_blank" title="External link to null#Security" href="null#Security" class="externalLink null">Security</a><br><a tiddlyfields="server.type:&quot;file&quot; server.host:&quot;file:///home/makefu/Downloads/knowledge_base.html&quot;" tiddlylink="Hardware" refresh="link" target="_blank" title="External link to null#Hardware" href="null#Hardware" class="externalLink null">Hardware</a><br><a tiddlyfields="server.type:&quot;file&quot; server.host:&quot;file:///home/makefu/Downloads/knowledge_base.html&quot;" tiddlylink="Programming" refresh="link" target="_blank" title="External link to null#Programming" href="null#Programming" class="externalLink null">Programming</a><br><a tiddlyfields="server.type:&quot;file&quot; server.host:&quot;file:///home/makefu/Downloads/knowledge_base.html&quot;" tiddlylink="Hacking" refresh="link" target="_blank" title="External link to null#Hacking" href="null#Hacking" class="externalLink null">Hacking</a><br><h1> Misc</h1><a tiddlyfields="server.type:&quot;file&quot; server.host:&quot;file:///home/makefu/Downloads/knowledge_base.html&quot;" tiddlylink="TODO" refresh="link" target="_blank" title="External link to null#TODO" href="null#TODO" class="externalLink null">TODO</a><br><a tiddlyfields="server.type:&quot;file&quot; server.host:&quot;file:///home/makefu/Downloads/knowledge_base.html&quot;" tiddlylink="Fun" refresh="link" target="_blank" title="External link to null#Fun" href="null#Fun" class="externalLink null">Fun</a><br><a target="_blank" title="External link to http://euer.krebsco.de/atom.xml" href="http://euer.krebsco.de/atom.xml" class="externalLink">RSS of this Blog</a><br>
+<a tiddlyfields="server.type:&quot;file&quot; server.host:&quot;file:///home/makefu/Downloads/knowledge_base.html&quot;" tiddlylink="GettingStarted" refresh="link" target="_blank" title="External link to null#GettingStarted" href="null#GettingStarted" class="externalLink null">GettingStarted</a><br><a tiddlyfields="server.type:&quot;file&quot; server.host:&quot;file:///home/makefu/Downloads/knowledge_base.html&quot;" tiddlylink="Security" refresh="link" target="_blank" title="External link to null#Security" href="null#Security" class="externalLink null">Security</a><br><a tiddlyfields="server.type:&quot;file&quot; server.host:&quot;file:///home/makefu/Downloads/knowledge_base.html&quot;" tiddlylink="Hardware" refresh="link" target="_blank" title="External link to null#Hardware" href="null#Hardware" class="externalLink null">Hardware</a><br><a tiddlyfields="server.type:&quot;file&quot; server.host:&quot;file:///home/makefu/Downloads/knowledge_base.html&quot;" tiddlylink="Programming" refresh="link" target="_blank" title="External link to null#Programming" href="null#Programming" class="externalLink null">Programming</a><br><a tiddlyfields="server.type:&quot;file&quot; server.host:&quot;file:///home/makefu/Downloads/knowledge_base.html&quot;" tiddlylink="Hacking" refresh="link" target="_blank" title="External link to null#Hacking" href="null#Hacking" class="externalLink null">Hacking</a><br><h1> Misc</h1><a tiddlyfields="server.type:&quot;file&quot; server.host:&quot;file:///home/makefu/Downloads/knowledge_base.html&quot;" tiddlylink="TODO" refresh="link" target="_blank" title="External link to null#TODO" href="null#TODO" class="externalLink null">TODO</a><br><a tiddlyfields="server.type:&quot;file&quot; server.host:&quot;file:///home/makefu/Downloads/knowledge_base.html&quot;" tiddlylink="Fun" refresh="link" target="_blank" title="External link to null#Fun" href="null#Fun" class="externalLink null">Fun</a><br><a target="_blank" title="External link to /wiki/knowledge_base.xml" href="/wiki/knowledge_base.xml" class="externalLink">RSS of this Blog</a><br>
 Thu, 07 Nov 2013 14:12:00 GMT
@@ -389,120 +457,6 @@ kill dat-shit
 Tue, 22 Oct 2013 17:37:00 GMT
-<h1>static network</h1><pre>auto eth1 # come up automatically
-iface et1 inet static
-  address
-  netmask
-#  gateway
-</pre><h1> for wpa_supplicant</h1><pre>auto wlan0
-allow-hotplug wlan0
-iface wlan0 inet dhcp
-    wpa-ssid meinessid
-    wpa-psk meinpasswort
-Wed, 16 Oct 2013 23:54:00 GMT
-<h1> gnu alternatives</h1><h2> readlink -f</h2><pre>canonicalpath() {
-  if [ -d $1 ]; then
-    pushd $1 &gt; /dev/null 2&gt;&amp;1
-    echo $PWD
-  elif [ -f $1 ]; then
-    pushd $(dirname $1) &gt; /dev/null 2&gt;&amp;1
-    echo $PWD/$(basename $1)
-  else
-    echo "Invalid path $1"
-  fi
-  popd &gt; /dev/null 2&gt;&amp;1
-  cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$1")" &amp;&amp;
-  printf '%s\n' "$(pwd -P)/$(basename -- "$1")"
-</pre><h2> mount -o bind</h2><pre>mount -F lofs DIR1 DIR2
-Wed, 16 Oct 2013 10:59:00 GMT
-Python Advanced
-<h1> Python for the user</h1>in ~/.profile <br><pre>export PYTHONPATH=~/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
-export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/lbin
-</pre>then do<br><pre>pip install --user &lt;stuff&gt;
-</pre><h1> Interactive Shell</h1><h2> Activate Tab Completion</h2><pre>import rlcompleter,readline;readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
-</pre><h1> Single file Python</h1><h2> py2zip</h2>from <a target="_blank" title="External link to http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/us/src/" href="http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/us/src/" class="externalLink">http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/us/src/</a><br><pre>#!/bin/bash
-set -ex
-TEMPDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/XXXXXXXX`
-cp "$MAIN" "$TEMPDIR/__main__.py"
-cp --parents -r $FILES "$TEMPDIR/"
-cd "$TEMPDIR"
-zip -q -r build.zip *
-cd "$ORIG_PWD"
-echo "#!/usr/bin/python" &gt; "$TEMPDIR/build.header"
-cat "$TEMPDIR/build.header" "$TEMPDIR/build.zip" &gt; "$TEMPDIR/$TARGET_BASENAME"
-</pre><br><h1>Conditionals</h1><pre>&gt;&gt;&gt; x = 5
-&gt;&gt;&gt; 1 &lt; x &lt; 10
-&gt;&gt;&gt; 10 &lt; x &lt; 20
-&gt;&gt;&gt; x &lt; 10 &lt; x*10 &lt; 100
-&gt;&gt;&gt; 10 &gt; x &lt;= 9
-&gt;&gt;&gt; 5 == x &gt; 4
-</pre><h1>Random</h1><pre>from random import random
-seed()           # which seed to use
-randint(a,b)     # int between a and b
-randrange(start,stop,step) # like choice(range(start,stop,step))
-hoice(seq)       # random choice from sequence
-shuffle(x)       # shuffles sequence
-sample(seq,num)  # choose num samples
-uniform()        # float between a and b
-def print_args(function):
-    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
-        print 'Arguments:', args, kwargs
-        return function(*args, **kwargs)
-    return wrapper
-def write(text):
-    print text
-&gt;&gt;&gt; write('foo')
-Arguments: ('foo',){}
-</pre><h1>Advanced Regexes</h1><pre>re.compile("^\[font(?:=(?P&lt;size&gt;[-+][0-9]{1,2}))?\](.*?)[/font]",
-    re.DEBUG)
-Fri, 11 Oct 2013 10:00:00 GMT
\ No newline at end of file