##VVS API Wrapper This was created for easy access to the VVS EFA (Elektronische Fahrplanauskunft) in Python. ### Example ```python # coding: utf-8 import datetime as dt from vvs_efa import VVS_EFA vvs_efa = VVS_EFA.EFA() connections = vvs_efa.get_next_connections("Stadtbibliothek", "Feuersee", dt.datetime(2015, 7, 7, 7, 20), True) print connections[0].origin.name print connections[0].destination.name print connections[0].time_of_departure.strftime("%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M") + " - " + connections[0].time_of_arrival.strftime("%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M") print str(connections[0].fare) + "€ / " + str(connections[0].zones) + " Zone(n)" print "" for leg in connections[0].legs: print leg.time_of_departure.strftime("%H:%M") + " - " + leg.time_of_arrival.strftime("%H:%M") + ": " print leg.origin.name + " - " + leg.destination.name + " ("+ leg.line + ")" + "\n" charlottenplatz = VVS_EFA.Stop("Charlottenplatz") charlottenplatz_departures = charlottenplatz.get_next_connections(dt.datetime(2015, 7, 9, 18, 10), True) print charlottenplatz_departures[0].stop_id print charlottenplatz_departures[0].stop_name print charlottenplatz_departures[0].scheduled_datetime.strftime("%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M") print charlottenplatz_departures[0].realtime_datetime.strftime("%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M") print charlottenplatz_departures[0].serving_line.key print charlottenplatz_departures[0].serving_line.number print charlottenplatz_departures[0].serving_line.direction print charlottenplatz_departures[0].serving_line.direction_from print charlottenplatz_departures[0].serving_line.line_type ``` results in: ``` Stuttgart, Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart, Feuersee 06.07.2015 - 07:20 - 06.07.2015 - 07:31 2.3€ / 2 Zone(n) 07:20 - 07:22: Stadtbibliothek - Hauptbf (A.-Klett-Pl.) (U12) 07:24 - 07:28: Hauptbf (Arnulf-Klett-Platz) - Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof (tief) () 07:28 - 07:31: Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof (tief) - Feuersee (S6) 5006075 Charlottenplatz 09.07.2015 - 18:05 09.07.2015 - 18:11 143 43 Feuersee Killesberg Bus ```