{ pkgs, ... }: let #dev = "/dev/web_cam"; dev = "/dev/video0"; in { services.mjpg-streamer = { enable = true; inputPlugin = "input_uvc.so -d ${dev} -r 1280x960"; }; users.users.octoprint.extraGroups = [ "video" ]; # allow octoprint to access /dev/vchiq # also ensure that the webcam always comes up under the same name services.udev.extraRules = '' SUBSYSTEM=="vchiq",GROUP="video",MODE="0660" KERNEL=="video*",ATTRS{vendor}=="0x046d", ATTRS{device}=="0x0825", GROUP="video", SYMLINK+="web_cam" ''; systemd.services.octoprint = { path = [ pkgs.libraspberrypi ]; }; services.octoprint = { enable = true; plugins = plugins: with plugins;[ costestimation displayprogress mqtt stlviewer themeify # octolapse (buildPlugin rec { pname = "OctoPrint-HomeAssistant"; version = "3.6.2"; src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "cmroche"; repo = pname; rev = version; hash = "sha256-oo9OBmHoJFNGK7u9cVouMuBuUcUxRUrY0ppRq0OS1ro="; }; }) ]; extraConfig.plugins.mqtt.broker = { url = "omo.lan"; # TODO TODO TODO username = "hass"; password = "lksue43jrf"; # TODO TODO TODO }; }; }