{ pkgs, ... }: pkgs.writers.writeDashBin "generate-wallpaper" '' set -euf # usage: getimg FILENAME URL fetch() { echo "fetch $1" curl -LsS -z "$1" -o "$1" "$2" } # usage: check_type FILENAME TYPE check_type() { if ! file -ib "$1" | grep -q "^$2/"; then echo "$1 is not of type $2" >&2 rm "$1" return 1 fi } # check if file exists and fetch only if missing fetch_once() { name=$1 url=$2 test -e "$name" || fetch "$name" "$url" } fetch_older_min() { min=$1 name=$2 url=$3 if ! test "$(find $name -mmin -$min)"; then fetch "$name" "$url" fi } fetch_older_days() { days=$1 name=$2 url=$3 if ! test "$(find $name -mtime -$days)"; then fetch "$name" "$url" fi } # usage: needs_rebuild DST SRC... needs_rebuild() { a="$1" shift if ! test -e "$a"; then #echo " $a does not exist" >&2 result=0 else result=1 for b; do if check_type "$b" image; then if test "$b" -nt "$a"; then #echo " $b is newer than $a" >&2 result=0 fi fi done fi #case $result in # 0) echo "$a needs rebuild" >&2;; #esac return $result } get_neo_url() { url=$1 curl -Ss "$url" | grep '3600 x 1800' | sed 's/.*href="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/' } main() { cd "$working_dir" # fetch source images in parallel fetch_once nightmap-raw.jpg \ 'https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/144000/144898/BlackMarble_2016_3km.jpg' & fetch_once daymap-raw.tif \ 'https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/57000/57752/land_shallow_topo_8192.tif' & fetch_once mercury-raw.svg \ 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2e/Mercury_symbol.svg' & fetch_once venus-raw.svg \ 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/66/Venus_symbol.svg' & fetch_once mars-raw.svg \ 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b7/Mars_symbol.svg' & fetch_once jupiter-raw.svg \ 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Jupiter_symbol.svg' & fetch_once saturn-raw.svg \ 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/74/Saturn_symbol.svg' & fetch_once uranus-raw.svg \ 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f1/Uranus_symbol.svg' & fetch_once neptune-raw.svg \ 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/Neptune_symbol.svg' & fetch_once krebs-raw.svg \ 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/krebs/painload/master/cholerab/bling/krebs_aquarium.svg' & fetch_older_min 720 ice-raw.jpg $(get_neo_url \ 'https://neo.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/view.php?datasetId=NISE_D') & fetch_older_days 1 snow-raw.jpg $(get_neo_url \ 'https://neo.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/view.php?datasetId=MOD10C1_E_SNOW') & fetch_older_days 1 chlora-raw.jpg $(get_neo_url \ 'https://neo.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/view.php?datasetId=MY1DMM_CHLORA') & fetch_older_days 1 fire-raw.jpg $(get_neo_url \ 'https://neo.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/view.php?datasetId=MOD14A1_E_FIRE') & # regular fetches fetch marker.json.tmp "$marker_url" if [ -s marker.json.tmp ]; then mv marker.json.tmp marker.json fi fetch sun-raw.jpg 'https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/img/latest/latest_512_0171.jpg' & wait # fetch clouds if they are older than 3h if ! test "$(find clouds-raw.png -mmin -180)"; then ${pkgs.nomads-cloud}/bin/nomads-cloud clouds-raw.png fi in_size=3600x1800 xplanet_out_size=3200x2500 out_geometry=3200x1800+0+350 for raw in \ nightmap-raw.jpg \ daymap-raw.tif \ chlora-raw.jpg \ clouds-raw.png \ ; do normal=''${raw%-raw.*}.png if needs_rebuild $normal $raw; then echo "make $normal; normalize $raw" >&2 convert $raw -scale $in_size $normal fi done # remove snow from ice map if needs_rebuild ice.png ice-raw.jpg; then convert ice-raw.jpg -fuzz 20% -fill black -opaque white -colorspace gray -blur 0x6 -scale "$in_size" ice.png fi if needs_rebuild snow.png snow-raw.jpg; then convert snow-raw.jpg -fuzz 20% -fill '#DEDEDE' -opaque white -scale "$in_size" snow.png fi # make fire more red if needs_rebuild fire.png fire-raw.jpg; then convert fire-raw.jpg -fuzz 20% -fill '#ef840c' -opaque white -scale "$in_size" fire.png fi # cut out sun with alpha transparency if needs_rebuild sun.png sun-raw.jpg; then convert sun-raw.jpg \ \( +clone -colorspace HSB -fill white -draw "circle 256,256 256,54" -separate -delete 0,1 \) \ -compose copyopacity -composite -crop 512x472+0+20 -scale "100x100" sun.png fi if needs_rebuild krebs.png krebs-raw.svg; then inkscape -z -e krebs.png -w 16 -h 16 krebs-raw.svg fi # -- Planets -- for planet in mercury venus mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune; do if needs_rebuild "$planet".png "$planet"-raw.svg; then sed -i 's/#000/#FE8019/g' "$planet"-raw.svg inkscape -z -e "$planet".png -w 40 -h 40 "$planet"-raw.svg fi done # -- Daymap -- # merge with water chlora layer if needs_rebuild daymap-final.png daymap.png fire.png snow.png ice.png chlora.png; then convert daymap.png fire.png -compose lighten -composite daymap-1.png convert daymap-1.png ice.png -compose lighten -composite daymap-2.png convert daymap-2.png snow.png -compose lighten -composite daymap-3.png convert daymap-3.png chlora.png -compose lighten -composite daymap-final.png fi # -- Nightmap -- if needs_rebuild nightmap-final.png nightmap.png fire.png snow.png ice.png chlora.png; then convert nightmap.png fire.png -compose lighten -composite nightmap-1.png convert nightmap-1.png \( -fill black -colorize 70% ice.png \) -compose lighten -composite nightmap-2.png convert nightmap-2.png \( -fill black -colorize 70% snow.png \) -compose lighten -composite nightmap-3.png convert nightmap-3.png \( -fill black -colorize 70% chlora.png \) -compose lighten -composite nightmap-final.png fi # create marker file from json echo 'position=sun image=sun.png' > marker_file echo 'position=moon image=moon.png' >> marker_file echo 'position=mercury image=mercury.png' >> marker_file echo 'position=venus image=venus.png' >> marker_file echo 'position=mars image=mars.png' >> marker_file echo 'position=jupiter image=jupiter.png' >> marker_file echo 'position=saturn image=saturn.png' >> marker_file echo 'position=uranus image=uranus.png' >> marker_file echo 'position=neptune image=neptune.png' >> marker_file # generate moon xplanet -body moon --num_times 1 -origin earth \ --transpng moon.png --geometry 50x50 \ -config ${pkgs.writeText "moon.config" '' [moon] shade=10 ''} # rebuild every time to update shadow xplanet --num_times 1 --geometry $xplanet_out_size \ --output xplanet-output.png --projection merc \ -config ${pkgs.writeText "xplanet.config" '' [earth] "Earth" map=daymap-final.png night_map=nightmap-final.png cloud_map=clouds.png cloud_threshold=1 cloud_gamma=10 shade=15 ''} xplanet --num_times 1 --geometry $xplanet_out_size \ --output xplanet-marker-output.png --projection merc \ -config ${pkgs.writeText "xplanet-marker.config" '' [earth] "Earth" map=daymap-final.png night_map=nightmap-final.png cloud_map=clouds.png cloud_threshold=1 cloud_gamma=10 marker_file=marker_file shade=15 ''} if [ -s marker.json ]; then jq -r 'to_entries[] | @json "\(.value.latitude) \(.value.longitude) image=krebs.png"' marker.json >> marker_file fi xplanet --num_times 1 --geometry $xplanet_out_size \ --output xplanet-krebs-output.png --projection merc \ -config ${pkgs.writeText "xplanet-krebs.config" '' [earth] "Earth" map=daymap-final.png night_map=nightmap-final.png cloud_map=clouds.png cloud_threshold=1 cloud_gamma=10 marker_file=marker_file shade=15 ''} # trim xplanet output if needs_rebuild realwallpaper.png xplanet-output.png; then convert xplanet-output.png -crop $out_geometry \ realwallpaper-tmp.png mv realwallpaper-tmp.png realwallpaper.png fi # trim xplanet output if needs_rebuild realwallpaper-marker.png xplanet-marker-output.png; then convert xplanet-marker-output.png -crop $out_geometry \ realwallpaper-marker-tmp.png mv realwallpaper-marker-tmp.png realwallpaper-marker.png fi if needs_rebuild realwallpaper-krebs.png xplanet-krebs-output.png; then convert xplanet-krebs-output.png -crop $out_geometry \ realwallpaper-krebs-tmp.png mv realwallpaper-krebs-tmp.png realwallpaper-krebs.png mkdir -p archive convert realwallpaper-krebs.png archive/"$(date -Is)".jpg fi } main "$@" ''