path: root/lass/2configs/services
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lass/2configs/services')
18 files changed, 0 insertions, 1378 deletions
diff --git a/lass/2configs/services/coms/default.nix b/lass/2configs/services/coms/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bc5f744b..000000000
--- a/lass/2configs/services/coms/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- imports = [
- ./jitsi.nix
- ./murmur.nix
- ];
diff --git a/lass/2configs/services/coms/jitsi.nix b/lass/2configs/services/coms/jitsi.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index bbcb36166..000000000
--- a/lass/2configs/services/coms/jitsi.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
- services.jitsi-meet = {
- enable = true;
- hostName = "";
- config = {
- enableWelcomePage = true;
- requireDisplayName = true;
- analytics.disabled = true;
- startAudioOnly = true;
- channelLastN = 4;
- stunServers = [
- # -
- { urls = ""; }
- { urls = ""; }
- # - services.coturn:
- #{ urls = "turn:turn.${domainName}:3479?transport=udp"; }
- #{ urls = "turn:turn.${domainName}:3479?transport=tcp"; }
- ];
- = {
- ideal = 720;
- max = 1080;
- min = 240;
- };
- };
- interfaceConfig = {
- };
- };
- services.jitsi-videobridge.config = {
- org.jitsi.videobridge.TRUST_BWE = false;
- };
- krebs.iptables.tables.filter.INPUT.rules = [
- { predicate = "-p tcp --dport 4443"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
- { predicate = "-p udp --dport 10000"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
- ];
diff --git a/lass/2configs/services/coms/murmur.nix b/lass/2configs/services/coms/murmur.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 40c53da36..000000000
--- a/lass/2configs/services/coms/murmur.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
- services.murmur = {
- enable = true;
- # allowHtml = false;
- bandwidth = 10000000;
- registerName = "";
- autobanTime = 30;
- sslCert = "/var/lib/acme/";
- sslKey = "/var/lib/acme/";
- extraConfig = ''
- opusthreshold=0
- # rememberchannelduration=10000
- '';
- };
- krebs.iptables.tables.filter.INPUT.rules = [
- { predicate = "-p tcp --dport 64738"; target = "ACCEPT";}
- { predicate = "-p udp --dport 64738"; target = "ACCEPT";}
- ];
- # services.botamusique = {
- # enable = true;
- # settings = {
- # = "";
- # bot.auto_check_updates = false;
- # bot.max_track_duration = 360;
- # webinterface.enabled = true;
- # };
- # };
- services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = {
- enableACME = true;
- };
- security.acme.certs."" = {
- group = "lasscert";
- };
- users.groups.lasscert.members = [
- "nginx"
- "murmur"
- ];
- # services.nginx.virtualHosts."bota.r" = {
- # locations."/" = {
- # proxyPass = "http://localhost:8181";
- # };
- # };
diff --git a/lass/2configs/services/coms/proxy.nix b/lass/2configs/services/coms/proxy.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index fd7b36ca8..000000000
--- a/lass/2configs/services/coms/proxy.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
- tcpports = [
- 4443 # jitsi
- 64738 # murmur
- ];
- udpports = [
- 10000 # jitsi
- 64738 # murmur
- ];
- target = "orange.r";
- networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = tcpports;
- networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = udpports;
- services.nginx.streamConfig = ''
- ${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (port: ''
- server {
- listen [::]:${toString port};
- listen ${toString port};
- proxy_pass ${target}:${toString port};
- }
- '') tcpports}
- '';
- krebs.iptables.tables.nat.PREROUTING.rules = lib.flatten (map (port: [
- { predicate = "-p udp --dport ${toString port}"; target = "DNAT --to-destination ${}:${toString port}"; v6 = false; }
- { predicate = "-p udp --dport ${toString port}"; target = "DNAT --to-destination [${}]:${toString port}"; v4 = false; }
- ]) udpports);
- services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = {
- enableACME = true;
- acmeFallbackHost = "${target}";
- addSSL = true;
- locations."/" = {
- recommendedProxySettings = true;
- proxyWebsockets = true;
- proxyPass = "https://${target}";
- };
- };
diff --git a/lass/2configs/services/flix/container-host.nix b/lass/2configs/services/flix/container-host.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c5b81128..000000000
--- a/lass/2configs/services/flix/container-host.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-{ config, pkgs, ... }:
- krebs.sync-containers3.containers.yellow = {
- sshKey = "${toString <secrets>}/yellow.sync.key";
- };
- containers.yellow.bindMounts."/var/lib" = {
- hostPath = "/var/lib/sync-containers3/yellow/state";
- isReadOnly = false;
- };
- containers.yellow.bindMounts."/var/download" = {
- hostPath = "/var/download";
- isReadOnly = false;
- };
- # krebs.iptables.tables.filter.FORWARD.rules = [
- # { predicate = "-d ${config.krebs.hosts.yellow.nets.retiolum.ip4.addr} -p tcp --dport 8000 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED"; target = "ACCEPT"; v6 = false; }
- # { predicate = "-d ${config.krebs.hosts.yellow.nets.retiolum.ip6.addr} -p tcp --dport 8000 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED"; target = "ACCEPT"; v4 = false; }
- # ];
- # krebs.iptables.tables.nat.PREROUTING.rules = [
- # { predicate = "-p tcp --dport 2"; target = "DNAT --to-destination ${}:8000"; v6 = false; }
- # { predicate = "-p tcp --dport 2"; target = "DNAT --to-destination ${}:8000"; v4 = false; }
- # ];
- networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 8096 8920 ];
- networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 1900 7359 ];
- containers.yellow.forwardPorts = [
- { hostPort = 8096; containerPort = 8096; protocol = "tcp"; }
- { hostPort = 8920; containerPort = 8920; protocol = "tcp"; }
- { hostPort = 1900; containerPort = 1900; protocol = "udp"; }
- { hostPort = 7359; containerPort = 7359; protocol = "udp"; }
- ];
- services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = {
- # forceSSL = true;
- # enableACME = true;
- locations."/" = {
- proxyPass = "http://yellow.r:8096";
- proxyWebsockets = true;
- recommendedProxySettings = true;
- };
- };
diff --git a/lass/2configs/services/flix/default.nix b/lass/2configs/services/flix/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index e6be394ce..000000000
--- a/lass/2configs/services/flix/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
- = [ "transmission" ];
- services.transmission = {
- enable = true;
- home = "/var/state/transmission";
- group = "download";
- downloadDirPermissions = "775";
- settings = {
- download-dir = "/var/download/transmission";
- incomplete-dir-enabled = false;
- rpc-bind-address = "::";
- message-level = 1;
- umask = 18;
- rpc-whitelist-enabled = false;
- rpc-host-whitelist-enabled = false;
- };
- };
- = "";
- security.acme.acceptTerms = true;
- security.acme.certs."yellow.r".server = config.krebs.ssl.acmeURL;
- security.acme.certs."jelly.r".server = config.krebs.ssl.acmeURL;
- security.acme.certs."radar.r".server = config.krebs.ssl.acmeURL;
- security.acme.certs."sonar.r".server = config.krebs.ssl.acmeURL;
- security.acme.certs."transmission.r".server = config.krebs.ssl.acmeURL;
- services.nginx = {
- enable = true;
- package = pkgs.nginx.override {
- modules = with pkgs.nginxModules; [
- fancyindex
- ];
- };
- virtualHosts."yellow.r" = {
- default = true;
- enableACME = true;
- addSSL = true;
- locations."/" = {
- root = "/var/download";
- extraConfig = ''
- fancyindex on;
- fancyindex_footer "/fancy.html";
- include ${pkgs.nginx}/conf/mime.types;
- include ${pkgs.writeText "extrMime" ''
- types {
- video/webm mkv;
- }
- ''};
- create_full_put_path on;
- '';
- };
- locations."/chatty" = {
- proxyPass = "http://localhost:3000";
- extraConfig = ''
- rewrite /chatty/(.*) /$1 break;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- '';
- };
- locations."= /fancy.html".extraConfig = ''
- alias ${pkgs.writeText "nginx_footer" ''
- <div id="mydiv">
- <!-- Include a header DIV with the same name as the draggable DIV, followed by "header" -->
- <div id="mydivheader">Click here to move</div>
- <iframe src="/chatty/index.html"></iframe>
- </div>
- <style>
- #mydiv {
- position: absolute;
- z-index: 9;
- background-color: #f1f1f1;
- border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;
- text-align: center;
- }
- #mydivheader {
- padding: 10px;
- cursor: move;
- z-index: 10;
- background-color: #2196F3;
- color: #fff;
- }
- </style>
- <script>
- // Make the DIV element draggable:
- dragElement(document.getElementById("mydiv"));
- function dragElement(elmnt) {
- var pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0, pos3 = 0, pos4 = 0;
- if (document.getElementById( + "header")) {
- // if present, the header is where you move the DIV from:
- document.getElementById( + "header").onmousedown = dragMouseDown;
- } else {
- // otherwise, move the DIV from anywhere inside the DIV:
- elmnt.onmousedown = dragMouseDown;
- }
- function dragMouseDown(e) {
- e = e || window.event;
- e.preventDefault();
- // get the mouse cursor position at startup:
- pos3 = e.clientX;
- pos4 = e.clientY;
- document.onmouseup = closeDragElement;
- // call a function whenever the cursor moves:
- document.onmousemove = elementDrag;
- }
- function elementDrag(e) {
- e = e || window.event;
- e.preventDefault();
- // calculate the new cursor position:
- pos1 = pos3 - e.clientX;
- pos2 = pos4 - e.clientY;
- pos3 = e.clientX;
- pos4 = e.clientY;
- // set the element's new position:
- = (elmnt.offsetTop - pos2) + "px";
- = (elmnt.offsetLeft - pos1) + "px";
- }
- function closeDragElement() {
- // stop moving when mouse button is released:
- document.onmouseup = null;
- document.onmousemove = null;
- }
- }
- </script>
- ''};
- '';
- };
- virtualHosts."jelly.r" = {
- enableACME = true;
- addSSL = true;
- locations."/".extraConfig = ''
- proxy_pass http://localhost:8096/;
- proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "";
- '';
- };
- virtualHosts."transmission.r" = {
- enableACME = true;
- addSSL = true;
- locations."/" = {
- proxyWebsockets = true;
- proxyPass = "http://localhost:9091";
- };
- };
- virtualHosts."radar.r" = {
- enableACME = true;
- addSSL = true;
- locations."/" = {
- proxyWebsockets = true;
- proxyPass = "http://localhost:7878";
- };
- };
- virtualHosts."sonar.r" = {
- enableACME = true;
- addSSL = true;
- locations."/" = {
- proxyWebsockets = true;
- proxyPass = "http://localhost:8989";
- };
- };
- };
- services.samba = {
- enable = true;
- enableNmbd = false;
- extraConfig = ''
- workgroup = WORKGROUP
- server string = ${config.networking.hostName}
- # only allow retiolum addresses
- hosts allow = 42::/16
- # Use sendfile() for performance gain
- use sendfile = true
- # No NetBIOS is needed
- disable netbios = true
- # Only mangle non-valid NTFS names, don't care about DOS support
- mangled names = illegal
- # Performance optimizations
- # Disable all printing
- load printers = false
- disable spoolss = true
- printcap name = /dev/null
- map to guest = Bad User
- max log size = 50
- dns proxy = no
- security = user
- [global]
- syslog only = yes
- '';
- shares.public = {
- comment = "Warez";
- path = "/var/download";
- public = "yes";
- "only guest" = "yes";
- "create mask" = "0644";
- "directory mask" = "2777";
- writable = "no";
- printable = "no";
- };
- };
- =
- let
- bruellwuerfelSrc = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
- owner = "krebs";
- repo = "bruellwuerfel";
- rev = "dc73adf69249fb63a4b024f1f3fbc9e541b27015";
- sha256 = "078jp1gbavdp8lnwa09xa5m6bbbd05fi4x5ldkkgin5z04hwlhmd";
- };
- in {
- wantedBy = [ "" ];
- environment = {
- IRC_CHANNEL = "#flix";
- IRC_NICK = "bruelli";
- IRC_SERVER = "irc.r";
- IRC_HISTORY_FILE = "/tmp/bruelli.history";
- };
- serviceConfig = {
- ExecStart = "${pkgs.deno}/bin/deno run -A ${bruellwuerfelSrc}/src/index.ts";
- };
- };
- krebs.iptables = {
- enable = true;
- tables.filter.INPUT.rules = [
- { predicate = "-p tcp --dport 80"; target = "ACCEPT"; } # nginx web dir
- { predicate = "-p tcp --dport 443"; target = "ACCEPT"; } # nginx web dir
- { predicate = "-p tcp --dport 9091"; target = "ACCEPT"; } # transmission-web
- { predicate = "-p tcp --dport 51413"; target = "ACCEPT"; } # transmission-traffic
- { predicate = "-p udp --dport 51413"; target = "ACCEPT"; } # transmission-traffic
- { predicate = "-p tcp --dport 8096"; target = "ACCEPT"; } # jellyfin
- { predicate = "-p tcp --dport 8920"; target = "ACCEPT"; } # jellyfin
- { predicate = "-p udp --dport 1900"; target = "ACCEPT"; } # jellyfin
- { predicate = "-p udp --dport 7359"; target = "ACCEPT"; } # jellyfin
- { predicate = "-p tcp --dport 9696"; target = "ACCEPT"; } # prowlarr
- { predicate = "-p tcp --dport 8989"; target = "ACCEPT"; } # sonarr
- { predicate = "-p tcp --dport 7878"; target = "ACCEPT"; } # radarr
- { predicate = "-p tcp --dport 6767"; target = "ACCEPT"; } # bazarr
- # smbd
- { predicate = "-i retiolum -p tcp --dport 445"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
- { predicate = "-i retiolum -p tcp --dport 111"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
- { predicate = "-i retiolum -p udp --dport 111"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
- { predicate = "-i retiolum -p tcp --dport 2049"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
- { predicate = "-i retiolum -p udp --dport 2049"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
- { predicate = "-i retiolum -p tcp --dport 4000:4002"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
- { predicate = "-i retiolum -p udp --dport 4000:4002"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
- { predicate = "-i wiregrill -p tcp --dport 445"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
- { predicate = "-i wiregrill -p tcp --dport 111"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
- { predicate = "-i wiregrill -p udp --dport 111"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
- { predicate = "-i wiregrill -p tcp --dport 2049"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
- { predicate = "-i wiregrill -p udp --dport 2049"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
- { predicate = "-i wiregrill -p tcp --dport 4000:4002"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
- { predicate = "-i wiregrill -p udp --dport 4000:4002"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
- ];
- };
- = {
- wantedBy = [ "" ];
- path = [
- pkgs.coreutils
- pkgs.findutils
- pkgs.inotify-tools
- ];
- serviceConfig = {
- Restart = "always";
- ExecStart = pkgs.writers.writeDash "flix-index" ''
- set -efu
- DIR=/var/download
- cd "$DIR"
- while inotifywait -rq -e create -e move -e delete "$DIR"; do
- find . -type f > "$DIR"/index.tmp
- mv "$DIR"/index.tmp "$DIR"/index
- done
- '';
- };
- };
- services.jellyfin = {
- enable = true;
- group = "download";
- };
- # movies
- services.radarr = {
- enable = true;
- group = "download";
- };
- # shows
- services.sonarr = {
- enable = true;
- group = "download";
- };
- # indexers
- services.prowlarr = {
- enable = true;
- };
- # subtitles
- services.bazarr = {
- enable = true;
- group = "download";
- };
diff --git a/lass/2configs/services/flix/proxy.nix b/lass/2configs/services/flix/proxy.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index c16c6def3..000000000
--- a/lass/2configs/services/flix/proxy.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-{ config, pkgs, ... }:
- services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = {
- forceSSL = true;
- enableACME = true;
- locations."/" = {
- proxyPass = "http://yellow.r:8096";
- proxyWebsockets = true;
- recommendedProxySettings = true;
- };
- };
diff --git a/lass/2configs/services/git/default.nix b/lass/2configs/services/git/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b68905ed..000000000
--- a/lass/2configs/services/git/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
- imports = [
- ../../git.nix
- ];
- services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = {
- enableACME = true;
- addSSL = true;
- locations =;
- extraConfig = ''
- client_max_body_size 300M;
- client_body_timeout 2024;
- client_header_timeout 2024;
- fastcgi_buffers 16 512k;
- fastcgi_buffer_size 512k;
- fastcgi_read_timeout 500;
- fastcgi_send_timeout 500;
- '';
- };
diff --git a/lass/2configs/services/git/proxy.nix b/lass/2configs/services/git/proxy.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 9875898ea..000000000
--- a/lass/2configs/services/git/proxy.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-{ config, pkgs, ... }:
- services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = {
- forceSSL = true;
- enableACME = true;
- acmeFallbackHost = "orange.r";
- locations."/" = {
- proxyPass = "http://orange.r";
- proxyWebsockets = true;
- recommendedProxySettings = true;
- };
- extraConfig = ''
- client_max_body_size 300M;
- client_body_timeout 2024;
- client_header_timeout 2024;
- fastcgi_buffers 16 512k;
- fastcgi_buffer_size 512k;
- fastcgi_read_timeout 500;
- fastcgi_send_timeout 500;
- '';
- };
diff --git a/lass/2configs/services/radio/container-host.nix b/lass/2configs/services/radio/container-host.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index de0ea9afe..000000000
--- a/lass/2configs/services/radio/container-host.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-{ config, pkgs, ... }:
- = {
- sshKey = "${toString <secrets>}/radio.sync.key";
- };
- = {
- bindMounts."/var/music" = {
- hostPath = "/var/music";
- isReadOnly = false;
- };
- };
- krebs.iptables.tables.filter.INPUT.rules = [
- { predicate = "-p tcp --dport 8000"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
- ];
- = {
- port = 8000;
- scriptFile = pkgs.writers.writeDash "redir" ''
- printf 'HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\r\n'
- printf "Location:''${Request_URI}\r\n"
- printf '\r\n'
- '';
- };
diff --git a/lass/2configs/services/radio/controls.html b/lass/2configs/services/radio/controls.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 858dc3656..000000000
--- a/lass/2configs/services/radio/controls.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-<!doctype html>
-<html lang="en">
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
- <title>The_Playlist Voting!</title>
-#good {
- display: block;
- width: 100%;
- border: none;
- background-color: #04AA6D;
- padding: 14px;
- margin: 14px 0 0 0;
- height: 100px;
- font-size: 16px;
- cursor: pointer;
- text-align: center;
-#bad {
- display: block;
- width: 100%;
- border: none;
- background-color: red;
- padding: 14px;
- height: 100px;
- margin: 14px 0 0 0;
- font-size: 16px;
- cursor: pointer;
- text-align: center;
- <div id=votenote></div>
- <button id=good type="button"> GUT </button>
- <button id=bad type="button"> SCHLECHT </button>
- <center>
- Currently Running: <br/><div>
- <b id=current></b>
- </div>
- <div id=vote>
- </div>
- <audio controls autoplay="autoplay">
- <source src="" type="audio/ogg">
- Your browser does not support the audio element.
- </audio>
- </center>
- <script>
- document.getElementById("good").onclick=async ()=>{
- let result = await fetch("", {"method": "POST"})
- document.getElementById("vote").textContent = "Dieses Lied findest du gut"
- };
- document.getElementById("bad").onclick=async ()=>{
- let result = await fetch("", {"method": "POST"})
- document.getElementById("vote").textContent = "Dieses Lied findest du schlecht"
- document.getElementById("bad").disabled = true
- window.setTimeout(function(){
- document.getElementById("bad").disabled = false
- }, 100000)
- };
- async function current() {
- let result = await fetch("", {"method": "GET"})
- let data = await result.json()
- document.getElementById("current").textContent =
- }
- window.onload = function() {
- window.setInterval('current()', 10000)
- current()
- }
- </script>
diff --git a/lass/2configs/services/radio/default.nix b/lass/2configs/services/radio/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dfca6fc1..000000000
--- a/lass/2configs/services/radio/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
- name = "radio";
- music_dir = "/var/music";
- skip_track = pkgs.writers.writeBashBin "skip_track" ''
- set -eu
- # TODO come up with new rating, without moving files
- # current_track=$(${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -fSs http://localhost:8002/current | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -r .filename)
- # track_infos=$(${print_current}/bin/print_current)
- # skip_count=$(${pkgs.attr}/bin/getfattr -n user.skip_count --only-values "$current_track" || echo 0)
- # if [[ "$current_track" =~ .*/the_playlist/music/.* ]] && [ "$skip_count" -le 2 ]; then
- # skip_count=$((skip_count+1))
- # ${pkgs.attr}/bin/setfattr -n user.skip_count -v "$skip_count" "$current_track"
- # echo skipping: "$track_infos" skip_count: "$skip_count"
- # else
- # mkdir -p "$music_dir"/the_playlist/.graveyard/
- # mv "$current_track" "$music_dir"/the_playlist/.graveyard/
- # echo killing: "$track_infos"
- # fi
- ${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -fSs -X POST http://localhost:8002/skip |
- ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -r '.filename'
- '';
- good_track = pkgs.writeBashBin "good_track" ''
- set -eu
- current_track=$(${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -fSs http://localhost:8002/current | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -r .filename)
- track_infos=$(${print_current}/bin/print_current)
- # TODO come up with new rating, without moving files
- # if [[ "$current_track" =~ .*/the_playlist/music/.* ]]; then
- # ${pkgs.attr}/bin/setfattr -n user.skip_count -v 0 "$current_track"
- # else
- # mv "$current_track" "$music_dir"/the_playlist/music/ || :
- # fi
- echo good: "$track_infos"
- '';
- print_current = pkgs.writeDashBin "print_current" ''
- file=$(${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -fSs http://localhost:8002/current |
- ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -r '.filename' |
- ${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed 's,^${music_dir},,'
- )
- link=$(${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl http://localhost:8002/current |
- ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -r '.filename' |
- ${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed 's@.*\(.\{11\}\)\.ogg@\1@'
- )
- echo "$file": "$link"
- '';
- set_irc_topic = pkgs.writeDash "set_irc_topic" ''
- ${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -fsS --unix-socket /home/radio/reaktor.sock http://z/ \
- -H content-type:application/json \
- -d "$(${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -n \
- --arg text "$1" '{
- command:"TOPIC",
- params:["#the_playlist",$text]
- }'
- )"
- '';
- write_to_irc = pkgs.writeDash "write_to_irc" ''
- ${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -fsSv --unix-socket /home/radio/reaktor.sock http://z/ \
- -H content-type:application/json \
- -d "$(${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -n \
- --arg text "$1" '{
- command:"PRIVMSG",
- params:["#the_playlist",$text]
- }'
- )"
- '';
-in {
- imports = [
- ./news.nix
- ./weather.nix
- ];
- users.users = {
- "${name}" = rec {
- inherit name;
- createHome = true;
- group = name;
- uid = name;
- description = "radio manager";
- home = "/home/${name}";
- useDefaultShell = true;
- openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = with config.krebs.users; [
- lass.pubkey
- ];
- };
- };
- users.groups = {
- "radio" = {};
- };
- krebs.per-user.${name}.packages = with pkgs; [
- good_track
- skip_track
- print_current
- ];
- = {
- wantedBy = [ "" ];
- after = [ "radio.service" ];
- serviceConfig = {
- ExecStart = pkgs.writers.writeDash "radio_watcher" ''
- set -efux
- while :; do
- ${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -Ss http://localhost:8000/radio.ogg -o /dev/null
- ${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl restart radio
- sleep 60
- done
- '';
- Restart = "on-failure";
- };
- };
- = ./radio.liq;
- = {
- environment = {
- RADIO_PORT = "8002";
- HOOK_TRACK_CHANGE = pkgs.writers.writeDash "on_change" ''
- set -xefu
- LIMIT=1000 #how many tracks to keep in the history
- HISTORY_FILE=/var/lib/radio/recent
- listeners=$(${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -fSs http://localhost:8000/status-json.xsl |
- ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq '[.icestats.source[].listeners] | add' || echo 0)
- echo "$(${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/date -Is)" "$filename" | ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/tee -a "$HISTORY_FILE"
- echo "$(${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/tail -$LIMIT "$HISTORY_FILE")" > "$HISTORY_FILE"
- ${set_irc_topic} "playing: $filename listeners: $listeners"
- '';
- MUSIC = "${music_dir}/the_playlist";
- ICECAST_HOST = "localhost";
- };
- path = [
- pkgs.bubblewrap
- ];
- serviceConfig.User = lib.mkForce "radio";
- };
- nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = opkgs: {
- icecast = opkgs.icecast.overrideAttrs (old: rec {
- version = "2.5-beta3";
- src = pkgs.fetchurl {
- url = "${version}.tar.gz";
- sha256 = "sha256-4FDokoA9zBDYj8RAO/kuTHaZ6jZYBLSJZiX/IYFaCW8=";
- };
- buildInputs = old.buildInputs ++ [ pkgs.pkg-config ];
- });
- };
- services.icecast = {
- enable = true;
- hostname = "";
- admin.password = "hackme";
- extraConf = ''
- <authentication>
- <source-password>hackme</source-password>
- <admin-user>admin</admin-user>
- <admin-password>hackme</admin-password>
- </authentication>
- <logging>
- <accesslog>-</accesslog>
- <errorlog>-</errorlog>
- <loglevel>3</loglevel>
- </logging>
- '';
- };
- krebs.iptables = {
- tables = {
- filter.INPUT.rules = [
- { predicate = "-p tcp --dport 8000"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
- { predicate = "-i retiolum -p tcp --dport 8001"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
- { predicate = "-i retiolum -p tcp --dport 8002"; target = "ACCEPT"; }
- ];
- };
- };
- # allow reaktor2 to modify files
-"reaktor2-the_playlist".serviceConfig.DynamicUser = lib.mkForce false;
-"reaktor2-the_playlist".serviceConfig.Group = lib.mkForce "radio";
- krebs.reaktor2.the_playlist = {
- hostname = "";
- port = "6697";
- useTLS = true;
- nick = "the_playlist";
- username = "radio";
- API.listen = "unix:/home/radio/reaktor.sock";
- plugins = [
- {
- plugin = "register";
- config = {
- channels = [
- "#the_playlist"
- "#krebs"
- ];
- };
- }
- {
- plugin = "system";
- config = {
- workdir = config.krebs.reaktor2.the_playlist.stateDir;
- hooks.PRIVMSG = [
- {
- activate = "match";
- pattern = "^(?:.*\\s)?\\s*the_playlist:\\s*([0-9A-Za-z._][0-9A-Za-z._-]*)(?:\\s+(.*\\S))?\\s*$";
- command = 1;
- arguments = [2];
- commands = {
- skip.filename = "${skip_track}/bin/skip_track";
- next.filename = "${skip_track}/bin/skip_track";
- bad.filename = "${skip_track}/bin/skip_track";
- good.filename = "${good_track}/bin/good_track";
- nice.filename = "${good_track}/bin/good_track";
- like.filename = "${good_track}/bin/good_track";
- current.filename = "${print_current}/bin/print_current";
- wish.filename = pkgs.writeDash "wish" ''
- echo "youtube-dl:$1" | ${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -fSs http://localhost:8002/wish -d @- > /dev/null
- '';
- wishlist.filename = pkgs.writeDash "wishlist" ''
- ${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -fSs http://localhost:8002/wish | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -r '.[]'
- '';
- suggest.filename = pkgs.writeDash "suggest" ''
- echo "$@" >> playlist_suggest
- '';
- };
- }
- ];
- };
- }
- ];
- };
- = {
- port = 8001;
- user = {
- name = "radio";
- };
- scriptFile = pkgs.writeDash "radio" ''
- case "$Method $Request_URI" in
- "POST /skip")
- printf 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
- printf 'Connection: close\r\n'
- printf '\r\n'
- msg=$(${skip_track}/bin/skip_track)
- ${write_to_irc} "$msg"
- echo "$msg"
- exit
- ;;
- "POST /good")
- printf 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
- printf 'Connection: close\r\n'
- printf '\r\n'
- msg=$(${good_track}/bin/good_track)
- ${write_to_irc} "$msg"
- echo "$msg"
- exit
- ;;
- esac
- '';
- };
- networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 ];
- services.nginx = {
- enable = true;
- virtualHosts."radio.r" = {
- locations."/".extraConfig = ''
- #
- proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;
- # Disable request size limit, very important for uploading large files
- client_max_body_size 0;
- # Enable support `Transfer-Encoding: chunked`
- chunked_transfer_encoding on;
- # Disable request and response buffering, minimize latency to/from Icecast
- proxy_buffering off;
- proxy_request_buffering off;
- # Icecast needs HTTP/1.1, not 1.0 or 2
- proxy_http_version 1.1;
- # Forward all original request headers
- proxy_pass_request_headers on;
- # Set some standard reverse proxy headers. Icecast server currently ignores these,
- # but may support them in a future version so that access logs are more useful.
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
- # get source ip for weather reports
- proxy_set_header user-agent "$http_user_agent; client-ip=$remote_addr";
- '';
- locations."= /recent".extraConfig = ''
- default_type "text/plain";
- alias /var/lib/radio/recent;
- '';
- locations."= /current".extraConfig = ''
- proxy_pass http://localhost:8002;
- '';
- locations."= /skip".extraConfig = ''
- proxy_pass http://localhost:8001;
- '';
- locations."= /good".extraConfig = ''
- proxy_pass http://localhost:8001;
- '';
- locations."= /".alias = pkgs.writeScript "" ''
- #!/bin/sh
- trap 'exit 0' EXIT
- while sleep 1; do
- mpv \
- --cache-secs=0 --demuxer-readahead-secs=0 --untimed --cache-pause=no \
- ''
- done
- '';
- locations."= /controls".extraConfig = ''
- default_type "text/html";
- alias ${./controls.html};
- '';
- extraConfig = ''
- add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';
- add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS';
- '';
- };
- };
- services.syncthing.declarative.folders."the_playlist" = {
- path = "/var/music/the_playlist";
- devices = [ "mors" "phone" "prism" "omo" "radio" ];
- };
- krebs.acl."/var/music/the_playlist"."u:syncthing:X".parents = true;
- krebs.acl."/var/music/the_playlist"."u:syncthing:rwX" = {};
- krebs.acl."/var/music/the_playlist"."u:radio:rwX" = {};
diff --git a/lass/2configs/services/radio/news.nix b/lass/2configs/services/radio/news.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index cfd17e637..000000000
--- a/lass/2configs/services/radio/news.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
- tts = pkgs.writers.writeBashBin "tts" ''
- set -efu
- offset=0
- OUTPUT=$(mktemp -d)
- trap 'rm -rf "$OUTPUT"' EXIT
- SPEAKER=$[ $RANDOM % 900 ]
- while read line; do
- echo "$line" |
- ${pkgs.piper-tts}/bin/piper \
- --model ${pkgs.fetchzip {
- url = "";
- hash = "sha256-jCoK4p0O7BuF0nr6Sfj40tpivCvU5M3GHKQRg1tfIO8=";
- stripRoot = false;
- }}/en-us-libritts-high.onnx \
- -s "$SPEAKER" \
- -f "$OUTPUT"/"$offset".wav >/dev/null
- ((offset+=1))
- done
- ${pkgs.sox}/bin/sox "$OUTPUT"/*.wav "$OUTPUT"/all.wav
- cat "$OUTPUT"/all.wav
- '';
- send_to_radio = pkgs.writers.writeDashBin "send_to_radio" ''
- ${pkgs.vorbis-tools}/bin/oggenc - |
- ${pkgs.cyberlocker-tools}/bin/cput news.ogg
- ${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -fSs -X POST http://localhost:8002/newsshow
- '';
- gc_news = pkgs.writers.writeDashBin "gc_news" ''
- set -xefu
- export TZ=UTC #workaround for jq parsing wrong timestamp
- ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/cat $HOME/news | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -cs 'map(select((.to|fromdateiso8601) > now)) | .[]' > $HOME/bla-news.tmp
- ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/mv $HOME/bla-news.tmp $HOME/news
- '';
- get_current_news = pkgs.writers.writeDashBin "get_current_news" ''
- set -xefu
- export TZ=UTC #workaround for jq parsing wrong timestamp
- ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/cat $HOME/news | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -rs '
- sort_by(.priority) |
- map(select(
- ((.to | fromdateiso8601) > now) and
- (.from|fromdateiso8601) < now) |
- .text
- ) | .[]'
- '';
- newsshow = pkgs.writers.writeDashBin "newsshow" /* sh */ ''
- cat << EOF
- hello crabpeople!
- $(${pkgs.ddate}/bin/ddate +'Today is %{%A, the %e of %B%}, %Y. %N%nCelebrate %H')
- It is $(date --utc +%H) o clock UTC.
- todays news:
- $(get_current_news)
- $(gc_news)
- '';
- = {
- path = [
- newsshow
- tts
- send_to_radio
- gc_news
- get_current_news
- pkgs.retry
- ];
- script = ''
- set -efu
- retry -t 5 -d 10 -- newsshow |
- retry -t 5 -d 10 -- tts |
- retry -t 5 -d 10 -- send_to_radio
- '';
- startAt = "*:00:00";
- serviceConfig = {
- User = "radio-news";
- };
- };
- services.nginx.virtualHosts."radio-news.r" = {
- locations."/" = {
- proxyPass = "http://localhost:7999";
- proxyWebsockets = true;
- extraConfig = ''
- add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';
- add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS';
- '';
- };
- };
- = {
- port = 7999;
- user = {
- name = "radio-news";
- };
- script = ''. ${pkgs.writers.writeDash "htgen-news" ''
- set -xefu
- case "''${Method:-GET} $Request_URI" in
- "GET /")
- printf 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
- printf 'Connection: close\r\n'
- printf '\r\n'
- cat "$HOME"/news | jq -sc .
- exit
- ;;
- "POST /")
- payload=$(head -c "$req_content_length")
- printf '%s' "$payload" | jq 'has("from") and has("to") and has("text")' >&2
- printf '%s' "$payload" | jq -c '{ from: .from, to: .to, text: .text, priority: (.priority // 0)}' >> "$HOME"/news
- printf 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
- printf 'Connection: close\r\n'
- printf '\r\n'
- exit
- ;;
- esac
- ''}'';
- };
- # debug
- environment.systemPackages = [
- send_to_radio
- newsshow
- tts
- ];
diff --git a/lass/2configs/services/radio/proxy.nix b/lass/2configs/services/radio/proxy.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 49f8ade79..000000000
--- a/lass/2configs/services/radio/proxy.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-{ config, pkgs, ... }:
- services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = {
- enableACME = true;
- addSSL = true;
- locations."/" = {
- # recommendedProxySettings = true;
- proxyWebsockets = true;
- proxyPass = "http://radio.r";
- extraConfig = ''
- proxy_set_header Host radio.r;
- # get source ip for weather reports
- proxy_set_header user-agent "$http_user_agent; client-ip=$remote_addr";
- '';
- };
- };
diff --git a/lass/2configs/services/radio/radio.liq b/lass/2configs/services/radio/radio.liq
deleted file mode 100644
index 1366287a7..000000000
--- a/lass/2configs/services/radio/radio.liq
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-# use yt-dlp
-## functions
-def stringify_attrs(attrs) =
- let json.stringify out = (attrs : [(string * string)] as json.object)
- out
-def filter_music(req) =
- filename = request.filename(req)
- if string.match(pattern = '.*/\\.graveyard/.*', filename) then
- false
- else
- true
- end
-def queue_contents(q) =
- (req) -> request.uri(req), q)
-## main
-env = environment()
-port = string.to_int(env["RADIO_PORT"], default = 8000)
-all_music = playlist(env["MUSIC"], check_next = filter_music)
-wishlist = request.queue()
-tracks = fallback(track_sensitive = true, [wishlist, all_music])
-tracks =
-last_metadata = ref([])
-def on_metadata(m) =
- last_metadata := m
- print("changing tracks")
- out =["HOOK_TRACK_CHANGE"], env = m, timeout = 5.0)
- print(out)
-# some nice effects
-music = crossfade(tracks)
-music = mksafe(music)
-music = normalize(music)
-news = request.queue()
-radio = smooth_add(normal = music, special = amplify(1.5, news))
-if string.length(env["ICECAST_HOST"]) > 0 then
- output.icecast(host = env["ICECAST_HOST"], mount = '/music.ogg', password = 'hackme', %vorbis(quality = 1), music)
- output.icecast(host = env["ICECAST_HOST"], mount = '/music.mp3', password = 'hackme', %mp3.vbr(), music)
- output.icecast(host = env["ICECAST_HOST"], mount = '/music.opus', password = 'hackme', %opus(bitrate = 128), music)
- output.icecast(host = env["ICECAST_HOST"], mount = '/radio.ogg', password = 'hackme', %vorbis(quality = 1), radio)
- output.icecast(host = env["ICECAST_HOST"], mount = '/radio.mp3', password = 'hackme', %mp3.vbr(), radio)
- output.icecast(host = env["ICECAST_HOST"], mount = '/radio.opus', password = 'hackme', %opus(bitrate = 128), radio)
- output(fallible = true, buffer(radio))
-interactive.harbor(port = port)
-def current(~protocol, ~headers, ~data, uri) =
- http.response(content_type = "application/json", data = stringify_attrs(
- !last_metadata
- ))
-harbor.http.register("/current", port = port, current)
-def skip(~protocol, ~headers, ~data, uri) =
- tracks.skip()
- http.response(content_type = "application/json", data = stringify_attrs(
- !last_metadata
- ))
-harbor.http.register("/skip", method = "POST", port = port, skip)
-def all_tracks(~protocol, ~headers, ~data, uri) =
- http.response(content_type = "application/json", data = json.stringify(
- all_music.remaining_files()
- ))
-harbor.http.register("/all_tracks", port = port, all_tracks)
-def wish_track(~protocol, ~headers, ~data, uri) =
- # disallow process:
- if string.match(pattern = '^process:', data) then
- http.response(code = 400)
- else
- # TODO report errors back
- wish = request.create(data)
- wishlist.push(wish)
- http.response(content_type = "application/json", data = "ok")
- end
-harbor.http.register("/wish", method = "POST", port = port, wish_track)
-def wish_tracklist(~protocol, ~headers, ~data, uri) =
- http.response(content_type = "application/json", data = json.stringify(
- queue_contents(wishlist.queue())
- ))
-harbor.http.register("/wish", port = port, wish_tracklist)
-def newsshow(~protocol, ~headers, ~data, uri) =
- news.push(request.create("http://c.r/news.ogg"))
- http.response(content_type = "application/json", data = "ok")
-harbor.http.register("/newsshow", method = "POST", port = port, newsshow)
diff --git a/lass/2configs/services/radio/shell.nix b/lass/2configs/services/radio/shell.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d00e3b06..000000000
--- a/lass/2configs/services/radio/shell.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
-pkgs.mkShell {
- buildInputs = [
- pkgs.liquidsoap
- ];
diff --git a/lass/2configs/services/radio/weather.nix b/lass/2configs/services/radio/weather.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index dca8a7843..000000000
--- a/lass/2configs/services/radio/weather.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
- weather_for_ips = pkgs.writers.writePython3Bin "weather_for_ips" {
- libraries = [ pkgs.python3Packages.geoip2 ];
- flakeIgnore = [ "E501" ];
- } ./;
- weather_report = pkgs.writers.writeDashBin "weather_report" ''
- set -efux
- export PATH="${lib.makeBinPath [
- pkgs.coreutils
- pkgs.curl
- pkgs.jq
- ]}"
- curl -fSsz /tmp/GeoLite2-City.mmdb -o /tmp/GeoLite2-City.mmdb http://c.r/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
- MAXMIND_GEOIP_DB="/tmp/GeoLite2-City.mmdb"; export MAXMIND_GEOIP_DB
- (
- curl -sS 'http://admin:hackme@localhost:8000/admin/listclients.json?mount=/radio.ogg'
- curl -sS 'http://admin:hackme@localhost:8000/admin/listclients.json?mount=/radio.mp3'
- curl -sS 'http://admin:hackme@localhost:8000/admin/listclients.json?mount=/radio.opus'
- ) | jq -rs '
- [
- .[][].source|values|to_entries[].value |
- (.listener//[]) [] |
- (.useragent | capture("client-ip=(?<ip>[a-f0-9.:]+)")).ip // .ip
- ] |
- unique[] |
- select(. != "") |
- select(. != "::1")
- ' |
- ${weather_for_ips}/bin/weather_for_ips
- '';
-in {
- = {
- path = [
- weather_report
- pkgs.retry
- pkgs.jq
- pkgs.curl
- ];
- script = ''
- set -xefu
- retry -t 5 -d 10 -- weather_report |
- jq \
- --arg from "$(date -u +'%FT%TZ')" \
- --arg to "$(date -u +'%FT%TZ' -d '+1 hours')" \
- --slurp --raw-input --compact-output --ascii-output \
- '{text: ., from: $from, to: $to, priority: 100}' |
- retry -t 5 -d 10 -- curl -fSs -d@- http://radio-news.r
- '';
- startAt = "*:58:00";
- serviceConfig = {
- User = "radio-news";
- LoadCredential = [
- "openweather_api:${toString <secrets>}/openweather_api_key"
- ];
- };
- };
diff --git a/lass/2configs/services/radio/ b/lass/2configs/services/radio/
deleted file mode 100644
index c44c5e46a..000000000
--- a/lass/2configs/services/radio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-import geoip2.database
-import fileinput
-import json
-import requests
-import os
-import random
-geoip = geoip2.database.Reader(os.environ['MAXMIND_GEOIP_DB'])
-seen = {}
-output = []
-for ip in fileinput.input():
- if "" in ip:
- output.append(
- 'Weather report for c-base, space. '
- 'It is empty space outside '
- 'with a temperature of -270 degrees, '
- 'a lightspeed of 299792 kilometers per second '
- 'and a humidity of Not a Number percent. '
- f'The probability of reincarnation is {random.randrange(0, 100)} percent. '
- )
- else:
- try:
- location =
- if not in seen:
- seen[] = True
- weather_api_key = os.environ['OPENWEATHER_API_KEY']
- url = (
- f''
- f'?lat={location.location.latitude}'
- f'&lon={location.location.longitude}'
- f'&appid={weather_api_key}'
- f'&units=metric'
- )
- resp = requests.get(url)
- weather = json.loads(resp.text)
- output.append(
- f'Weather report for {}, {}. '
- f'It is {weather["current"]["weather"][0]["description"]} outside '
- f'with a temperature of {weather["current"]["temp"]:.1f} degrees, '
- f'a wind speed of {weather["current"]["wind_speed"]:.1f} meters per second '
- f'and a humidity of {weather["current"]["humidity"]} percent. '
- f'The probability of precipitation is {weather["hourly"][0]["pop"] * 100:.0f} percent. '
- )
- except: # noqa E722
- pass
[cgit] Unable to lock slot /tmp/cgit/7a300000.lock: No such file or directory (2)