diff options
28 files changed, 366 insertions, 999 deletions
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/automation/ampel.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/automation/ampel.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 4be92a328..000000000
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/automation/ampel.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# needs:
-# binary_sensor.lounge_ampel_status
-# light.lounge_ampel_licht_rot
- glados = import ../lib;
- services.home-assistant.config.automation =
- [
- {
- alias = "Ampel Rotes Licht";
- initial_state = true;
- trigger = {
- platform = "state";
- entity_id = "binary_sensor.lounge_ampel_status";
- };
- action = { service = "light.turn_on";
- data.entity_id = "light.lounge_ampel_licht_rot";
- };
- }
- ];
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/automation/announcement.j2 b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/automation/announcement.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ae5f1a46..000000000
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/automation/announcement.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Willkommen werter Keyholder {{ states("sensor.keyholder") }} in deinem Lieblingshackerspace.
-Es ist {{states("sensor.fablab_feinstaub_temperature") | round(1) | replace('.',' Komma ')}} Grad {% if states("sensor.fablab_feinstaub_temperature")|float > 25 %}heiss{%elif states("sensor.fablab_feinstaub_temperature")|float > 15%}warm{%else%}kalt{%endif%} bei {% if states(" sensor.rz_feinstaub_humidity") | int <45 %}trockenen{% elif states(" sensor.rz_feinstaub_humidity") | int <65 %}angenehmen{%else%}feuchten{%endif%} {{states(" sensor.rz_feinstaub_humidity") | int }} Prozent Luftfeuchtigkeit.
-{% if (states("sensor.fullstand_mate_1")|int == 0) and
- states("sensor.fullstand_mate_2")|int == 0 %}ES IST MAHTECALYPSE, BEIDE MAHTESCHÄCHTE SIND LEER! {%if states("sensor.fullstand_mate_cola")| int == 0%} UND SOGAR DIE COLA IST ALLE. Ihr seid sowas von am Arsch!{%else%}Zum Glück gibt es noch Cola, Phew!{%endif%}
-{% elif (states("sensor.fullstand_mate_1")|int + states("sensor.fullstand_mate_2")|int) < 5 %}
-Der Mahtestand im Automaten ist mit {{states("sensor.fullstand_mate_1")|int + states("sensor.fullstand_mate_2")|int }} verbleibenden Flaschen kritisch!
-{% else %}
-Im Automaten sind noch {{states("sensor.fullstand_mate_1")|int + states("sensor.fullstand_mate_2")|int }} Flaschen Mahte und {{states("sensor.fullstand_mate_cola")}} Flaschen Cola.
-Die Wettervorhersage: {{states("sensor.dark_sky_hourly_summary")}} Aktuell {{states("sensor.dark_sky_summary")}} bei {{states("sensor.dark_sky_temperature") | round(1) | replace('.',' Komma ')}} Grad.
-Der Stromverbrauch liegt bei {{ (( states("sensor.l1_power")|int + states("sensor.l2_power")|int + states("sensor.l3_power")|int ) / 1000 )| round(1) | replace('.',' Komma ')}} Kilowatt.
-Im Fablab ist die Feinstaubbelastung {% if states("sensor.fablab_particulate_matter_2_5um_concentration") | float > 50 %}hoch!{%elif states("sensor.fablab_particulate_matter_2_5um_concentration") | float > 25 %}mäßig.{% else %}gering.{%endif%}
-{% if is_state("binary_sensor.door_rzl",'on') and is_state("binary_sensor.door_entropia",'on') %}
-Das Raumzeitlabor und Entropia haben geöffnet.
-{% elif is_state("binary_sensor.door_rzl",'off') and is_state("binary_sensor.door_entropia",'off') %}
-Das Raumzeitlabor und Entropia haben geschlossen.
-{% elif is_state("binary_sensor.door_rzl",'on') and is_state("binary_sensor.door_entropia",'off') %}
-Das Raumzeitlabor hat geöffnet und Entropia hat geschlossen.
-{% elif is_state("binary_sensor.door_rzl",'off') and is_state("binary_sensor.door_entropia",'on') %}
-Das Raumzeitlabor hat geschlossen und Entropia hat geöffnet.
-Die Glados Hackerspace Automation wünscht dir und allen Anwesenden einen produktiven und angenehmen Aufenthalt!
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/automation/hass-restart.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/automation/hass-restart.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f61e19f1..000000000
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/automation/hass-restart.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# needs:
-# light.fablab_led
- services.home-assistant.config.automation =
- [
- { alias = "State on HA start-up";
- trigger = {
- platform = "homeassistant";
- event = "start";
- };
- # trigger good/bad air
- action = [
- { service = "light.turn_on";
- data = {
- entity_id = "light.fablab_led";
- effect = "Rainbow";
- color_name = "purple";
- };
- }
- ];
- }
- ];
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/automation/party-time.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/automation/party-time.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e7fe24cd..000000000
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/automation/party-time.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Needs:
-# sun.sunset
-# switch.lounge_diskoschalter_relay
- glados = import ../lib;
- disko_schalter = "switch.lounge_diskoschalter_relay";
- player = "media_player.lounge";
- services.home-assistant.config.automation =
- [
- { alias = "Party um 21 Uhr";
- trigger = {
- platform = "sun";
- event = "sunset";
- };
- action =
- ( glados.say.kiosk "Die Sonne geht unter. Und jetzt geht die Party im shack erst richtig los. Partybeleuchtung, aktiviert!" )
- ++
- [
- {
- service = "homeassistant.turn_on";
- entity_id = disko_schalter;
- }
- {
- service = "media_player.turn_on";
- data.entity_id = player;
- } # TODO: also start playlist if nothing is running?
- ];
- }
- ];
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/automation/shack-startup.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/automation/shack-startup.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 471d817a2..000000000
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/automation/shack-startup.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# needs:
-# binary_sensor.portal_lock
-# sensor.keyholder
-# media_player.lounge
-# additional state required on:
-# mpd.shack:
-# playlist "ansage"
-# playlist "lassulus"
-# lounge.kiosk.shack:
-# playlist "ansage"
- glados = import ../lib;
- services.home-assistant.config.automation =
- [
- {
- alias = "Bedanken bei Übernahme von Key";
- initial_state = true;
- trigger = {
- platform = "state";
- entity_id = "sensor.keyholder";
- };
- condition = {
- condition = "template";
- value_template = "{{ (trigger.from_state.state != 'No Keyholder') and (trigger.from_state.state != 'No Keyholder') }}";
- };
- action = glados.say.kiosk "Danke {{ trigger.to_state.state }} für das Übernehmen des Keys von {{ trigger.from_state.state }}";
- }
- {
- alias = "Keyholder Begrüßen wenn MPD hoch fährt";
- initial_state = true;
- trigger = {
- platform = "state";
- from = "unavailable";
- entity_id = "media_player.kiosk";
- };
- action = glados.say.kiosk (builtins.readFile ./announcement.j2);
- }
- {
- alias = "Start Music on portal lock on";
- trigger = {
- platform = "state";
- entity_id = "binary_sensor.portal_lock";
- to = "on";
- for.seconds = 30;
- };
- condition = {
- condition = "and";
- conditions =
- [
- { # only start if a keyholder opened the door and if the lounge mpd is currently not playing anything
- condition = "template";
- value_template = "{{ state('sensor.keyholder') != 'No Keyholder' }}";
- }
- {
- condition = "state";
- entity_id = "media_player.lounge";
- state = "idle";
- }
- ];
- };
- action = [
- {
- service = "media_player.volume_set";
- data = {
- entity_id = "media_player.lounge";
- volume_level = 1.0;
- };
- }
- {
- service = "media_player.play_media";
- data = {
- entity_id = "media_player.lounge";
- media_content_type = "playlist";
- media_content_id = "ansage";
- };
- }
- { delay.seconds = 8.5; }
- {
- service = "media_player.volume_set";
- data = {
- entity_id = "media_player.lounge";
- volume_level = 0.6;
- };
- }
- {
- service = "media_player.play_media";
- data = {
- entity_id = "media_player.lounge";
- media_content_type = "playlist";
- media_content_id = "lassulus";
- };
- }
- ];
- }
- ];
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/default.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/default.nix
index 7c941a66a..236b5000d 100644
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/default.nix
+++ b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/default.nix
@@ -1,12 +1,33 @@
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
- unstable = import (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
- owner = "nixos";
- repo = "nixpkgs";
- rev = (lib.importJSON ../../../nixpkgs-unstable.json).rev;
- sha256 = (lib.importJSON ../../../nixpkgs-unstable.json).sha256;
- }) {};
+ kodi-host = "";
+ confdir = "/var/lib/homeassistant-docker";
in {
+ imports = [
+ ];
+ # networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 8123 ];
+ virtualisation.oci-containers.containers.hass = {
+ image = "homeassistant/home-assistant:latest";
+ environment = {
+ TZ = "Europe/Berlin";
+ # TODO create unique users
+ PUID = toString config.users.users.news_container.uid;
+ PGID = toString config.users.groups.news_container.gid;
+ UMASK = "007";
+ };
+ extraOptions = ["--net=host" ];
+ volumes = [
+ "${confdir}:/config"
+ #"${confdir}/docker-run:/etc/services.d/home-assistant/run:"
+ ];
+ };
+ systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [
+ #"f ${confdir}/docker-run 0770 kiosk kiosk - -"
+ # TODO:
+ "d ${confdir} 0770 news_container news_container - -"
+ ];
services.nginx.virtualHosts."hass.shack" = {
serverAliases = [ "glados.shack" ];
locations."/" = {
@@ -23,127 +44,4 @@ in {
- imports = [
- ./multi/shackopen.nix
- ./multi/wasser.nix
- ./multi/schlechte_luft.nix
- ./multi/rollos.nix
- ./switch/power.nix
- ./sensors/power.nix
- ./sensors/mate.nix
- ./sensors/darksky.nix
- ./sensors/spaceapi.nix
- ./sensors/sensemap.nix
- ./automation/shack-startup.nix
- ./automation/party-time.nix
- ./automation/hass-restart.nix
- ./automation/ampel.nix
- ];
- services.home-assistant =
- {
- enable = true;
- package = unstable.home-assistant.overrideAttrs (old: {
- doInstallCheck = false;
- });
- config = {
- homeassistant = {
- name = "Glados";
- time_zone = "Europe/Berlin";
- latitude = "48.8265";
- longitude = "9.0676";
- elevation = 303;
- auth_providers = [
- { type = "homeassistant";}
- { type = "trusted_networks";
- trusted_networks = [
- ""
- ""
- "::1/128"
- "fd00::/8"
- ];
- }
- ];
- };
- #
- influxdb = {
- database = "glados";
- host = "influx.shack";
- component_config_glob = {
- "sensor.*particulate_matter_2_5um_concentration".override_measurement = "2_5um particles";
- "sensor.*particulate_matter_10_0um_concentration".override_measurement ="10um particles";
- };
- tags = {
- instance = "wolf";
- source = "glados";
- };
- };
- esphome = {};
- api = {};
- mqtt = {
- broker = "localhost";
- port = 1883;
- client_id = "home-assistant";
- keepalive = 60;
- protocol = 3.1;
- discovery = true; #enable esphome discovery
- discovery_prefix = "homeassistant";
- birth_message = {
- topic = "glados/hass/status/LWT";
- payload = "Online";
- qos = 1;
- retain = true;
- };
- will_message = {
- topic = "glados/hass/status/LWT";
- payload = "Offline";
- qos = 1;
- retain = true;
- };
- };
- light = [];
- media_player = [
- { platform = "mpd";
- name = "lounge";
- host = "lounge.mpd.shack";
- }
- { platform = "mpd";
- name = "kiosk";
- #host = "lounge.kiosk.shack";
- host = "kiosk.shack";
- }
- ];
- camera = [];
- frontend = { };
- config = { };
- sun = {};
- http = {
- base_url = "http://hass.shack";
- use_x_forwarded_for = true;
- trusted_proxies = [ "" "::1" ];
- };
- #conversation = {};
- history = {};
- logbook = {};
- #recorder = {};
- logger.default = "info";
- tts = [
- { platform = "google_translate";
- service_name = "say";
- language = "de";
- cache = true;
- time_memory = 57600;
- base_url = "http://hass.shack";
- }
- ];
- device_tracker = [];
- };
- };
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/deps/gtts-token.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/deps/gtts-token.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 69640f03d..000000000
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/deps/gtts-token.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-{ lib
-, buildPythonPackage
-, fetchPypi
-, requests
-buildPythonPackage rec {
- pname = "gtts-token";
- version = "1.1.3";
- src = fetchPypi {
- pname = "gTTS-token";
- inherit version;
- sha256 = "9d6819a85b813f235397ef931ad4b680f03d843c9b2a9e74dd95175a4bc012c5";
- };
- propagatedBuildInputs = [
- requests
- ];
- meta = with lib; {
- description = "Calculates a token to run the Google Translate text to speech";
- homepage =;
- license =;
- # maintainers = [ maintainers. ];
- };
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/deps/pyhaversion.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/deps/pyhaversion.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index a75c6a976..000000000
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/deps/pyhaversion.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-{ lib
-, buildPythonPackage
-, fetchpatch
-, fetchPypi
-, aiohttp
-, async-timeout
-buildPythonPackage rec {
- pname = "pyhaversion";
- version = "2.2.1";
- src = fetchPypi {
- inherit pname version;
- sha256 = "72b65aa25d7b2dbb839a4d0218df2005c2335e93526035904d365bb668030b9f";
- };
- patches = [
- (fetchpatch { url = "";
- sha256 =
- "1rhq4z7mdgnwhwpf5fmarnbc1ba3qysk1wqjdr0hvbzi8vmvbfcc";})
- ];
- doCheck = false;
- propagatedBuildInputs = [
- aiohttp
- async-timeout
- ];
- meta = with lib; {
- description = "";
- homepage =;
- # maintainers = [ maintainers. ];
- };
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/lib/default.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/lib/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cfac3daf..000000000
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/lib/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- prefix = "glados";
- say = let
- # returns a list of actions to be performed on an mpd to say something
- tts = { message, entity }:
- [
- {
- service = "media_player.turn_on";
- data.entity_id = "media_player.${entity}";
- }
- { service = "media_player.play_media";
- data = {
- entity_id = "media_player.${entity}";
- media_content_type = "playlist";
- media_content_id = "ansage";
- };
- }
- {
- service = "media_player.turn_on";
- data.entity_id = "media_player.${entity}";
- }
- { delay.seconds = 4.5; }
- { service = "tts.say";
- entity_id = "media_player.${entity}";
- data_template = {
- inherit message;
- language = "de";
- };
- }
- ];
- in
- {
- lounge = message: tts {
- inherit message;
- entity = "lounge";
- };
- herrenklo = message: tts {
- inherit message;
- entity = "herrenklo";
- };
- kiosk = message: tts {
- inherit message;
- entity = "kiosk";
- };
- };
- tasmota =
- {
- plug = {host, name ? host, topic ? host}:
- {
- platform = "mqtt";
- inherit name;
- state_topic = "sonoff/stat/${topic}/POWER1";
- command_topic = "sonoff/cmnd/${topic}/POWER1";
- availability_topic = "sonoff/tele/${topic}/LWT";
- payload_on= "ON";
- payload_off= "OFF";
- payload_available= "Online";
- payload_not_available= "Offline";
- retain = false;
- qos = 1;
- };
- };
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/multi/rollos.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/multi/rollos.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 29525ad82..000000000
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/multi/rollos.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- glados = import ../lib;
- tempsensor = "sensor.dark_sky_temperature";
- all_covers = [
- "cover.crafting_rollo"
- "cover.elab_rollo"
- "cover.or2_rollo"
- "cover.retroraum_rollo"
- ];
- services.home-assistant.config =
- {
- automation =
- [
- { alias = "Rollos fahren Runter";
- trigger = [
- {
- platform = "numeric_state";
- entity_id = tempsensor;
- above = 25;
- for = "00:30:00";
- }
- ];
- condition =
- [
- {
- condition = "state";
- entity_id = "sun.sun";
- state = "above_horizon";
- }
- ];
- action =
- [
- { service = "cover.close_cover";
- entity_id = all_covers;
- }
- ];
- }
- { alias = "Rollos fahren Hoch";
- trigger = [
- {
- platform = "sun";
- event = "sunset";
- }
- ];
- condition = [ ];
- action =
- [
- { service = "cover.open_cover";
- entity_id = all_covers;
- }
- ];
- }
- ];
- };
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/multi/schlechte_luft.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/multi/schlechte_luft.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index c1890361b..000000000
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/multi/schlechte_luft.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
- glados = import ../lib;
- feinstaub_sensor = "sensor.fablab_particulate_matter_2_5um_concentration";
- ledring = "light.fablab_led_ring";
- services.home-assistant.config =
- {
- automation =
- [
- { alias = "Gute Luft Fablab";
- trigger = [
- {
- platform = "numeric_state";
- entity_id = feinstaub_sensor;
- below = 3;
- }
- ];
- action =
- [
- { service = "light.turn_on";
- data = {
- entity_id = ledring;
- effect = "Twinkle";
- color_name = "green";
- };
- }
- ];
- }
- { alias = "mäßige Luft Fablab";
- trigger = [
- {
- platform = "numeric_state";
- above = 3;
- below = 10;
- entity_id = feinstaub_sensor;
- }
- ];
- action =
- [
- { service = "light.turn_on";
- data = {
- entity_id = ledring;
- effect = "Twinkle";
- color_name = "yellow";
- };
- }
- ];
- }
- { alias = "schlechte Luft Fablab";
- trigger = [
- {
- platform = "numeric_state";
- above = 10;
- entity_id = feinstaub_sensor;
- }
- ];
- action =
- [
- { service = "light.turn_on";
- data = {
- entity_id = ledring;
- effect = "Fireworks";
- color_name = "red";
- };
- }
- ];
- }
- { alias = "Luft Sensor nicht verfügbar";
- trigger = [
- {
- platform = "state";
- to = "unavailable";
- entity_id = feinstaub_sensor;
- }
- ];
- action =
- [
- { service = "light.turn_on";
- data = {
- entity_id = ledring;
- effect = "Rainbow";
- color_name = "blue";
- };
- }
- ];
- }
- { alias = "Fablab Licht Reboot";
- trigger = [
- {
- platform = "state";
- from = "unavailable";
- entity_id = ledring;
- }
- ];
- action =
- [
- { service = "light.turn_on";
- data = {
- entity_id = ledring;
- effect = "Rainbow";
- color_name = "orange";
- };
- }
- ];
- }
- ];
- };
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/multi/shackopen.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/multi/shackopen.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index d9be9adfa..000000000
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/multi/shackopen.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- services.home-assistant.config =
- {
- binary_sensor = [
- { platform = "mqtt";
- name = "Portal Lock";
- device_class = "door";
- state_topic = "portal/gateway/status";
- availability_topic = "portal/gateway/lwt";
- payload_on = "open";
- payload_off = "closed";
- payload_available = "online";
- payload_not_available = "offline";
- }
- ];
- sensor = [
- { platform = "mqtt";
- name = "Keyholder";
- state_topic = "portal/gateway/keyholder";
- availability_topic = "portal/gateway/lwt";
- payload_available = "online";
- payload_not_available = "offline";
- }
- ];
- };
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/multi/wasser.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/multi/wasser.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ca5e4500..000000000
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/multi/wasser.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# uses:
-# switch.crafting_giesskanne_relay
- glados = import ../lib;
- seconds = 20;
- wasser = "switch.crafting_giesskanne_relay";
- brotbox = {
- minutes = 10;
- pump = "switch.crafting_brotbox_pumpe";
- sensor = "sensor.statistics_for_sensor_crafting_brotbox_soil_moisture";
- };
- services.home-assistant.config =
- {
- sensor = map ( entity_id: {
- platform = "statistics";
- name = "Statistics for ${entity_id}";
- inherit entity_id;
- max_age.minutes = "60";
- sampling_size = 1000;
- }) ["sensor.crafting_brotbox_soil_moisture"];
- automation =
- [
- ### Brotbox #####
- #{ alias = "Brotbox: water for ${toString brotbox.minutes} minutes every hour";
- # trigger =
- # { # Trigger once every hour at :42
- # platform = "time_pattern";
- # minutes = 42;
- # };
- # condition = {
- # condition = "numeric_state";
- # entity_id = brotbox.sensor;
- # value_template = "{{ state_attr('${brotbox.sensor}', 'median') }}";
- # below = 75;
- # };
- # action =
- # [
- # {
- # service = "homeassistant.turn_on";
- # entity_id = brotbox.pump;
- # }
- # { delay.minutes = brotbox.minutes; }
- # {
- # service = "homeassistant.turn_off";
- # entity_id = brotbox.pump ;
- # }
- # ];
- #}
- { alias = "Brotbox: Always turn off water after ${toString (brotbox.minutes * 2)} minutes";
- trigger =
- {
- platform = "state";
- entity_id = brotbox.pump;
- to = "on";
- for.minutes = brotbox.minutes*2;
- };
- action =
- {
- service = "homeassistant.turn_off";
- entity_id = brotbox.pump;
- };
- }
- ##### Kaffeemaschine
- { alias = "Water the plant for ${toString seconds} seconds";
- trigger = [
- { # trigger at 20:00 no matter what
- # TODO: retry or run only if switch.wasser is available
- platform = "time";
- at = "20:00:00";
- }
- ];
- action =
- [
- {
- service = "homeassistant.turn_on";
- entity_id = [
- wasser
- ];
- }
- { delay.seconds = seconds; }
- {
- service = "homeassistant.turn_off";
- entity_id = [
- wasser
- ];
- }
- ];
- }
- { alias = "Always turn off water after ${toString (seconds * 2)}seconds";
- trigger = [
- {
- platform = "state";
- entity_id = wasser;
- to = "on";
- for.seconds = seconds*2;
- }
- ];
- action =
- [
- {
- service = "homeassistant.turn_off";
- entity_id = [ wasser ];
- }
- ];
- }
- ];
- };
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/sensors/darksky.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/sensors/darksky.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 12b33804c..000000000
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/sensors/darksky.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- services.home-assistant.config.sensor =
- [
- { platform = "darksky";
- api_key = lib.removeSuffix "\n"
- (builtins.readFile <secrets/hass/darksky.apikey>);
- language = "de";
- monitored_conditions = [
- "summary" "icon"
- "nearest_storm_distance" "precip_probability"
- "precip_intensity"
- "temperature" # "temperature_high" "temperature_low"
- "apparent_temperature"
- "hourly_summary" # next 24 hours text
- "humidity"
- "pressure"
- "uv_index"
- ];
- units = "si" ;
- scan_interval = "00:15:00";
- }
- ];
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/sensors/mate.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/sensors/mate.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 751856668..000000000
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/sensors/mate.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- fuellstand = name: id: {
- platform = "rest";
- resource = "${toString id}";
- method = "GET";
- name = "Füllstand ${name}";
- value_template = "{{ value_json.fuellstand }}";
- };
- services.home-assistant.config.sensor =
- [
- (fuellstand "Wasser" 1)
- (fuellstand "Mate Cola" 2)
- (fuellstand "Apfelschorle" 3)
- (fuellstand "Zitronensprudel" 4)
- (fuellstand "Mate 1" 26)
- (fuellstand "Mate 2" 27)
- ];
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/sensors/power.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/sensors/power.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index d9b5c7c65..000000000
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/sensors/power.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- power_x = name: phase:
- { platform = "mqtt";
- name = "${phase} ${name}";
- state_topic = "/power/total/${phase}/${name}";
- availability_topic = "/power/lwt";
- payload_available = "Online";
- payload_not_available = "Offline";
- };
- power_consumed =
- { platform = "mqtt";
- name = "Power Consumed";
- device_class = "power";
- state_topic = "/power/total/consumed";
- availability_topic = "/power/lwt";
- payload_available = "Online";
- payload_not_available = "Offline";
- };
- power_volt = power_x "Voltage";
- power_watt = (power_x "Power") ;
- power_curr = power_x "Current";
- services.home-assistant.config.sensor =
- (map power_volt [ "L1" "L2" "L3" ])
-++ (map (x: ((power_watt x) // { device_class = "power"; })) [ "L1" "L2" "L3" ])
-++ (map power_curr [ "L1" "L2" "L3" ])
-++ [ power_consumed ];
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/sensors/sensemap.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/sensors/sensemap.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index c261a28e1..000000000
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/sensors/sensemap.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- services.home-assistant.config.air_quality =
- [
- {
- platform = "opensensemap";
- station_id = "56a0de932cb6e1e41040a68b";
- }
- ];
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/sensors/spaceapi.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/sensors/spaceapi.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index ea20ad29d..000000000
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/sensors/spaceapi.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- services.home-assistant.config.binary_sensor =
- [
- {
- platform = "rest";
- resource = "";
- method = "GET";
- name = "Door AFRA Berlin";
- device_class = "door";
- value_template = "{{ }}";
- }
- {
- platform = "rest";
- resource = "";
- method = "GET";
- name = "Door Entropia";
- device_class = "door";
- value_template = "{{ }}";
- }
- {
- platform = "rest";
- resource = "";
- method = "GET";
- name = "Door C-Base Berlin";
- device_class = "door";
- value_template = "{{ }}";
- }
- {
- platform = "rest";
- resource = "";
- method = "GET";
- name = "Door RZL";
- device_class = "door";
- value_template = "{{ value_json.status }}";
- }
- {
- platform = "rest";
- resource = "";
- method = "GET";
- name = "Door Datenobservatorium";
- device_class = "door";
- value_template = "false";
- scan_interval = 2592000;
- }
- {
- platform = "rest";
- resource = "";
- method = "GET";
- name = "Door Infuanfu";
- device_class = "door";
- value_template = "false";
- scan_interval = 2592000;
- }
- ];
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/sensors/unifi.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/sensors/unifi.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index f64e3feb6..000000000
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/sensors/unifi.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- controllers = {
- host = "unifi.shack";
- site = "shackspace";
- };
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/switch/power.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/switch/power.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ec115faa..000000000
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/glados/switch/power.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# 1 - haupt
-# 2 - dusche
-# 3 - warmwasser
-# 4 - or
-# 5 - kueche
- nodelight = type: ident: name: {
- platform = "mqtt";
- name = "${type} ${name}";
- command_topic = "${type}/${toString ident}/command";
- state_topic = "${type}/${toString ident}/state";
- payload_on = "on";
- payload_off = "off";
- };
- power = nodelight "power";
- light = ident: name: { icon = "mdi:lightbulb";} // nodelight "light" ident name;
- services.home-assistant.config.switch =
- [
- # These commands we see with a shutdown:
- # power/143/state on
- # power/142/state on
- # power/141/state on
- # power/142/state off
- # power/141/state off
- # power/10/state off
- # power/main/state off
- (power "10" "Hauptschalter")
- (power 1 "Dusche") # ???
- (power 2 "Warmwasser") # ???
- (power 3 "Optionsräume") # ???
- (power 4 "Küche") # ???
- (light 1 "Decke Lounge 1")
- (light 2 "Decke Lounge 2")
- (light 3 "Decke Lounge 3")
- (light 4 "Decke Lounge 4")
- (light 5 "Decke Lounge 5")
- (light 6 "Decke Lounge 6")
- (light 7 "Decke Lounge 7")
- (light 8 "Decke Lounge 8")
- ];
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/prometheus/alert-rules.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/prometheus/alert-rules.nix
index 5ba49ede6..4cefdc3e5 100644
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/prometheus/alert-rules.nix
+++ b/krebs/2configs/shack/prometheus/alert-rules.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{ lib,... }:
- disk_free_threshold = "10"; # at least this much free disk percentage
+ disk_free_threshold = "5"; # at least this much free disk percentage
in {
services.prometheus.rules = [(builtins.toJSON
@@ -8,22 +8,6 @@ in {
{ name = "shack-env";
rules = [
- alert = "Wolf RootPartitionFull";
- for = "30m";
- expr = ''(node_filesystem_avail_bytes{alias="wolf.shack",mountpoint="/"} * 100) / node_filesystem_size_bytes{alias="wolf.shack",mountpoint="/"} < ${disk_free_threshold}'';
- labels.severity = "warning";
- annotations.summary = "{{ $labels.alias }} root disk full";
- annotations.url = "http://grafana.shack/d/hb7fSE0Zz/shack-system-dashboard?orgId=1&var-job=node&var-hostname=All&var-node=wolf.shack:9100&var-device=All&var-maxmount=%2F&var-show_hostname=wolf";
- annotations.description = ''The root disk of {{ $labels.alias }} has {{ $value | printf "%.2f" }}% free disk space (Threshold at ${disk_free_threshold}%). CI for deploying new configuration will seize working. Log in to the system and try to clean up the obsolete files on the machine. There are a couple of things you can do:
-1. `nix-collect-garbage -d`
-2. clean up the shack share folder in `/home/share`
-3. check `du -hs /var/ | sort -h`.
-4. run `docker system prune`
-5. `find /var/lib/containers/news/var/lib/htgen-go/items -mtime +7 -delete;` to clean up the link shortener data
-5. If you are really desperate run `du -hs / | sort -h` and go through the folders recursively until you've found something to delete
-6. as a last resort the root disk can be expanded via `lvresize -L +10G /dev/pool/root && btrfs filesystem resize max /` '';
- }
- {
alert = "Puyak RootPartitionFull";
for = "30m";
expr = ''(node_filesystem_avail_bytes{alias="puyak.shack",mountpoint="/"} * 100) / node_filesystem_size_bytes{alias="puyak.shack",mountpoint="/"} < ${disk_free_threshold}'';
@@ -32,9 +16,8 @@ in {
annotations.url = "http://grafana.shack/d/hb7fSE0Zz/shack-system-dashboard?orgId=1&var-job=node&var-hostname=All&var-node=wolf.shack:9100&var-device=All&var-maxmount=%2F&var-show_hostname=puyak";
annotations.description = ''The root disk of {{ $labels.alias }} has {{ $value | printf "%.2f" }}% free disk space (Threshold at ${disk_free_threshold}%).Prometheus will not be able to create new alerts and CI for deploying new configuration will also seize working. Log in to the system and run `nix-collect-garbage -d` and if this does not help you can check `du -hs /var/ | sort -h`, run `docker system prune` or if you are really desperate run `du -hs / | sort -h` and go through the folders recursively until you've found something to delete'';
- # wolf.shack is not worth supervising anymore
- alert = "HostDown";
+ alert = "Infra01 down";
expr = ''up{alias="infra01.shack"} == 0'';
for = "5m";
labels.severity = "page";
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/prometheus/ b/krebs/2configs/shack/prometheus/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..005a2013b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/krebs/2configs/shack/prometheus/
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+import base64
+import cgi
+import json
+import os
+import re
+import socket
+import ssl
+import sys
+from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler
+from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+DEBUG = os.environ.get("DEBUG") is not None
+def _irc_send(
+ server: str,
+ nick: str,
+ channel: str,
+ sasl_password: Optional[str] = None,
+ server_password: Optional[str] = None,
+ tls: bool = True,
+ port: int = 6697,
+ messages: List[str] = [],
+) -> None:
+ if not messages:
+ return
+ sock = socket.socket()
+ if tls:
+ sock = ssl.wrap_socket(
+ sock, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2
+ )
+ def _send(command: str) -> int:
+ if DEBUG:
+ print(command)
+ return sock.send((f"{command}\r\n").encode())
+ def _pong(ping: str):
+ if ping.startswith("PING"):
+ sock.send(ping.replace("PING", "PONG").encode("ascii"))
+ recv_file = sock.makefile(mode="r")
+ print(f"connect {server}:{port}")
+ sock.connect((server, port))
+ if server_password:
+ _send(f"PASS {server_password}")
+ _send(f"USER {nick} 0 * :{nick}")
+ _send(f"NICK {nick}")
+ for line in recv_file.readline():
+ if re.match(r"^:[^ ]* (MODE|221|376|422) ", line):
+ break
+ else:
+ _pong(line)
+ if sasl_password:
+ _send("CAP REQ :sasl")
+ auth = base64.encodebytes(f"{nick}\0{nick}\0{sasl_password}".encode("utf-8"))
+ _send(f"AUTHENTICATE {auth.decode('ascii')}")
+ _send("CAP END")
+ _send(f"JOIN :{channel}")
+ for m in messages:
+ _send(f"PRIVMSG {channel} :{m}")
+ _send("INFO")
+ for line in recv_file:
+ if DEBUG:
+ print(line, end="")
+ # Assume INFO reply means we are done
+ if "End of /INFO" in line:
+ break
+ else:
+ _pong(line)
+ sock.send(b"QUIT")
+ print("disconnect")
+ sock.close()
+def irc_send(
+ url: str, notifications: List[str], password: Optional[str] = None
+) -> None:
+ parsed = urlparse(f"{url}")
+ username = parsed.username or "prometheus"
+ server = parsed.hostname or ""
+ if parsed.fragment != "":
+ channel = f"#{parsed.fragment}"
+ else:
+ channel = "#krebs-announce"
+ port = parsed.port or 6697
+ if not password:
+ password = parsed.password
+ if len(notifications) == 0:
+ return
+ _irc_send(
+ server=server,
+ nick=username,
+ sasl_password=password,
+ channel=channel,
+ port=port,
+ messages=notifications,
+ tls=parsed.scheme == "irc+tls",
+ )
+class PrometheusWebHook(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ irc_url: str,
+ conn: socket.socket,
+ addr: Tuple[str, int],
+ password: Optional[str] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ self.irc_url = irc_url
+ self.password = password
+ self.rfile = conn.makefile("rb")
+ self.wfile = conn.makefile("wb")
+ self.client_address = addr
+ self.handle()
+ # for testing
+ def do_GET(self) -> None:
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("GET: Request Received")
+ self.send_response(200)
+ self.send_header("Content-type", "text/plain")
+ self.end_headers()
+ self.wfile.write(b"ok")
+ def do_POST(self) -> None:
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("POST: Request Received")
+ content_type, _ = cgi.parse_header(self.headers.get("content-type"))
+ # refuse to receive non-json content
+ if content_type != "application/json":
+ if DEBUG:
+ print(f"POST: wrong content type {content_type}")
+ self.send_response(400)
+ self.end_headers()
+ return
+ length = int(self.headers.get("content-length"))
+ payload = json.loads(
+ messages = []
+ for alert in payload["alerts"]:
+ description = alert["annotations"]["description"]
+ messages.append(f"{alert['status']}: {description}")
+ irc_send(self.irc_url, messages, password=self.password)
+ self.do_GET()
+def systemd_socket_response() -> None:
+ irc_url = os.environ.get("IRC_URL", None)
+ if irc_url is None:
+ print(
+ "IRC_URL environment variable not set: i.e. IRC_URL=irc+tls://",
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ sys.exit(1)
+ password = None
+ irc_password_file = os.environ.get("IRC_PASSWORD_FILE", None)
+ if irc_password_file:
+ with open(irc_password_file) as f:
+ password =
+ msgs = sys.argv[1:]
+ if msgs != []:
+ irc_send(irc_url, msgs, password=password)
+ return
+ nfds = os.environ.get("LISTEN_FDS", None)
+ if nfds is None:
+ print(
+ "LISTEN_FDS not set. Run me with systemd(TM) socket activation?",
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ sys.exit(1)
+ fds = range(3, 3 + int(nfds))
+ for fd in fds:
+ sock = socket.fromfd(fd, socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ sock.settimeout(0)
+ try:
+ while True:
+ PrometheusWebHook(irc_url, *sock.accept(), password=password)
+ except BlockingIOError:
+ # no more connections
+ pass
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("Starting in DEBUG mode")
+ if len(sys.argv) == 3:
+ print(f"{sys.argv[1]} {sys.argv[2]}")
+ irc_send(sys.argv[1], [sys.argv[2]])
+ else:
+ systemd_socket_response()
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/prometheus/irc-hooks.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/prometheus/irc-hooks.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07bb2423b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/krebs/2configs/shack/prometheus/irc-hooks.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+{ config
+, lib
+, pkgs
+, ...
+ irc-alerts = pkgs.writers.writePython3 "irc-alerts" {
+ flakeIgnore = [ "E501" ];
+ } (builtins.readFile ./;
+ endpoints = {
+ binaergewitter = {
+ url = "irc+tls://";
+ port = 9223;
+ };
+ };
+ systemd.sockets =
+ lib.mapAttrs'
+ (name: opts:
+ lib.nameValuePair "irc-alerts-${name}" {
+ description = "Receive http hook and send irc message for ${name}";
+ wantedBy = [ "" ];
+ listenStreams = [ "[::]:${builtins.toString opts.port}" ];
+ }) endpoints;
+ =
+ lib.mapAttrs'
+ (name: opts:
+ let
+ serviceName = "irc-alerts-${name}";
+ hasPassword = opts.passwordFile or null != null;
+ in
+ lib.nameValuePair serviceName {
+ description = "Receive http hook and send irc message for ${name}";
+ requires = [ "irc-alerts-${name}.socket" ];
+ serviceConfig =
+ {
+ Environment =
+ [
+ "IRC_URL=${opts.url}"
+ "DEBUG=y"
+ ]
+ ++ lib.optional hasPassword "IRC_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/${serviceName}/password";
+ DynamicUser = true;
+ User = serviceName;
+ ExecStart = irc-alerts;
+ }
+ // lib.optionalAttrs hasPassword {
+ PermissionsStartOnly = true;
+ ExecStartPre =
+ "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/install -m400 "
+ + "-o ${serviceName} -g ${serviceName} "
+ + "${config.sops.secrets.prometheus-irc-password.path} "
+ + "/run/${serviceName}/password";
+ RuntimeDirectory = serviceName;
+ };
+ }) endpoints;
diff --git a/krebs/2configs/shack/prometheus/server.nix b/krebs/2configs/shack/prometheus/server.nix
index 9e4b4d1a7..7a5532027 100644
--- a/krebs/2configs/shack/prometheus/server.nix
+++ b/krebs/2configs/shack/prometheus/server.nix
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
imports = [
+ ./irc-hooks.nix
networking = {
firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [
@@ -129,11 +130,11 @@
"group_wait" = "30s";
"group_interval" = "2m";
"repeat_interval" = "4h";
- "receiver" = "team-admins";
+ "receiver" = "shack-admins";
"receivers" = [
- "name" = "team-admins";
+ "name" = "shack-admins";
"email_configs" = [ ];
"webhook_configs" = [
diff --git a/makefu/1systems/gum/config.nix b/makefu/1systems/gum/config.nix
index 26bfd0731..e61af7a7b 100644
--- a/makefu/1systems/gum/config.nix
+++ b/makefu/1systems/gum/config.nix
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ in {
# <stockholm/makefu/2configs/sabnzbd.nix>
# <stockholm/makefu/2configs/mail/mail.euer.nix>
{ krebs.exim.enable = mkDefault true; }
+ <stockholm/makefu/2configs/nix-community/mediawiki-matrix-bot.nix>
# sharing
<stockholm/makefu/2configs/share/gum.nix> # samba sahre
@@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ in {
- # <stockholm/makefu/2configs/wireguard/wiregrill.nix>
+ <stockholm/makefu/2configs/wireguard/wiregrill.nix>
{ # recent changes mediawiki bot
networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 5005 5006 ];
@@ -173,7 +174,7 @@ in {
# <stockholm/makefu/2configs/nginx/iso.euer.nix>
# <stockholm/makefu/2configs/deployment/>
- <stockholm/makefu/2configs/deployment/graphs.nix>
+ # <stockholm/makefu/2configs/deployment/graphs.nix>
# <stockholm/makefu/2configs/deployment/>
diff --git a/makefu/1systems/gum/hetznercloud/network.nix b/makefu/1systems/gum/hetznercloud/network.nix
index 24fe3842f..5159cf570 100644
--- a/makefu/1systems/gum/hetznercloud/network.nix
+++ b/makefu/1systems/gum/hetznercloud/network.nix
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ let
external-mac = "96:00:01:24:33:f4";
external-gw = "";
external-ip = "";
- external-ip6 = "2a01:4f8:1c17:5cdf::2/64";
+ external-ip6 = "2a01:4f8:1c17:5cdf::2";
external-gw6 = "fe80::1";
external-netmask = 32;
external-netmask6 = 64;
@@ -16,19 +16,20 @@ in
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ATTR{address}=="${external-mac}", NAME="${ext-if}"
networking = {
+ enableIPv6 = true;
+ nat.enableIPv6 = true;
interfaces."${ext-if}" = {
useDHCP = true;
+ ipv6.addresses = [{
+ address = external-ip6;
+ prefixLength = external-netmask6;
+ }];
#ipv4.addresses = [{
# address = external-ip;
# prefixLength = external-netmask;
- #ipv6.addresses = [{
- # address = external-ip6;
- # prefixLength = external-netmask6;
- # }];
- #};
- #defaultGateway6 = { address = external-gw6; interface = ext-if; };
+ defaultGateway6 = { address = external-gw6; interface = ext-if; };
#defaultGateway = external-gw;
nameservers = [ "" ];
diff --git a/makefu/2configs/home-manager/zsh.nix b/makefu/2configs/home-manager/zsh.nix
index 13755de27..c875d52c8 100644
--- a/makefu/2configs/home-manager/zsh.nix
+++ b/makefu/2configs/home-manager/zsh.nix
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ direnv allow
size = 900001;
save = 900001;
ignoreDups = true;
+ ignoreSpace = true;
extended = true;
share = true;
@@ -77,31 +79,32 @@ direnv allow
xo = "mimeopen";
nmap = "nmap -oN $HOME/loot/scan-`date +\%s`.nmap -oX $HOME/loot/scan-`date +%s`.xml";
- # navi package does not come with the navi.plugin.zsh anymore so we use .src
+ #zplug = {
+ # enable = true;
+ # plugins = [
+ # { name = "denisidoro/navi" ; }
+ # { name = "zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions" ; }
+ # ];
+ #};
initExtra = ''
bindkey -e
+ zle -N edit-command-line
+ # ctrl-x ctrl-e
+ bindkey '^xe' edit-command-line
+ bindkey '^x^e' edit-command-line
# shift-tab
bindkey '^[[Z' reverse-menu-complete
bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char
zstyle ':completion:*' menu select
compdef _pass brain
zstyle ':completion::complete:brain::' prefix "$HOME/brain"
compdef _pass secrets
zstyle ':completion::complete:secrets::' prefix "$HOME/.secrets-pass/"
- # navi
- . ${pkgs.navi.src}/shell/navi.plugin.zsh
- # ctrl-x ctrl-e
- autoload -U compinit && compinit
- autoload -U edit-command-line
- zle -N edit-command-line
- bindkey '^xe' edit-command-line
- bindkey '^x^e' edit-command-line
diff --git a/makefu/2configs/wireguard/wiregrill.nix b/makefu/2configs/wireguard/wiregrill.nix
index 082090755..070f01e10 100644
--- a/makefu/2configs/wireguard/wiregrill.nix
+++ b/makefu/2configs/wireguard/wiregrill.nix
@@ -13,16 +13,57 @@ in mkIf (hasAttr "wiregrill" {
boot.kernel.sysctl = mkIf isRouter {
"net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding" = 1;
+ "net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding" = 1;
+ };
+ networking.nat = mkIf isRouter {
+ enable = true;
+ enableIPv6 = true;
+ externalInterface = ext-if;
+ internalInterfaces = [ "wiregrill" ];
networking.firewall = {
allowedUDPPorts = [ self.wireguard.port ];
- extraCommands = ''
- iptables -A FORWARD -i wiregrill -o wiregrill -j ACCEPT
+ interfaces.wiregrill = mkIf isRouter {
+ allowedUDPPorts = [ 53 ];
+ allowedTCPPorts = [ 53 ];
+ };
+ };
+ services.dnsmasq = mkIf isRouter {
+ enable = true;
+ resolveLocalQueries = false;
+ extraConfig = /* dnsmasq */ ''
+ bind-interfaces
+ interface=retiolum,wiregrill
+ servers = [ "" ];
networking.wireguard.interfaces.wiregrill = {
+ postSetup = optionalString isRouter ''
+ ${pkgs.iptables}/bin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -j ACCEPT
+ ${pkgs.iptables}/bin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE
+ ${pkgs.iptables}/bin/iptables -A FORWARD -i wiregrill -o retiolum -j ACCEPT
+ ${pkgs.iptables}/bin/iptables -A FORWARD -i retiolum -o wiregrill -j ACCEPT
+ ${pkgs.iptables}/bin/ip6tables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s 42:1::/32 -j ACCEPT
+ ${pkgs.iptables}/bin/ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s 42:1::/32 ! -d 42:1::/48 -j MASQUERADE
+ ${pkgs.iptables}/bin/ip6tables -A FORWARD -i wiregrill -o retiolum -j ACCEPT
+ ${pkgs.iptables}/bin/ip6tables -A FORWARD -i retiolum -o wiregrill -j ACCEPT
+ '';
+ # This undoes the above command
+ postShutdown = optionalString isRouter ''
+ ${pkgs.iptables}/bin/iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s -o ${ext-if} -j MASQUERADE
+ ${pkgs.iptables}/bin/iptables -D FORWARD -i wiregrill -o retiolum -j ACCEPT
+ ${pkgs.iptables}/bin/iptables -D FORWARD -i retiolum -o wiregrill -j ACCEPT
+ ${pkgs.iptables}/bin/ip6tables -t nat -D PREROUTING -s 42:1::/32 -j ACCEPT
+ ${pkgs.iptables}/bin/ip6tables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s 42:1::/32 ! -d 42:1::/48 -j MASQUERADE
+ ${pkgs.iptables}/bin/ip6tables -D FORWARD -i wiregrill -o retiolum -j ACCEPT
+ ${pkgs.iptables}/bin/ip6tables -D FORWARD -i retiolum -o wiregrill -j ACCEPT
+ '' ;
ips =
(optional (!isNull self.ip4) self.ip4.addr) ++
(optional (!isNull self.ip6) self.ip6.addr);
[cgit] Unable to lock slot /tmp/cgit/6b300000.lock: No such file or directory (2)