path: root/kalauerbot
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Diffstat (limited to 'kalauerbot')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kalauerbot/ b/kalauerbot/
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index 0000000..16dded0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kalauerbot/
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+from matrixbot import MatrixBot
+from functools import partial
+import random
+import json
+import logging
+from googletrans import LANGUAGES,Translator
+log = logging.getLogger("Kalauerbot")
+version = "1.0.0"
+class Kalauerbot(MatrixBot):
+ def __init__(self,host,display_name,token,user_id,dbpath = "kalauerdb.json",allowlist=None):
+ self.allowlist = allowlist
+ self.dbpath=dbpath
+ self.load_db()
+ super().__init__(host,display_name,token,user_id)
+ def load_db(self):
+ try:
+"loading entries from {self.dbpath}")
+ self.db = json.load(open(self.dbpath))
+ log.debug(self.db)
+ except:
+"Cannot open {self.dbpath}, creating empty db")
+ self.db = { "__chosen__": None }
+ self.save_db()
+ def save_db(self):
+ json.dump(self.db,open(self.dbpath,"w+"))
+ log.debug(f"saving db to {self.dbpath}")
+ def active_db(self):
+ return dict(self._get_active())
+ def _get_active(self):
+ for name,entry in self.db.items():
+ if name == "__chosen__":
+ continue # skip the __chosen__ special object
+ elif entry['active']:
+ yield name,entry
+ else:
+ log.debug(f"skipping {name} because user is inactive")
+ continue
+ def process_event(self, room, event):
+ # {'content': {'body': 'hello bot', 'msgtype': 'm.text'}, 'event_id': '$', 'origin_server_ts': 1597412611511, 'sender': '', 'type': '', 'unsigned': {'age': 98}, 'room_id': '!'}
+ if self.user_id == event['sender']: return # don't answer own message
+ if event['type'] != '': return
+ msg = event['content']['body']
+ if self.allowlist and room.room_id not in self.allowlist:
+ log.debug("Ignoring message {msg} because {room.room_id} is not in allowlist")
+ say = partial(self.say,room)
+ db = self.db
+ chosen = db['__chosen__']
+ if msg == "!help" or msg == "!commands":
+ say(f"""
+ Kalauerbot Version {version}
+ available commands:
+ !add <name> - add a new person to the kalauer roster (alias: !activate, !reactivate)
+ !delete <name> - deactivate the person from the roster (alias: !remove, !deactivate, !freeze)
+ !deactivate <name> - deactivate person (e.g. because he is in holiday)
+ !activate <name> - re-activate person
+ !kill - ultimately remove person from kalauer roster (cannot be reversed)
+ !choose - choose the next person to be the kalauer könig
+ !who - find out who was chosen to be todays kalauer könig (alias: !wer)
+ !ok - confirm the kalauer (alias: !gut !passt !reicht !approved)
+ !reject - reject the kalauer (alias: !zu-gut !zu-schlecht !französisch !french)
+ !demand <name> - demand a certain person to be the new kalauer könig
+ !list - list the current roster and weight,totals
+ !kalauer - an emergency kalauer
+ try: command,args= msg.split(" ",1)
+ except: command = msg
+ if command in ["!add", "!activate", "!reactivate"]:
+ name = args.strip()
+ if name in db and db[name]['active']:
+ say(f"{name} already part of the kalauer roster")
+ elif name in db and not db[name]['active']:
+ say(f"Reactivating {name}. Welcome back to the world of fun, {name}!")
+ db[name]['active'] = True
+ else:
+ say(f"{name} has been added to the kalauer roster, starting weight is 1")
+ db[name] = { "weight": 1, "total":0, "active": True}
+ self.save_db()
+ elif command in ["!delete","!remove","!deactivate","!freeze"]:
+ name = args.strip()
+ if name not in db:
+ say(f"Cannot deactiate someone who was never in kalauer db")
+ elif name in db and db[name]['active']:
+ say(f"Deactivating {name}, see you soon!")
+ db[name]['active'] = False
+ else:
+ say(f"{name} was already deactivated in the kalauer db")
+ self.save_db()
+ elif command == "!choose":
+ # TODO: refactor this, maybe?
+ names = []
+ weights = []
+ for name,entity in self.active_db().items():
+ names.append(name)
+ weights.append(entity['weight'])
+ log.debug(names)
+ log.debug(weights)
+ db["__chosen__"] = chosen = random.choices(names,weights=weights)[0]
+ say(f"{chosen} was chosen to be the next kalauer könig, congratulations!")
+ self.save_db()
+ elif command in ["!who","!wer"]:
+ if chosen:
+ say(f"{chosen} was chosen to be the next kalauer könig")
+ else:
+ say(f"Nobody was chosen to be the the kalauer könig, start the process with `!choose`")
+ elif command in [ "!ok", "!approved", "!gut", "!passt", "!reicht" ]:
+ if not db['__chosen__']:
+ say("Nobody is nominated, cannot approve kalauer")
+ else:
+"Increasing weight of all active persons")
+ for name in self.active_db():
+ db[name]['weight'] += 1
+"The kalauer könig gets his weight set to 0")
+ db[chosen]['weight'] = 0
+ db[chosen]['total'] += 1
+ say(f"""Your kalauer has been approved, your total number of approved kalauers is {db[chosen]['total']}\n\n{chosen}, please choose a new potential kalauer könig by typing in `!choose` to let the kalauerbot choose or `!demand <name>` to force your choice""")
+ log.debug("Unsetting current chosen")
+ db["__chosen__"] = None
+ self.save_db()
+ elif command in [ "!reject", "!zu-gut", "!zu-schlecht", "!französisch", "!french"]:
+ if not db['__chosen__']:
+ say("Nobody is nominated, cannot reject kalauer")
+ else:
+ say(f"{chosen}, your kalauer privilege was revoked, nobody is chosen now. Choose another kalauer könig with `!choose`")
+ db["__chosen__"] = None
+ self.save_db()
+ elif command == "!demand":
+ name = args.strip()
+ if name in self.active_db():
+ say(f"The previous kalauer könig demands user {name} to be the next kalauer könig. The rules of the Kalauer are divine and shall be respected.")
+ db["__choses__"] = name
+ elif name in db:
+ say(f"{name} is currently not active, cannot be chosen")
+ else:
+ say(f"{name} name does not exist in the database, add the user before demanding a kalauer from him")
+ self.save_db()
+ elif command == "!list":
+ txt = "Kalauer roster:\n\n"
+ for name,entry in db.items():
+ if name == '__chosen__': continue
+ txt += f"* {name} - {entry['weight']} weight - {entry['total']} total {'(active)' if entry['active'] else '(inactive)'}\n"
+ say(txt)
+ elif command == "!kill":
+ name = args.strip()
+ if name in db:
+ say(f"Ultimately removing {name} from Kalauer König db (weight: {db[name]['weight']},total: {db[name]['total']}), we will miss you!")
+ del db[name]
+ else:
+ say(f"Cannot delete someone who was never in the kalauer db")
+ self.save_db()
+ elif command == "!kalauer":
+ kalauer = "Wie nennt man einen dicken Vegetarier? Biotonne!"
+ #kalauer = "What do you call a fat vegetarian? Compost bin"
+ translator = Translator()
+ lang = random.choice(list(LANGUAGES))
+ ret = translator.translate(kalauer,src='de',dest=lang)
+ log.debug(ret)
+ say(f"Your emergency kalauer in {LANGUAGES[lang]}: {ret.text}" ) #needs a newer googletrans
+ if ret.pronunciation:
+ say(f"Pronounced: {ret.pronunciation}")
+ else:
+ log.debug(f"Receive message {msg}")
+def main():
+ bot = Kalauerbot(
+ host = "",
+ display_name = "Kalauerbot",
+ token = os.environ['CITADEL_TOKEN'],
+ user_id = os.environ["CITADEL_ID"],
+ )
+ bot.start()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()