Upgrading XBMC ################################## :date: 2014-07-24 00:00 :tags: xbmc,lirc :status: draft * using usbmce * using ir-blaster everything worked under linux * having multi-remotes * kernel 3.2 - blaster does not work, `do-release-upgrade -d` * using irexec * Lircmap.xml .. code-block:: xml play pause up down left right guide info back mute subtitle ch_up ch_down fav stop start_pause forward rewind both LG maps hardware.conf: .. code-block:: sh REMOTE="Windows Media Center Transceivers/Remotes (all)" REMOTE_MODULES="lirc_dev mceusb" REMOTE_DRIVER="" REMOTE_DEVICE="/dev/lirc0" REMOTE_SOCKET="" REMOTE_LIRCD_CONF="mceusb/lircd.conf.mceusb" REMOTE_LIRCD_ARGS="" TRANSMITTER="Microsoft Windows Media Center V2 (usb) : Scientific Atlanta Cable box" TRANSMITTER_MODULES="lirc_dev mceusb" TRANSMITTER_DRIVER="" TRANSMITTER_DEVICE="" TRANSMITTER_SOCKET="" TRANSMITTER_LIRCD_CONF="scientificatlanta/general.conf" TRANSMITTER_LIRCD_ARGS="" START_LIRCD="true" START_IREXEC="true" START_LIRCMD="" LOAD_MODULES="" LIRCMD_CONF="" FORCE_NONINTERACTIVE_RECONFIGURATION="" lircrc: .. code-block:: kernel-config begin prog = irexec button = 0 remote = LG_BAR config = shutdown -h now end begin prog = irexec button = 0 remote = LG_TV config = shutdown -h now end begin prog = irexec button = green remote = LG_TV config = python /home/ubuntu/chromoflex/chromo.py 4 65 253 38 end begin prog = irexec button = blue remote = LG_TV config = python /home/ubuntu/chromoflex/chromo.py 4 132 112 255 0 end begin prog = irexec button = yellow remote = LG_TV config = python /home/ubuntu/chromoflex/chromo.py 4 252 242 54 end begin prog = irexec button = red remote = LG_TV config = python /home/ubuntu/chromoflex/chromo.py 4 255 58 41 end begin prog = irexec button = t.opt remote = LG_TV config = python /home/ubuntu/chromoflex/chromo.py 4 0 0 0 end begin prog = irexec button = 9 remote = LG_TV config = irsend SEND_ONCE LG_BAR power end begin prog = irexec button = vol_up remote = LG_TV config = irsend SEND_ONCE LG_BAR volume_up end begin prog = irexec button = vol_down remote = LG_TV config = irsend SEND_ONCE LG_BAR volume_down end * no xbmc-xvba, using radeon-oss 2.) XBMC settings (Set xbmc to Advanced or Expert before doing this - settings hierarchies, see in the middle of confluence) System->Settings->System->Video output Vertical blank sync: Let Driver choose System ->Video->Acceleration: VDPAU: On Prefer VDPAU Mixer: ON VAAPI: off * no audio in xbmc ... `apt-get purge pulseaudio`