#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell #! nix-shell -i python3 -p python3 python35Packages.docopt python35Packages.requests2 """ usage: ampel [options] TIMEFILE --esp=HOST esp8266 ip [Default:] --sleepval=SEC seconds to sleep [Default: 900] TIMEFILE refers to a json file which contains all the dates where the bus drives """ from docopt import docopt from ampel.fade import calc_chain import time from time import sleep import json import sys from datetime import datetime, timedelta import requests # time before the day timebefore = timedelta(hours=24) colors = { "gelber_sack": [ 255,255,0 ], "orchis": [ 45, 255, 0 ], "papiermuell": [ 0,0,255 ], "restmuell": [ 0, 255, 15 ], "kehrwoche": [ 226, 96, 255 ], "fallback": [ 66, 220, 244] } def next_date(now,db): # now = datetime.now() for e in db: #times are sorted name = list(e.keys())[0] times = e[name] for time in times: y,m,d = [ int(i) for i in time.split("-") ] t = datetime.now().replace(year=y,month=m,day=d, hour=9,minute=0,second=0,microsecond=0) if (t - timebefore) < now < t: return name return "fallback" def to_payload(arr): return {"r":arr[0],"g":arr[1],"b":arr[2]} def main(): args = docopt(__doc__) times = json.load(open(args['TIMEFILE'])) sleepval = float(args["--sleepval"]) esp = args["--esp"] while True: now = datetime.now() t = next_date(now,times) print(t) requests.get("http://{}/color".format(esp),params=to_payload(colors[t])) sleep(sleepval) if __name__ == "__main__": main()