#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell #! nix-shell -i python3 -p python3 python35Packages.docopt python35Packages.paho-mqtt """ usage: ampel [options] NUMLEDS TIMEFILE --mqtt-server=HOST path to mqtt server [Default:] NUMLEDS is the number of leds to output data for (--add-empty does not count in here) TIMEFILE refers to a json file which contains all the dates where the bus drives 13 22 24 26 28 |-----------|----|----|----| BLUE GR YEL RED BLUE EEN LOW """ from docopt import docopt from fade import calc_chain import time from time import sleep import json import sys from datetime import datetime, timedelta import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt red = timedelta(minutes=2) orange = timedelta(minutes=3) yellow = timedelta(minutes=4) green = timedelta(minutes=6) maxtime = timedelta(minutes=15) def next_date(now,times): # now = datetime.now() for time in times: #times are sorted h,m = [ int(i) for i in time.split(":") ] t = datetime.now().replace(hour=h,minute=m,second=0,microsecond=0) if (t - maxtime) < now < t: return t raise ValueError("Unable to find date for today") def main(): args = docopt(__doc__) numleds = int(args['NUMLEDS']) times = json.load(open(args['TIMEFILE'])) mqtt_server = args["--mqtt-server"] last = [] mq = mqtt.Client() mq.connect(mqtt_server,1883,60) mq.loop_start() val = 0.0 step = 0.01 while True: try: now = datetime.now() t = next_date(now,times) sys.stdout.write("{}:{} -> {}:{} ".format(now.hour,now.minute,t.hour,t.minute)) ret = [] if (t-red) < now < t: print("Red alert") ret = [[255,0,0]] * 4 elif (t-orange) < now < t: print("orange") ret = [[255,128,0]] * 4 elif (t-yellow) < now < t: print("yellow") ret = [[255,255,0]] * 4 elif (t-green) < now < t: print("green") ret = [[0,255,0]] * 4 else: print("blue") ret = [[0,0,255]] * 4 mq.publish("/leds/nodemcu-switcher/set",json.dumps(ret)) except ValueError: print("No bus for now, you will have to walk!") ret = calc_chain(3,val) ret.insert(0,[0,0,0]) mq.publish("/leds/nodemcu-switcher/set",json.dumps(ret)) val += step % 1 sleep(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()